The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2000
The Pathology of Property Norms: Living Within Nature's Boundaries, Lynda L. Butler
73 Southern California Law Review 927-1015 (2000)
Chinese Privatization: Between Plan and Market, Lan Cao
63 Law and Contemporary Problems 13-62 (2000)
On Children and Dual Nationality: Sabet and The Islamic Republic of Iran, Nancy Amoury Combs
13 Leiden Journal of International Law 173-191 (2000)
Bad Drafting - A Case Study of the Design and Implementation of the Income Tax Subsidies for Education, Glenn E. Coven
54 Tax Lawyer 1-64 (2000)
No HOPE (Credits) for Louisiana Coffers, Glenn E. Coven and Michael B. Lang
88 Tax Notes 275-277 (2000)
Abdication by Another Name: An Ode to Lou Fisher, Neal Devins
19 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 65-74 (2000)
Asking the Right Questions: How the Courts Honored the Separation of Powers by Reconsidering Miranda, Neal Devins
149 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 251-285 (2000)
Bob Jones University v. United States 461 U.S. 574 (1983), Neal Devins
Religion and American Law: An Encyclopedia 50-52 (Paul Finkelman ed., Garland 2000)
Clinton, William Jefferson (1946- ), Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of the American Constitution 431-433 (Leonard Levy et. al eds., Macmillan 2000)
How Constitutional Law Casebooks Perpetuate the Myth of Judicial Supremacy, Neal Devins
3 Green Bag 2nd 259-265 (2000)
On Casebooks and Canons or Why Bob Jones University Will Never Be Part of the Constitutional Law Canon, Neal Devins
17 Constitutional Commentary 285-293 (2000)
Reanimator: Mark Tushnet and the Second Coming of the Imperial Presidency, Neal Devins
34 University of Richmond Law Review 359-371 (2000)
State Regulation of Religious Education, Neal Devins
Religion and American Law: An Encyclopedia 470-474 (Paul Finkelman ed., Garland 2000)
Tribute to John Donaldson, Neal Devins
42 William and Mary Law Review 367-371 (2000)
Assessing the Practicality and Constitutionality of Alaska's Split-Recovery Punitive Damages Statute, Scott Dodson
49 Duke Law Journal 1335-1369 (2000)
Tribute to Tom Collins, John E. Donaldson
42 William and Mary Law Review (2000)
Book Review of But for Birmingham: The Local and National Movements in the Civil Rights Struggle, Davison M. Douglas
105 American Historical Review 1771-1772 (2000)
Book Review of Make Haste Slowly: Moderates, Conservatives, and School Desegregation in Houston, Davison M. Douglas
105 American Historical Review 961-962 (2000)
God and the Executioner: The Influence of Western Religion on the Use of the Death Penalty, Davison M. Douglas
9 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 137-170 (2000)
Spiritual Treatment Exemptions to Child Medical Neglect Laws: What We Outsiders Should Think, James G. Dwyer
76 Notre Dame Law Review 147-177 (2000)
Peaches, Speech, and Clarence Thomas: Yes, California, There is a Justice Who Understands the Ramifications of Controlling Commercial Speech, Jennifer R. Franklin
12 Regent University Law Review 627-648 (2000)
Correcting Deadly Confusion: Responding to Jury Inquiries in Capital Cases, Stephen P. Garvey, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Paul Marcus
85 Cornell Law Review 627-655 (2000)
Privacy, Cyberspace, and Democracy: A Case Study, Michael J. Gerhardt
32 Connecticut Law Review 907-921 (2000)
The Perils of Presidential Impeachment, Michael J. Gerhardt
67 University of Chicago Law Review 293-313 (2000)
The Special Constitutional Structure of the Federal Impeachment Process, Michael J. Gerhardt
63 Law and Contemporary Problems 245-256 (2000)
The Supreme Court's Backwards Proportionaility Jurisprudence: Comparing Judicial Review of Excessive Criminal Punishments and Excessive Punitive Damages Award, Adam M. Gershowitz
86 Virginia Law Review 1249-1302 (2000)
Book Review of Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law, Susan Grover
110 Ethics 662-663 (2000)
The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA): Still Not Ready for Prime Time, James S. Heller
7 Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 14- (Symposium 2000)
The Consequences of DOJ Control of Litigation Authority on Agency Programs, Michael Herz and Neal Devins
52 Administrative Law Review 1345-1375 (2000)
Freezing the Company Charter, Eric Kades
79 North Carolina Law Review 111-155 (2000)
The Dark Side of Efficiency: Johnson v. M'Intosh and the Expropriation of Amerindian Lands, Eric Kades
148 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1065-1190 (2000)
A Community of Interest in the Due Process Calculus, Charles H. Koch Jr.
37 Houston Law Review 635-709 (2000)
An Extended Hypothetical for Teaching Administrative Law, Charles H. Koch Jr.
