William & Mary Law School Faculty Publications | Faculty and Deans | William & Mary Law School

The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 2006


The New Line Item Veto Proposal: This Time It’s Constitutional (Mostly), Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
116 Yale Law Journal Pocket Part 84 (2006)


Law Review Article Placement: Benefit or Beauty Prize?, Dennis J. Callahan and Neal Devins
56 Journal of Legal Education 374-387 (2006)


Deferred Compensation Reform: Taxing the Fruit of the Tree in Its Proper Season, Eric D. Chason
67 Ohio State Law Journal 347-399 (2006)


Procuring Guilty Pleas for International Crimes: The Limited Influence of Sentencing Discounts, Nancy Amoury Combs
59 Vanderbilt Law Review 67-151 (2006)


Fiduciary Foundations of Administrative Law, Evan J. Criddle
54 UCLA Law Review 117-183 (2006)


Bob Jones University v. United States 461 U.S. 574 (1983), Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 158-159 (Paul Finkelman ed., Routledge Press 2006).


Should the Supreme Court Fear Congress?, Neal Devins
90 Minnesota Law Review 1337-1362 (2006)


Smoke, Not Fire, Neal Devins
65 Maryland Law Review 197-205 (2006)


Tom Delay: Popular Constitutionalist?, Neal Devins
81 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1055-1068 (2006)


Constitutional Thematics and the Peculiar Federal Marriage Amendment, Scott Dodson
20 Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law 233-242 (2006)


Subclassing, Scott Dodson
27 Cardozo Law Review 2351-2390 (2006)


Foreword: The Legacy of St. George Tucker, Davison M. Douglas
47 William and Mary Law Review 1111-1121 (2006)


A Child-Centered Approach to Parentage Law, James G. Dwyer
14 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 843-855 (2006)


Playing Cowboys and Indians, B. Glenn George
6 Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 90-123 (2006)


The Focus Factor, B. Glenn George
15 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 147-182 (2006)


Principles of U.S. Family Law, Vivian E. Hamilton
75 Fordham Law Review 31-73 (2006)


Inducement as Contributory Copyright Infringement: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., Laura A. Heymann
37 International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 31-46 (2006)


Bankruptcy and State Collections: The Case of the Missing Garnishments, Richard M. Hynes
91 Cornell Law Review 603-652 (2006)


Credit Markets, Exemptions, and Households with Nothing to Exempt, Richard M. Hynes
7 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 493-522 (2006)


Reduce, Refine, Replace: The Failure of the Three R’s and the Future of Animal Experimentation, Darian M. Ibrahim
2006 University of Chicago Legal Forum 195-229 (2006)


The Anticruelty Statute: A Study in Animal Welfare, Darian M. Ibrahim
1 Journal of Animal Law and Ethics 175-203 (2006)


FCC v. WNCN Listeners Guild: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for What Ails Current Judicial Review Law, Charles H. Koch Jr.
58 Administrative Law Review 981-993 (2006)


Class Warfare 1988-2005 Over Top Individual Income Tax Rates: Teeter-Totter from Soak-the-Rich to Robin-Hood-in-Reverse, John W. Lee
2 Hastings Business Law Journal 47-164 (2006)


Multiracial Identity and Affirmative Action, Nancy Leong
12 UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal 1-34 (2007)


Looking Beyond Environmental Law's Mid-life Crisis, Linda A. Malone
23 Pace Environmental Law Review 679-684 (2006)


What Do Snowmobiles, Mercury Emissions, Greenhouse Gases, and Runoff Have in Common?: The Controversy over "Junk Science", Linda A. Malone
9 Chapman Law Review 365-408 (2006)


Women and War, Linda A. Malone
12 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 297-299 (2006)


It's Not Just About Miranda: Determining the Voluntariness of Confessions in Criminal Prosecutions, Paul Marcus
40 Valparaiso University Law Review 601-644 (2006)


Competition and Market Failure in the Antitrust Jurisprudence of Justice Stevens, Alan J. Meese
74 Fordham Law Review 1775-1807 (2006)


The Administrative Judiciary's Independence Myth, James E. Moliterno
41 Wake Forest Law Review 1191-1234 (2006)


Jurisprudence and the Problem of Church Doctrine, Nathan B. Oman
2 Element 1-19 (2006)


Response - Jay Katz: From Harms to Risks, Larry I. Palmer
6 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, & Ethics 455-464 (2006)


Re-Defining Superwoman: An Essay on Overcoming the "Maternal Wall" in the Legal Workplace, Nicole Buonocore Porter
13 Duke Journal of Gender, Law and Policy 55-84 (2006)


Victimizing the Abused?: Is Termination the Solution When Domestic Violence Comes to Work?, Nicole Buonocore Porter
12 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 275-330 (2006)


The Changing Culture of American Land Use Regulation: Paying for Growth with Impact Fees, Ronald H. Rosenberg
59 Southern Methodist University Law Review 177-264 (2006)


