The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 1994
Partnership Profits Share for Services: An Aggregate Exegesis of Revenue Procedure 93-27 (Part 1), John W. Lee
62 Tax Notes 1733-1745 (1994)
Partnership Profits Share for Services: An Aggregate Exegesis of Revenue Procedure 93-27 (Part 2), John W. Lee
63 Tax Notes 97-108 (1994)
Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
5 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 299-304 (1994)
Discussion in the Security Council on Environmental Intervention in the Ukraine, Linda A. Malone
27 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 893-916 (1994)
Alternative Penal Sanctions, Paul Marcus
42 American Journal of Comparative Law Supplement 703-715 (1994)
A Rejoinder, Larry I. Palmer
35 Jurimetrics Journal 51-54 (1994)
Who Are the Parents Biotechnological Children?, Larry I. Palmer
35 Jurimertics Journal 17-29 (1994)
Evolving Consensus: The Dynamic Future of Environmental Law and Policy, Ronald H. Rosenberg
27 Loyola Law Review 1049-1060 (1994)
The Trial of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Rodney A. Smolla
36 William and Mary Law Review 173-233 (1994)
From Crippled to Disabled: The Legal Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein
43 Emory Law Journal 245-270 (1994)
Mommy Has a Blue Wheelchair: Recognizing the Parental Rights of People with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein
60 Brooklyn Law Review 1069-1099 (1994)
Denying Due Process in the Florida Courts: A Commentary on the 1994 Medicaid Third-Party Liability Act of Florida, William W. Van Alstyne
46 University of Florida Law Review 563-589 (1995)
The Second Amendment and the Personal Right to Arms, William W. Van Alstyne
43 Duke Law Journal 1236-1255 (1994)
A Kinder, Gentler Liberalism? Visions of Empathy in Feminist and Communitarian Literature, Cynthia V. Ward
61 University of Chicago Law Review 929-955 (1994)
Publications from 1993
An Essay on Independence, Interdependence, and the Suretyship Principle, Peter A. Alces
1993 University of Illinois Law Review 447-483
Clearer Conceptions of Insider Preferences, Peter A. Alces
71 Washington University Law Quarterly 1107-1128 (1993)
Reconsidering Consideration in the Restatement (Third) of Suretyship, Peter A. Alces
34 William and Mary Law Review 1053-1085 (1993)
Rethinking Professor Westbrook's Two Thoughts About Insider Preferences, Peter A. Alces
77 Minnesota Law Review 605-636 (1993)
Roll Over, Llewellyn?, Peter A. Alces
26 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 543-550 (1993)
Private Practice for Public Consumption: Two Views of Corporate Law, Jayne W. Barnard
73 Boston University Law Review 121-173 (1993)
Corporate Tax Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Integration and Redeeming Social Value, Glenn E. Coven
50 Washington & Lee Law Review 495-516 (1993)
Congress, the FCC, and the Search for the Public Trustee, Neal Devins
56 Law and Contemporary Problems 145-188 (Autumn, 1993)
Foreword: Elected Branch Influences in Constitutional Decisionmaking, Neal Devins
56 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-10 (1993)
Political Will and the Unitary Executive: What Makes an Independent Agency Independent?, Neal Devins
15 Cardozo Law Review 273-312 (1993)
Reagan Redux: Civil Rights Under Bush, Neal Devins
68 Notre Dame Law Review 955-1001 (1993)
The Future of Transfer Taxation: Repeal, Restructuring and Refinement, or Replacement, John E. Donaldson
50 Washington & Lee Law Review 539-564 (1993)
Book Review of Race, Law, and American History, 1700-1990, Davison M. Douglas
37 American Journal of Legal History 513-515 (1993)
Congressional Procedure and Statutory Interpretation, Larry Evans, Jarrell Wright, and Neal Devins
45 Administrative Law Review 239-259 (1993)
The Pressure of Precedent: A Critique of the Conservative Approaches to Stare Decisis in Abortion Cases, Michael J. Gerhardt
10 Constitutional Commentary 67-86 (1993)
The Employer's Fetal Injury Quandary After Johnson Controls, Susan Grover
81 Kentucky Law Journal 639-686 (1993)
Zoe Baird, Betrayal and Fragmentation, Susan Grover
2 Southern California Review of Law & Women's Studies 429-435 (1993)
Creating an Expert System for Legislative History Research: Project CLEAR's 'Lexpert', I. Trotter Hardy
85 Law Library Journal 239-273 (1993)
Electronic Conferences: The Report of an Experiment, I. Trotter Hardy
6 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 213-235 (1993)
Book Review of How to Research the Supreme Court, James S. Heller
24 American Reference Books Annual 240 (1993)
Book Review of The Government Contracts Reference Book, James S. Heller
24 American Reference Books Annual 243 (1993)
Book Review of The National Directory of Courts of Law 1991, James S. Heller
24 American Reference Books Annual 245 (1993)
The Bases are Loaded and It's Time to Get a Restraining Order: The Confounding Conflation of America's Two National Pastimes, Paul A. LeBel
17 Nova Law Review 813-816 (1993)
The Law School Expansion Draft (On the Lighter Side), Paul A. LeBel
43 Journal of Legal Education 606-610 (1993)
'Death and Taxes' and Hypocrisy, John W. Lee
60 Tax Notes 1393-1400 (1993)
President Clinton's Capital Gains Proposals, John W. Lee
59 Tax Notes 1399-1418 (1993)
Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
4 Yearbook of International Environtmental Law 297-303 (1993)
Reflections on the Jeffersonian Ideal of an Agrarian Democracy and the Emergence of an Agricultural and Environmental Ethic in the 1990 Farm Bill, Linda A. Malone