38 Brandeis Law Journal 313-350 (2000)
Control and Governance of Transmission Organizations in the Restructured Electricity Industry, Charles H. Koch Jr.
27 Florida State University Law Review 569-613 (2000)
Courtroom Technology, A Judicial Primer, Fredric I. Lederer
39 Judges' Journal 13-36 (2000)
The Effect of Courtroom Technologies on and in Appellate Proceedings and Courtrooms, Fredric I. Lederer
2 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 251-274 (2000)
A Populist Political Perspective of the Business Tax Entities Universe: Hey the Stars Might Lie, but the Numbers Never Do, John W. Lee
78 Texas Law Review 885-991 (2000)
Choice of Small Business Tax Entity, John W. Lee
87 Tax Notes 417-434 (2000)
Seeking Reconciliation of Self-Determination, Territorial Integrity, and Humanitarian Intervention (Introduction to Special Project: Humanitarian Intervention and Kosovo), Linda A. Malone
41 William and Mary Law Review 1677-1682 (2000)
Book Review of Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War, Linda A. Malone
22 Houston Journal of International Law 585-592 (2000)
The Appointment of General Yaron: Continuing Impunity for the Sabra and Shatilla Massacres, Linda A. Malone
32 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 287-305 (2000)
Investigatory Practices and the Changing Entrapment Defense, Paul Marcus
36 Criminal Law Bulletin 238-248 (2000)
Bakke Betrayed, Alan J. Meese
63 Law and Contemporary Problems 479-506 (2000)
Farewell to the Quick Look: Redefining the Scope and Content of the Rule of Reason, Alan J. Meese
68 Antitrust Law Journal 461-498 (2000)
Ethical Challenges to Legal Education and Conduct, James E. Moliterno
110 Ethics 456-457 (2000)
Public Service, Ethics, and Constitutional Practice, James E. Moliterno
111 Ethics 210 (2000)
Why Formalism?, James E. Moliterno
49 University of Kansas Law Review 135-144 (2000)
"Out of Zion Shall Go Forth the Law", Nathan B. Oman
12 FARMS Review of Books 113-135 (2000)
The Integrity of Death: Resolving Dilemmas in Medicine, Larry I. Palmer
27 Cornell Law Forum 1-3 (2000)
Marital Status Discrimination: A Proposal for Title VII Protection, Nicole Buonocore Porter
46 Wayne Law Review 1-48 (2000)
Cultural Musings of a Non-Traditional Dean, W. Taylor Reveley III
31 University of Toledo Law Review 725-729 (2000)
The Stalwart Donaldson, W. Taylor Reveley III
42 William and Mary Law Review 357-358 (2000)
ADR, the Judiciary and Justice: Coming to Terms with the Alternatives, Erin Ryan
113 Harvard Law Review 1851-1875 (2000)
Policing Diversity: Lessons from Lambeth, A. Benjamin Spencer and Michael Hough
British Home Office Policing and Reducing Crime Unit, Paper 121 (2000)
Book Review of Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age, Michael Ashley Stein
44 American Journal of Legal History 446-447 (2002)
Empirical Implications of Title I, Michael Ashley Stein
85 Iowa Law Review 1671-1690 (2000)
Labor Markets, Rationality, and Workers with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein
21 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 314-334 (2000)
Tribute to John E. Donaldson, Timothy J. Sullivan
42 William and Mary Law Review 351-354 (2000)
Informed Consent for Neonatal Circumcision: An Ethical and Legal Conundrum, J. Steven Svoboda, Robert S. Van Howe, and James G. Dwyer
17 Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 61-133 (2000)
Public School Officials' Use of Physical Force as a Fourth Amendment Seizure: Protecting Students from the Constitutional Chasm between the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, Kathryn R. Urbonya
69 George Washington Law Review 1-56 (2000)
Supreme Court's 1998-1999 Term: Fourth Amendment Decisions, Kathryn R. Urbonya
16 Touro Law Review 811-824 (2000)
Affirmative Actions, William W. Van Alstyne
46 Wayne Law Review 1517-1546 (2000)
Angry White Males: The Equal Protection Clause and "Classes of One", Timothy Zick
89 Kentucky Law Journal 69-134 (2001)
Publications from 1999
If You Don't Have Anything Good to Say..., Peter A. Alces
15 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 383-399 (1999)
W(h)ither Warranty: The B(l)oom of Products Liability Theory in Cases of Deficient Software Design, Peter A. Alces
87 California Law Review 269-304 (1999)
When Y2K Causes "Economic Loss" to "Other Property", Peter A. Alces and Aaron S. Book
84 Minnesota Law Review 1-53 (1999)
Civil Rights Act of 1991 -- Employer Liability for Punitive Damages in Title VII Claims, Angela M. Banks