Building the Emotionally Learned Negotiator, Erin Ryan
22 Negotiation Journal 209-225 (2006)


New Orleans, the Chesapeake, and the Future of Environmental Assessment: Overcoming the Natural Resources Law of Unintended Consequences, Erin Ryan
40 University of Richmond Law Review 981-1029 (2006)


Palazzolo, The Public Trust, and the Property Owner's Reasonable Expectations: Takings and the South Carolina Marsh Island Bridge Debate, Erin Ryan
15 Southeastern Environmental Law Journal 121-146 (2006)


Disability and Employment Discrimination at the Rehnquist Court, Anita Silvers, Michael E. Waterstone, and Michael Ashley Stein
75 Mississippi Law Journal 945-973 (2006)


Due Process and Punitive Damages: The Error of Federal Excessiveness Jurisprudence, A. Benjamin Spencer
79 Southern California Law Review 1085-1154 (2006)


Jurisdiction and the Internet: Returning to Traditional Principles to Analyze Network-Mediated Contacts, A. Benjamin Spencer
2006 University of Illinois Law Review 71-126 (2006)


Jurisdiction to Adjudicate: A Revised Analysis, A. Benjamin Spencer
73 The University of Chicago Law Review 617-672 (2006)


Book Review of Non-State Actors and Human Rights, Michael Ashley Stein
65 Cambridge Law Journal 464-466 (2006)


Foreword: Disabling Brown, Michael Ashley Stein
14 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1421-1428 (2006)


Book Review of Bodies of Difference: Experiences of Disability and Institutional Advocacy in the Making of Modern China, Michael Ashley Stein and Penelope J. S. Stein
33 Journal of law and Society 485-491 (2006)


Disability, Disparate Impact, and Class Actions, Michael Ashley Stein and Michael E. Waterstone
56 Duke Law Journal 861-922 (2006)


Coercion and Choice Under the Establishment Clause, Cynthia V. Ward
39 University of California at Davis Law Review 1621-1668 (2006)


Punishing Children in the Criminal Law, Cynthia V. Ward
82 Notre Dame Law Review 429-479 (2006)


Emergency Preparedness and Disability, Michael E. Waterstone and Michael Ashley Stein
30 Mental and Physical Disability Law Reports 338-339 (2006)


The Constitution and Congressional Committees, 1971-2000, Keith E. Whittington, Neal Devins, and Hutch Hicken
The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State 396-410 (Richard W. Bauman and Tsvi Kahana eds., 2006)


Property, Place, and Public Discourse, Timothy Zick
21 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 173-223 (2006)


Space, Place, and Speech: The Expressive Topography, Timothy Zick
74 George Washington Law Review 439-505 (2006)


Speech and Spatial Tactics, Timothy Zick
84 Texas Law Review 581-651 (2006)

Publications from 2005


On Discovering Doctrine: "Justice" in Contract Agreement, Peter A. Alces
83 Washington University Law Quarterly 471-519 (2005)


Moderating Politics in Post-Conflict States: An Examination of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Angela M. Banks
10 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 1-65 (2005)


Sexual Violence and International Criminal Law: An Analysis of the Ad Hoc Tribunal's Jurisprudence & the International Criminal Court's Elements of Crimes, Angela M. Banks


Historical Quirks, Political Opportunism, and the Anti-Loan Provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Jayne W. Barnard
31 Ohio Northern University Law Review 325-357 (2005)


Rule 10b-5 and the "Unfitness" Question, Jayne W. Barnard
47 Arizona Law Review 9-60 (2005)


Profile: Judge George H. Aldrich, Nancy Amoury Combs
7 International Law Forum du Droit International 47-53 (2005)


International Courts and Tribunals, Nancy Amoury Combs, Carl Magnus Nesser, Ucheora O. Onwuamaegbu, Mark B. Rees, and Jacqueline Weisman
39 International Lawyer 259-278 (2005)


The Academic Expert Before Congress: Observations and Lessons from Bill Van Alstyne's Testimony, Neal Devins
54 Duke Law Journal 1525-1554 (2005)


Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, Neal Devins
Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States 1115 (K. Hall ed., Oxford University Press 2005)


Judicial Review and Nongeneralizable Cases, Neal Devins and Alan J. Meese
32 Florida State University Law Review 323-355 (2005)


Caught in the Trap: Pricing Racial Housing Preferences, A. Mechele Dickerson
103 Michigan Law Review 1273-1294 (2005)


The Virginia Uniform Trust Code, John E. Donaldson
40 University of Richmond Law Review 325-380 (2005)


The Liberal State's Response to Religious Visions of Education, James G. Dwyer
44 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 195-231 (2005)


Judicial Selection as...Talk Radio, Michael J. Gerhardt
39 University of Richmond Law Review 909-922 (2005)


