The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2011
Evidence, Nancy Amoury Combs
Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law 323-334 (William Schabas & Nadia Bernaz eds., 2011)
"Fact-finding Without Facts": A Conversation with Nancy Combs, Nancy Amoury Combs
105 American Society of International Law Proceedings 315-317 (2011)
When Delegation Begets Domination: Due Process of Administrative Lawmaking, Evan J. Criddle
46 Georgia Law Review 117-212 (2011)
Securing Sovereign State Standing, Katherine Mims Crocker
97 Virginia Law Review 2051-2101 (2011)
Party Polarization and Congressional Committee Consideration of Constitutional Questions, Neal Devins
105 Northwestern University Law Review 737-788 (2011)
Same-Sex Marriage and the New Judicial Federalism: Why State Courts Should Not Consider Out-of-State Backlash, Neal Devins
New Frontiers of State Constitutional Law 81-102 (James A. Gardner & Jim Rossi eds., 2011)
Global Civil Procedure Trends in the Twenty-First Century, Scott Dodson
34 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 1-26 (2011)
Hybridizing Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
99 California Law Review 1439-1484 (2011)
Rethinking Extraordinary Circumstances, Scott Dodson
106 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 111-119 (2011)
The Complexity of Jurisdictional Clarity, Scott Dodson
97 Virginia Law Review 1-59 (2011)
Assessing Post-ADA Employment: Some Econometric Evidence and Policy Considerations, John J. Donohue III, Michael Ashley Stein, Christopher L. Griffin Jr., and Sascha Becker
8 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 477-503 (2011)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Employment Division v. Smith for Family Law, James G. Dwyer
32 Cardozo Law Review 1781-1790 (2011)
No Place for Children: Addressing Urban Blight and its Impact on Children Through Child Protection Law, Domestic Relations Law, and "Adult-only" Residential Zoning, James G. Dwyer
62 Alabama Law Review 887-959 (2011)
12 Unnecessary Men: The Case for Eliminating Jury Trials in Drunk Driving Cases, Adam M. Gershowitz
2011 University of Illinois Law Review 961-1010
Can a Password Stop Police from Searching Your Cell Phone Incident to Arrest?, Adam M. Gershowitz
38 Search and Seizure Law Report 81-88 (November 2011)
Password Protected? Can a Password Save Your Cell Phone From a Search Incident to Arrest?, Adam M. Gershowitz
96 Iowa Law Review 1125-1175 (2011)
The State (Never) Rests: How Excessive Prosecutor Caseloads Harm Criminal Defendants, Adam M. Gershowitz and Laura R. Killinger
105 Northwestern University Law Review 261-301 (2011)
Erie’s Suppressed Premise, Michael S. Green
95 Minnesota Law Review 1111-1167 (2011)
Horizontal Erie and the Presumption of Forum Law, Michael S. Green
109 Michigan Law Review 1237-1291 (2011)
Leiter on the Legal Realists, Michael S. Green
30 Law and Philosophy 381-418 (2011)
Catching the Wave: State Supreme Court Outreach Efforts, Rebecca Green
National Center for State Courts (2011)
The Structural Safeguards of Federal Jurisdiction, Tara Leigh Grove
124 Harvard Law Review 869-940 (2011)
Naming, Identity, and Trademark Law, Laura A. Heymann
86 Indiana Law Journal 381-445 (2011)
The Law of Reputation and the Interest of the Audience, Laura A. Heymann
52 Boston College Law Review 1341-1439 (2011)
Legal Initiatives Driving Clean up of Chesapeake Bay, Roy A. Hoagland and Jon Mueller
44 Maryland Bar Journal 13-17 (2011)
Bargaining Inside the Black Box, Allison Orr Larsen
99 Georgetown Law Journal 1567-1612 (2011)
Special Challenges to 21st Century Lawyers: The Use and Misuse of Technology, Fredric I. Lederer, Richard K. Herrmann, Jan Michelsen, and Andrew Mertens
Symposium on the Status of the Legal Profession: Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century (Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C. March 31-April 2, 2011)
Wage Taxes and Compensating S Corporation Officers and Members of LLCs and LLPs, John W. Lee
2011 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Book Review of Fact Finding Without Facts: The Uncertain Evidentiary Foundations of International Criminal Convictions, Linda A. Malone
105 American Journal of International Law 848-852 (2011)
The Legal Dilemma of Guantánamo Detainees From Bush to Obama, Linda A. Malone
22 Rivista di Studi Americani Journal 32-45 (2011)
Do Judicial Elections Facilitate Popular Constitutionalism; Can They?, Nicole Mansker and Neal Devins
111 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 27-37 (2011)
Consent to Retaliation: A Civil Recourse Theory of Contractual Liability, Nathan B. Oman
96 Iowa Law Review 529-579 (2011)
How to Judge Shari'a Contracts: A Guide to Islamic Marriage Agreements in American Courts, Nathan B. Oman
2011 Utah Law Review 287-334
Natural Law and the Rhetoric of Empire: Reynolds v. United States, Polygamy, and Imperialism, Nathan B. Oman
88 Washington University Law Review 661-706 (2011)
The Honor of Private Law, Nathan B. Oman
80 Fordham Law Review 31-71 (2011)
Why There is No Duty to Pay Damages: Powers, Duties, and Private Law, Nathan B. Oman
39 Florida State University Law Review 137-161 (2011)
Embracing Caregiving and Respecting Choice: An Essay on the Debate Over Changing Gender Norms, Nicole Buonocore Porter
41 Southwestern Law Review 1-41 (2011)
Relieving (Most of) the Tension: A Review Essay of Samuel R. Bagenstos, Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement, Nicole Buonocore Porter
