William & Mary Law School Faculty Publications | Faculty and Deans | William & Mary Law School

The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 2010


Book Review of Cause Lawyering for People with Disabilites, Michael Ashley Stein, Michael E. Waterstone, and David B. Wilkins
123 Harvard Law Review 1658-1703 (2010)


Clashing Visions of a "Living" Constitution: Of Opportunists and Obligationists, William W. Van Alstyne
2010-2011 Cato Supreme Court Review 13-26 (2011)


Property As/And Constitutional Settlement, Timothy Zick
104 Northwestern University Law Review 1361-1440 (2010)


Summum, the Vocality of Public Places, and the Public Forum, Timothy Zick
2010 Brigham Young University Law Review 2203-2242


Territoriality and the First Amendment: Free Speech At - And Beyond - Our Borders, Timothy Zick
85 Notre Dame Law Review 1543-1628 (2010)

Publications from 2009


Is it Time for the Restatement of Contracts, Fourth?, Peter A. Alces and Christopher Byrne
11 Duquesne Business Law Journal 195-216 (2009)


CEDAW, Compliance, and Custom: Human Rights Enforcement in Sub-Saharan Africa, Angela M. Banks
32 Fordham International Law Journal 781-845 (2009)


Proportional Deportation, Angela M. Banks
55 Wayne Law Review 1651-1682 (2009)


Sovereignty, Deference, and Deportation: Allocating and Enforcing Immigrants' Rights in the United States and Europe, Angela M. Banks
103 American Society of International Law Proceedings 227-237 (2009)


Deception, Decisions, and Investor Education, Jayne W. Barnard
17 Elder Law Journal 201-237 (2009)


Abstention Doctrine, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution 5-6 (Facts on File, 2009)


The Supreme Court’s Controversial GVRs – and an Alternative, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
107 Michigan Law Review 711-756 (2009)


Testimonial Deficiencies and Evidentiary Uncertainties in International Criminal Trials, Nancy Amoury Combs
14 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 235-273 (2009)


A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
34 Yale Journal of International Law 331-387 (2009)


Deriving Peremptory Norms from Sovereignty, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
103 American Society of International Law Proceedings 71-82 (2009)


How Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Pretty Much) Settled the Abortion Wars, Neal Devins
118 Yale Law Journal 1318-1354 (2009)


Presidential Unilateralism and Political Polarization: Why Today's Congress Lacks the Will and the Way to Stop Presidential Initiatives, Neal Devins
45 Williamette Law Review 395-415 (2009)


The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same, Neal Devins
12 Green Bag 2nd 137-151 (2009)


What Kinds of Statutory Restrictions are Jurisdictional?, Scott Dodson
37 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 34-38 (Oct. 5, 2009)


Constitutional Birthright: The State, Parentage, and the Rights of Newborn Persons, James G. Dwyer
56 UCLA Law Review 755-835 (2009)


First Parents: Reconceptualizing Newborn Adoption, James G. Dwyer
37 Capital University Law Review 293-320 (2009)


Tennessee v. Lane, Martha A. Field and Michael Ashley Stein
Encyclopedia of American Disability History 895-896 (Susan Burch ed., 2009)


The Fiduciary Constitution of Human Rights, Evan Fox-Decent and Evan J. Criddle
15 Legal Theory 301-336 (2009)


Disability-Selective Abortion and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Dov Fox and Christopher L. Griffin Jr.
2009 Utah Law Review 845-905


Prosecutorial Shaming: Naming Attorneys to Reduce Prosecutorial Misconduct, Adam M. Gershowitz
42 U.C. Davis Law Review 1059-1105 (2009)


Searching Cell Phones Incident to Arrest: Can Courts and Legislatures Impose Limits on a Bright Line Rule?, Adam M. Gershowitz
36 Search and Seizure Law Report 9-16 (February 2009)


Standing as an Article II Nondelegation Doctrine, Tara Leigh Grove
11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 781-838 (2009)


The Structural Case for Vertical Maximalism, Tara Leigh Grove
95 Cornell Law Review 1-59 (2009)


Introduction: The Boundaries of Intellectual Property Symposium, I. Trotter Hardy
51 William and Mary Law Review 327-343 (2009)


A Tale of (At Least) Two Authors: Focusing Copyright Law on Process Over Product, Laura A. Heymann
34 Journal of Corporation Law 1009-1032 (2009)


How to Write a Life: Some Thoughts on Fixation and the Copyright/Privacy Divide, Laura A. Heymann
51 William and Mary Law Review 825-872 (2009)


The Public's Domain in Trademark Law: A First Amendment Theory of the Consumer, Laura A. Heymann
43 Georgia Law Review 651-715 (2009)