113 Harvard Law Review 359-368 (1999)
Foreign Affairs Power -- The Massachusetts Burma Law is Found to Encroach on the Federal Government's Exclusive Constitutional Authority to Regulate Foreign Affairs. -- National Foreign Trade Council v. Baker, 26 F. Supp. 2d 287 (D. Mass. 1998), Angela M. Banks
112 Harvard Law Review 2013-2018 (1999)
Reintegrative Shaming in Corporate Sentencing, Jayne W. Barnard
72 Southern California Law Review 959-1007 (1999)
Looking at Communities and Markets, Lan Cao
74 Notre Dame Law Review 841-924 (1999)
Toward a New Understanding of Abuse of Nationality in Claims Before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Nancy Amoury Combs
10 American Review of International Arbitration 27-46 (1999)
International Comity and the Foreign Tax Credit: Crediting Nonconforming Taxes, Glenn E. Coven
4 Florida Tax Review 83-127 (1999)
Who Should be Entitled to Claim the New Education Credits?, Glenn E. Coven
84 Tax Notes 1643-1649 (1999)
Negotiated Development Denial Meets People's Court: Del Monte Dunes Brings New Wildcards to Exactions Law, Jonathan M. Davidson, Ronald H. Rosenberg, and Michael C. Spata
31 Urban Lawyer 831-848 (1999)
Bearing False Witness: The Clinton Impeachment and the Future of Academic Freedom, Neal Devins
148 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 165-190 (1999)
I Love You, Big Brother, Neal Devins
87 California Law Review 1283-1297 (1999)
Reflections on Coercing Privacy, Neal Devins
40 William and Mary Law Review 795-804 (1999)
The Democracy-Forcing Constitution, Neal Devins
97 Michigan Law Review 1971-1993 (1999)
America's Uneasy Relationship with the Working Poor, A. Mechele Dickerson
51 Hastings Law Journal 17-71 (1999)
Can Shame, Guilt, or Stigma Be Taught? Why Credit-Focused Debtor Education May Not Work, A. Mechele Dickerson
32 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 945-964 (1999)
From Jeans to Genes: The Evolving Nature of Property of the Estate, A. Mechele Dickerson
15 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 285-319 (1999)
New Ethics Rules for the New Millennium, Dennis W. Dohnal and John Levy
1999 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Children's Interests in a Family Context - A Cautionary Note, James G. Dwyer
39 Santa Clara Law Review 1053-1073 (1999)
Ackermania: The Quest for a Common Law of Higher Lawmaking, Michael J. Gerhardt
40 William and Mary Law Review 1731-1794 (1999)
Institutional Analysis of Municipal Liability under Section 1983, Michael J. Gerhardt
48 DePaul Law Review 669-686 (1999)
Putting the Law of Impeachment in Perspective, Michael J. Gerhardt
43 Saint Louis University Law Journal 905-930 (1999)
The Constitutionality of Censure, Michael J. Gerhardt
33 University of Richmond Law Review 33-40 (1999)
The Historical and Constitutional Significance of the Impeachment and Trial of President Clinton, Michael J. Gerhardt
28 Hofstra Law Review 349-392 (1999)
The Lessons of Impeachment History, Michael J. Gerhardt
67 George Washington Law Review 603-625 (1999)
Delaware's Capital Jury Selection: Inadequate Voir Dire and the Problem of Automatic Death Penalty Jurors, Adam M. Gershowitz
2 Delaware Law Review 235-269 (1999)
The Privilege's Last Stand: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and the Right to Rebel Against the State, Michael S. Green
65 Brooklyn Law Review 627-716 (1999)
Copyright and "New-Use" Technologies, I. Trotter Hardy
23 Nova Law Review 659-705 (1999)
Windfalls, Eric Kades
108 Yale Law Journal 1489-1568 (1999)
Unreviewability in State Administrative Law, Charles H. Koch Jr.
XIX Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judges 59-74 (1999)
Some Thoughts on the Evidentiary Aspects of Technologically Produced or Presented Evidence, Fredric I. Lederer
28 Southwestern University Law Review 389-403 (1999)
The Road to the Virtual Courtroom? A Consideration of Today’s -- and Tomorrow’s -- High Technology Courtrooms, Fredric I. Lederer
50 South Carolina Law Review 800-844 (1999)
The World of Courtroom Technology, Fredric I. Lederer
Will, Judgment, and Economic Liberty: Mr. Justice Souter and the Mistranslation of the Due Process Clause, Alan J. Meese
41 William and Mary Law Review 3-64 (1999)
Economic Theory, Trader Freedom and Consumer Welfare: State Oil Co. v. Khan and the Continuing Incoherence of Antitrust Doctrine, Alan J. Meese
84 Cornell Law Review 763-797 (1999)
Liberty and Antitrust in the Formative Era, Alan J. Meese
79 Boston University Law Review 1-92 (1999)