20 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 761-806 (2011)
Debunking the Market Myth in Pay Discrimination Cases, Nicole Buonocore Porter and Jessica R. Vartanian
12 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 159-211 (2011)
Empowering Special Education Clients Through Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Lessons Learned for Current Clients and Future Professionals, Patricia E. Roberts and Kelly Whalon
20 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law 233-245 (2011)
Negotiating Federalism, Erin Ryan
52 Boston College Law Review 1-136 (2011)
Civil Recourse as Social Equality, Jason M. Solomon
39 Florida State University Law Review 243-272 (2011)
The Judicial Power and the Inferior Federal Courts: Exploring the Constitutional Vesting Thesis, A. Benjamin Spencer
46 Georgia Law Review 1-68 (2011)
The Preservation Obligation: Regulating and Sanctioning Pre-Litigation Spoliation in Federal Court, A. Benjamin Spencer
79 Fordham Law Review 2005-2034 (2011)
Outsourcing Enforcement: Principles to Guide Self-Policing Regimes, Sarah L. Stafford
32 Cardozo Law Review 2293-2323 (2011)
Enabling Refugee and IDP Law and Policy: Implications of the U.N. Disability Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord
28 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 401-433 (2011)
A Response to Justice Thomas Brennan's Remarks at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School Article V Symposium, William W. Van Alstyne
28 Thomas M. Cooley Law review 51-56 (2011)
Remarks of William Van Alstyne on the Brandenburg Panel, William W. Van Alstyne
44 Texas Tech Law Review 85-88 (2011)
The First Amendment in Trans-Border Perspective: Toward a More Cosmopolitan Orientation, Timothy Zick
52 Boston College Law Review 941-1025 (2011)
Publications from 2010
Contract Is Context, Peter A. Alces
45 Wake Forest Law Review 903-929 (2010)
They Can Do What!? Limitations on the Use of Change-of-Terms Clauses, Peter A. Alces and Michael M. Greenfield
26 Georgia State University Law Review 1099-1145 (2010)
The Trouble with Treaties: Immigration and Judicial Law, Angela M. Banks
84 St. John's Law Review 1219-1271 (2010)
Evolutionary Enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jayne W. Barnard
71 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 403-437 (2010)
Why the Supreme Court Cares About Elites, Not the American People, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins
98 Georgetown Law Journal 1515-1581 (2010)
Is Punishment Relevant After All? A Prescription for Informing Juries of the Consequence of Conviction, Jeffrey Bellin
90 Boston University Law Review 2223-2265 (2010)
Reconceptualizing the Fifth Amendment Prohibition of Adverse Comment on Criminal Defendants' Trial Sentence, Jeffrey Bellin
71 Ohio State Law Journal 229-286 (2010)
ERISA Preemption Doctrine as Health Policy, Joshua P. Booth and Larry I. Palmer
39 Hofstra Law Review 59-88 (2010)
Burying the “Continuing Body” Theory of the Senate, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
95 Iowa Law Review 1401-1466 (2010)
Executive Compensation and Tax Neutrality: Taxing the Investment Component of Deferred Compensation, Eric D. Chason
31 Cardozo Law Review 1667-1716 (2010)
Redressing All ERISA Fiduciary Breaches Under Section 409 (a), Eric D. Chason
83 Temple Law Review 147-183 (2010)
New Governance and the "New Paradigm" of Police Accountability: A Democratic Approach to Police Reform, Kami Chavis Simmons
59 Catholic University Law Review 373-426 (2010)
Imputed Liability for Supervising Prosecutors: Applying the Military Doctrine of Command Responsibility to Reduce Prosecutorial Misconduct, Geoffrey S. Corn and Adam M. Gershowitz
14 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 395-438 (2010)
Fiduciary Administration: Rethinking Popular Representation in Agency Rulemaking, Evan J. Criddle
88 Texas Law Review 441-503 (2010)
Mending Holes in the Rule of (Administrative) Law, Evan J. Criddle
104 Northwestern University Law Review 1271-1280 (2010)
How State Supreme Courts Take Consequences Into Account: Toward a State-Centered Understanding of State Constitutionalism, Neal Devins
62 Stanford Law Review 1629-1693 (2010)
Talk Loudly and Carry a Small Stick: The Supreme Court and Enemy Combatants, Neal Devins
12 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 491-576 (2010)
The Supreme Court, Social Psychology, and Group Formation, Neal Devins and William Federspiel
The Psychology of Judicial Decision Making 85-100 (David Klein & Greg Mitchell eds., 2010)
Public Opinion and State Supreme Courts, Neal Devins and Nicole Mansker
13 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Consitutional Law 455-509 (2010)
Comparative Convergences in Pleading Standards, Scott Dodson
158 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 441-472 (2010)
Federal Pleading and State Presuit Discovery, Scott Dodson
14 Lewis & Clark Law Review 43-64 (2010)
Justice Souter and the Civil Rules, Scott Dodson
88 Washington University Law Review 289-301 (2010)
New Pleading, New Discovery, Scott Dodson
109 Michigan Law Review 53-89 (2010)
Parental Entitlement and Corporal Punishment, James G. Dwyer
73 Law and Contemporary Problems 189-210 (2010)
Statewide Capital Punishment: The Case for Eliminating Counties’ Role in the Death Penalty, Adam M. Gershowitz
63 Vanderbilt Law Review 307-359 (2010)
Child Trust Fund, Christopher L. Griffin Jr.