Collaborative Governance: Lessons for Europe from U.S. Electricity Restructuring, Charles H. Koch Jr.
61 Administrative Law Review (Special Issue) 71-103 (2009)


A Noteworthy Absence, Nancy Leong
59 Journal of Legal Education 279-297 (2009)


The Saucier Qualified Immunity Experiment: An Empirical Analysis, Nancy Leong
36 Pepperdine Law Review 667-714 (2009)


Social Rights and the Relational Value of the Rights to Participate in Sport, Recreation and Play, Janet E. Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
27 Boston University International Law Journal 249-281 (2009)


Green Helmets: Eco-Intervention in the Twenty-First Century, Linda A. Malone
103 American Society of International Law Proceedings 19-38 (2009)


Is There Really a Difference between Justification and Excuse or Did We Academics Make It Up?, Linda A. Malone
42 Texas Tech Law Review 321-325 (2009)


Why the United States Supreme Court Got Some [but not a lot] of the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel Analysis Right, Paul Marcus
21 St. Thomas Law Review 142-189 (2009)


A Golden Age of Civic Involvement: The Client Centered Disadvantage for Lawyers Acting as Public Officials, James E. Moliterno
50 William and Mary Law Review 1261-1308 (2009)


The Lawyer as Catalyst of Social Change, James E. Moliterno
77 Fordham Law Review 1559-1590 (2009)


A Pragmatic Defense of Contract Law, Nathan B. Oman
98 Georgetown Law Journal 77-116 (2009)


Preaching to the Court House and Judging in the Temple, Nathan B. Oman
2009 Brigham Young University Law Review 157-224


Specific Performance and the Thirteenth Amendment, Nathan B. Oman
93 Minnesota Law Review 2020-2099 (2009)


"The Living Oracles": Legal Interpretation and Mormon Thought, Nathan B. Oman
42 Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 1-19 (2009)


The Citizen Lawyer, W. Taylor Reveley III
50 William and Mary Law Review 1309-1321 (2009)


Harmonious Federalism in Support of National Energy Goals – Increased Wind Renewable Energy, Ronald H. Rosenberg
85 North Dakota Law Review 781-824 (2009)


Equal Accountability Through Tort Law, Jason M. Solomon
103 Northwestern University Law Review 1765-1822 (2009)


Understanding Pleading Doctrine, A. Benjamin Spencer
108 Michigan Law Review 1-36 (2009)


Book Review of Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor?, Michael Ashley Stein
68 Cambridge Law Journal 475-477 (2009)


Book review of Global Responsibility For Human Rights: World Poverty And The Development Of International Law, Michael Ashley Stein
20 European Journal of International Law 922-923 (2009)


Yougberg v. Romeo, Michael Ashley Stein and William P. Alford
Encyclopedia of American Disability History 988-990 (Susan Burch ed., 2009)


Book Review of Unspeakable: The Story of Junius Wilson, Michael Ashley Stein and Aviam Soifer
27 Law and History Review 470-472 (2009)


Book Review of The Supreme Court: An Essential History, Leslie A. Street
101 Law Library Journal 226-227 (2009)


Religion In The Workplace: A Report On The Layers of Relevant Law In The United States, William W. Van Alstyne
30 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 627-640 (2009)


The Unbearable Lightness of Marriage in the Abortion Decisions of the Supreme Court: Altered States in Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
18 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 61-74 (2009)


Constitutional Displacement, Timothy Zick
86 Washington University Law Review 515-608 (2009)


"Duty-Defining Power" and the First Amendment's Civil Domain, Timothy Zick
109 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 116-125 (2009)

Publications from 2008


Unintelligent Design in Contract, Peter A. Alces
2008 University of Illinois Law Review 505-555


Carrying a Good Joke Too Far, Peter A. Alces and Jason M. Hopkins
83 Chicago-Kent Law Review 879-907 (2008)


Expanding Participation in Constitution Making: Challenges and Opportunities, Angela M. Banks
49 William and Mary Law Review 1043-1069 (2008)


Corporate Therapeutics at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jayne W. Barnard
2008 Columbia Business Law Review 793-840


Narcissism, Over-Optimism, Fear, Anger, and Depression: The Interior Lives of Corporate Leaders, Jayne W. Barnard
77 University of Cincinnati Law Review 405-430 (2008)


Post-Tenure Review As If It Mattered, Jayne W. Barnard
17 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 297-330 (2008)


Securities Fraud, Recidivism, and Deterrence, Jayne W. Barnard
113 Penn State Law Review 190-227 (2008)