Judicial Selection by the Numbers, Michael J. Gerhardt
32 Florida State University Law Review 1197-1235 (2005)


Merit vs. Ideology, Michael J. Gerhardt
26 Cardozo Law Review 353-375 (2005)


The Constitutional Limits to Court-Stripping, Michael J. Gerhardt
9 Lewis & Clark Law Review 347-362 (2005)


The First Amendment's Biggest Threat, Michael J. Gerhardt
89 Minnesota Law Review 1798-1841 (2005)


The Limited Path Dependency of Precedent, Michael J. Gerhardt
7 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 903-1000 (2005)


The Invisible Pillar of Gideon, Adam M. Gershowitz
80 Indiana Law Journal 571-604 (2005)


Halpin on Dworkin's Fallacy: A Surreply, Michael S. Green
91 Virginia Law Review 187-201 (2005)


Legal Realism as Theory of Law, Michael S. Green
46 William and Mary Law Review 1915-2000 (2005)


Legal Revolutions: Six Mistakes About Discontinuity in the Legal Order, Michael S. Green
83 North Carolina Law Review 331-401 (2005)


The Birth of the Authornym: Authorship, Pseudonymity, and Trademark Law, Laura A. Heymann
80 Notre Dame Law Review 1377-1449 (2005)


The Definition of Disability in the Americans with Disabilities Act: Its Successes and Shortcomings: Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools Sections on Employment Discrimination Law; Labor Relations and Employment Law; and Law, Medicine and Health Care, Sharona Hoffman, Paul Steven Miller, Chai R. Feldblum, and Michael Ashley Stein
9 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 473-498 (2005)


The Unique Benefits of Treating Personal Goodwill as Property in Corporate Acquisitions, Darian M. Ibrahim
30 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 1-44 (2005)


Preserving a Precious Resource: Rationalizing the Use of Antibiotics, Eric Kades
99 Northwestern University Law Review 611-675 (2005)


Policymaking by the Administrative Judiciary, Charles H. Koch Jr.
25 Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judges 49-117 (2005)


Collaborative Governance in the Restructured Electricity Industry, Charles H. Koch Jr.
40 Wake Forest Law Review 589-615 (2005)


Policymaking by the Administrative Judiciary, Charles H. Koch Jr.
56 Alabama Law Review 693-740 (2005)


Technology-Augmented Courtrooms: Progress Amid a Few Complications, or the Problematic Interrelationship Between Court and Counsel, Fredric I. Lederer
60 New York University Annual of American Law 675-709 (2005)


The Capital Gains "Sieve" and the "Farce" of Progressivity 1921-1986, John W. Lee
1 Hastings Business Law Journal 1-86 (2005)


Beyond Breimhorst: Appropriate Accommodation of Students with Learning Disabilities on the SAT, Nancy Leong
57 Stanford Law Review 2135-2155 (2005)


Exclusive Dealing, the Theory of the Firm, and Raising Rivals' Costs: Toward a New Synthesis, Alan J. Meese
50 Antitrust Bulletin 371-439 (2005)


Market Failure and Non-Standard Contracting: How the Ghost of Perfect Competition Still Haunts Antitrust, Alan J. Meese
1 Journal of Competition Law & Economics 21-95 (2005)


Monopolization, Exclusion, and the Theory of the Firm, Alan J. Meese
89 Minnesota Law Review 743-847 (2005)


Property, Aspen, and Refusals to Deal, Alan J. Meese
73 Antitrust Law Journal 81-114 (2005)


Politically Motivated Bar Discipline, James E. Moliterno
83 Washington University Law Quarterly 725-772 (2005)


The Federal Government Lawyer's Duty to Breach Confidentiality, James E. Moliterno
14 Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review 633-648 (2005)


Corporations and Autonomy Theories of Contract: A Critique of the New Lex Mercatoria, Nathan B. Oman
83 Denver University Law Review 101-145 (2005)


Unity and Pluralism in Contract Law, Nathan B. Oman
103 Michigan Law Review 1483-1506 (2005)


Should Liability Play a Role in the Social Control of Biobanks?, Larry I. Palmer
33 Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics 70-78 (2005)


The Discourse Beneath: Emotional Epistemology in Legal Deliberation and Negotiation, Erin Ryan
10 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 231-285 (2005)


Causing Constitutional Harm: How Tort Law Can Help Determine Harmless Error in Criminal Trials, Jason M. Solomon
99 Northwestern University Law Review 1053-1099 (2005)


Fourth Amendment Federalism? The Court's Vacillating Mistrust and Trust of State Search and Seizure Laws, Kathryn R. Urbonya
35 Seton Hall Law Review 911-970 (2005)


Reflections on the Teaching of Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
49 Saint Louis University Law Journal 653-670 (2005)


Ten Commandments, Nine Judges, and Five Versions of One Amendment - The First. ("Now What?"), William W. Van Alstyne
14 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 17-31 (2005)