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society 130-131 (Helmut K. Anheier & Stefan Toepler eds., 2010)
Consider the Source: When the Harasser is the Boss, Susan Grover and Kimberly Piro
79 Fordham Law Review 499-519 (2010)
Immature Citizens and the State, Vivian E. Hamilton
2010 Brigham Young University Law Review 1055-1147 (2010)
Introduction: Perspectives on Religious Fundamentalism and Families in the U.S., Vivian E. Hamilton
18 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 883-888 (2010)
Reading the Product: Warnings, Disclaimers, and Literary Theory, Laura A. Heymann
22 Yale Journal of Law and Humanities 393-415 (2010)
The Grammar of Trademarks, Laura A. Heymann
14 Lewis & Clark Law Review 1313-1350 (2010)
Debt as Venture Capital, Darian M. Ibrahim
2010 University of Illinois Law Review 1169-1210 (2010)
Financing the Next Silicon Valley, Darian M. Ibrahim
87 Washington University Law Review 717-762 (2010)
Tax TARP Needed for Year One and Year Two Returns of Executive Bonus to TARP Recipient: A Case Study of Year One Rescission/Exclusion From Income and Year Two Deduction Under Section 1341, John W. Lee
1 William & Mary Business Law Review 323-390 (2010)
Judicial Erasure of Mixed-Race Discrimination, Nancy Leong
59 American University Law Review 469-551 (2010)
Australia and the United States: Two Common Criminal Justice Systems Uncommonly at Odds, Part 2, Paul Marcus and Vicki Waye
18 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 335-401 (2010)
Debunking the Purchaser Welfare Account of Section 2 of the Sherman Act: How Harvard Brought Us a Total Welfare Standard and Why We Should Keep It, Alan J. Meese
85 New York University Law Review 659-737 (2010)
Reframing Antitrust in Light of Scientific Revolution: Accounting for Transaction Costs in Rule of Reason Analysis, Alan J. Meese
62 Hastings Law Journal 457-529 (2010)
Bargaining in the Shadow of God's Law: Islamic Mahr Contracts and the Perils of Legal Specialization, Nathan B. Oman
45 Wake Forest Law Review 579-606 (2010)
Mordred Had A Good Point, Nathan B. Oman
43 Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 201-09 (Spring 2010)
Synergistic Solutions: An Integrated Approach to Solving the Caregiver Conundrum for "Real" Workers, Nicole Buonocore Porter
39 Stetson Law Review 777-860 (2010)
Why Care About Caregivers? Using Communitarian Theory to Justify Protection of "Real" Workers, Nicole Buonocore Porter
58 University of Kansas Law Review 355-414 (2010)
Federalism at the Cathedral: Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Inalienability Rules in Tenth Amendment Infrastructure, Erin Ryan
81 University of Colorado Law Review 1-95 (2010)
New Governance, Preemptive Self-Regulation, and the Blurring of Boundaries in Regulatory Theory and Practice, Jason M. Solomon
2010 Wisconsin Law Review 591-625
What is Civil Justice, Jason M. Solomon
44 Loyola of Las Angeles Law Review 317-337 (2010)
Nationwide Personal Jurisdiction for our Federal Courts, A. Benjamin Spencer
87 Denver University Law Review 325-334 (2010)
Pleading in State Courts After Twombly and Iqbal, A. Benjamin Spencer
18th Annual Forum for State Appellate Court Judges, Sponsored by the Pound Institute for Civil Justice.
The Restrictive Ethos in Civil Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer
78 The George Washington Law Review 353-373 (2010)
Iqbal and the Slide Toward Restrictive Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer
14 Lewis & Clark Law Review 185-202 (2010)
China and Disability Rights, Michael Ashley Stein
33 Loyola Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 7-26 (2010)
Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Innovations, Lost Opportunities, and Future Potential, Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord
32 Human Rights Quarterly 689-728 (2010)