Circumventing Congress: How the Federal Courts Opened the Door to Impeaching Criminal Defendants with Prior Convictions, Jeffrey Bellin
42 U.C. Davis Law Review 289-341 (2008)


Improving the Reliability of Criminal Trials Through Legal Rules that Encourage Defendants to Testify, Jeffrey Bellin
76 University of Cincinnati Law Review 851-897 (2008)


The Significance (If Any) For the Federal Criminal Justice System of Advances in Lie Detector Technology, Jeffrey Bellin
80 Temple Law Review 711-742 (2008)


Abbott Labs v. Gardner, 387 U.S. 136 (1967), Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States 1-2 (Macmillan/Gale, 2008)


Return of the Line Item Veto? Legalities, Practicalities, and Some Puzzles, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
10 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 447-498 (2008)


Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States 491-492 (Macmillan/Gale, 2008)


The Unconscionability Game: Strategic Judging and the Development of Federal Arbitration Law, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
83 New York University Law Review 1420-1490 (2008)


Quantifying the Tax Advantage of Deferred Compensation, Eric D. Chason
New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation--2008 (Alvin D. Lurie, Chairperson, 2008)


The Politics of Policing: Ensuring Stakeholder Collaboration in the Federal Reform of Local Law Enforcement Agencies, Kami Chavis Simmons
98 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 489-546 (2008)


Chevron's Consensus, Evan J. Criddle
88 Boston University Law Review 1271-1325 (2008)


Congressional Responses to Judicial Decisions, Neal Devins
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court 400-403 (Mark Graber et al. eds., Gale MacMillan 2008)


Ideological Cohesion and Precedent (Or Why the Court Only Cares About Precedent When Most Justices Agree With Each Other), Neal Devins
86 North Carolina Law Review 1399-1442 (2008)


Not-So-Independent Agencies: Party Polarization and the Limits of Institutional Design, Neal Devins and David E. Lewis
88 Boston University Law Review 459-498 (2008)


A Darwinist View of the Living Constitution, Scott Dodson
61 Vanderbilt Law Review 1319-1347 (2008)


Appreciating Mandatory Rules: A Reply to Critics, Scott Dodson
102 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 228-238 (2008)


Book Review of Establishing Justice in Middle America: A History of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Scott Dodson
67 Arkansas Historical Quarterly 310-313 (2008)


In Search of Removal Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
102 Northwestern University Law Review 55-90 (2008)


Mandatory Rules, Scott Dodson
61 Stanford Law Review 1-36 (2008)


The Challenge of Comparative Civil Procedure, Scott Dodson
60 Alabama Law Review 133-150 (2008)


The Failure of Bowles v. Russell, Scott Dodson
43 Tulsa Law Review 631-650 (2008)


The Importance of E-Discovery, Scott Dodson
43 Arkansas Lawyer 14-15 (2008)


St. George Tucker (1752-1827), Davison M. Douglas
Encyclopedia Virginia [online]


Introduction: How We Vote: Electronic Voting and Other Voting Practices in the United States, Davison M. Douglas
17 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 319-323 (2008)


Book Review of The Best Interests of the Child in Healthcare, James G. Dwyer
18 Law & Politics Book Review 605-609 (2008)


The Child Protection Pretense: States' Continued Consignment of Newborn Babies to Unfit Parents, James G. Dwyer
93 Minnesota Law Review 407-492 (2008)


Rational Choice, Reputation, and Human Rights Treaties, Alex Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein
106 University of Michigan Law Review 1129-1142 (2008)


An Informational Approach to the Mass Imprisonment Problem, Adam M. Gershowitz
40 Arizona State Law Journal 47-84 (2008)


Get in the Game or Get Out of the Way: Fixing the Politics of Death, Adam M. Gershowitz
94 Virginia Law Review: In Brief 51-56 (2008)


The iPhone Meets the Fourth Amendment, Adam M. Gershowitz
56 UCLA Law Review 27-58 (2008)


Does Dworkin Commit Dworkin’s Fallacy?: A Reply to Justice in Robes, Michael S. Green
28 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33-55 (2008)


Why Protect Private Arms Possession? Nine Theories of the Second Amendment, Michael S. Green
84 Notre Dame Law Review 131-189 (2008)


Personal Integration and Outsider Status as Factors in Law Student Well-Being, Susan Grover
47 Washburn Law Journal 419-452 (2008)


Expressing Community Values Through Family Law Adjudication, Vivian E. Hamilton
77 UMKC Law Review 325-345 (2008)


Everything Is Transformative: Fair Use and Reader Response, Laura A. Heymann
31 Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts 445-466 (2008)


The Reasonable Person in Trademark Law, Laura A. Heymann
52 Saint Louis University Law Journal 781-793 (2008)