12 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 3-49 (1993)
A Return to the "Bright Line Rule" of Miranda, Paul Marcus
35 William and Mary Law Review 93-146 (1993)
Criminal Justice Reforms in the United States, Paul Marcus
64 International Review of Penal Law 1357-1373 (1993)
Limitations on Corporate Speech: Protection for Shareholders or Abridgement of Expression?, Alan J. Meese
2 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 305-340 (1993)
The Legal Significance of Gestation, Larry I. Palmer
20 Cornell Law Forum 9-16 (1993)
Freedom of Speech for Libraries and Librarians, Rodney A. Smolla
85 Law Library Journal 71-79 (1993)
Information, Imagery, and the First Amendment: A Case for Expansive Protection of Commercial Speech, Rodney A. Smolla
71 Texas Law Review 777-804 (1993)
Report of the Coalition for a New America: Platform Section on Communications Policy, Rodney A. Smolla
1993 University of Chicagi Legal Forum 149-185
Prosecutorial Immunity: The Response to Prenatal Drug Use, Margaret P. Spencer
25 Connecticut Law Review 393-426 (1993)
Attitudinal Barriers to Hiring Attorneys with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein
17 Mental Physical Disability Law Reporter 214-215 (1993)
Uniformity in the Federal Courts: A Proposal for Increasing the Use of En Banc Appellate Review, Michael Ashley Stein
54 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 805-860 (1993)
"Accidental" Shootings as Fourth Amendment Seizures, Kathryn R. Urbonya
20 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 337-390 (1993)
The University in the Manner of Tiananmen Square, William W. Van Alstyne
21 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 1-14 (1993)
“Thirty Pieces of Silver” for the Rights of Your People: Irresistible Offers Reconsidered as a Matter of State Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
16 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 303-326 (1993)
What Do You Think About the Twenty-Seventh Amendment?, William W. Van Alstyne
10 Constitutional Commentary 9-18 (1993)
Book Review of Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination, Cynthia V. Ward
10 Constitutional Commentary 258-266 (1993)
Virtues (and Limits) of Shared Values: The Fourth Amendment and Miranda's Concept of Custody, Richard A. Williamson
1993 University of Illinois Law Review 379-409 (1993)
Publications from 1992
When is a Corporate Executive "Substantially Unfit to Serve"?, Jayne W. Barnard
70 North Carolina Law Review 1489-1522 (1992)
Private Land Use, Changing Public Values and Notions of Relativity, Lynda L. Butler
1992 Brigham Young University Law Review 629-667
A Symbolic Balanced Budget Amendment, Neal Devins
9 Journal of Law & Politics 61-88 (1992)
Correspondence: The Stuff of Constitutional Law, Neal Devins
77 Iowa Law Review 1795-1801 (1992)
Fundamentalist Christian Educators v. State: An Inevitable Compromise, Neal Devins
60 George Washington Law Review 818-840 (1992)
Group Versus Individuals, Neal Devins
1992 Public Interest Law Review 115-120
Judicial Matters, Neal Devins
80 California Law Review 1027-1069 (1992)
Where's the Politics?: Introduction to Williams, Eastland, Days, and Rabkin, Neal Devins
34 William and Mary Law Review 1-5 (1992)
Book Review of Clement Haynsworth, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, Davison M. Douglas
36 American Journal of Legal History 392-394 (1992)
Banking and Insurance - Should Ever the Twain Meet?, Emeric Fischer
71 Nebraska Law Review 726-825 (1992)
Visions of a Labor Lawyer: The Legacy of Justice Brennan, B. Glenn George
33 William and Mary Law Review 1123-1179 (1992)
Divided Justice: A Commentary on the Nomination and Confirmation of Justice Thomas, Michael J. Gerhardt
60 George Washington Law Review 969-996 (1992)
Liberal Visions of the Freedom of the Press, Michael J. Gerhardt
45 Vanderbilt Law Review 1025-1060 (1992)
The Silenced Majority: Martin v. Wilks and the Legislative Response, Susan Grover
1992 University of Illinois Law Review 43-103
The Policy, Law, and Facts of Computer Screen Displays: An Essay, I. Trotter Hardy
11 Computer Law Journal 371-397 (1992)
Book Review of Directory of Foreign Law Collections in Selected Law Libraries, James S. Heller
23 American Reference Books Annual 210 (1992)
Book Review of International Legal Books in Print 1990-1991, James S. Heller
23 American Reference Books Annual 202 (1992)
Book Review of Litigation Services Directory, James S. Heller
23 American Reference Books Annual 210 (1992)
Book Review of The Charlemagne Tower Collection of Colonial Laws, James S. Heller
23 American Reference Books Annual 201 (1992)
Book Review of The World Directory of Teaching and Research Institutions in International Law, James S. Heller
23 American Reference Books Annual 210 (1992)
The Public Performance Right in Libraries: Is There Anything Fair About It?, James S. Heller
84 Law Library Journal 315-340 (1992)
When First Amendment Values and Competition Policy Collide: Resolving the Dilemma of Mixed-Motive Boycotts, Kay P. Kindred
34 Arizona Law Review 709-742 (1992)
Editor's Comments, Charles H. Koch Jr.
44 Administrative Law Review iii-v (1992)
Deerly, Departed (On the Lighter Side), Paul A. LeBel
42 Journal of Legal Education 469-476 (1992)
Legal Education and the Theatre of the Absurd: "Can't Anybody Play This Here Game?", Paul A. LeBel
1992 Brigham Young University Law Review 413-425
Doping Out the Capitalization Rules After INDOPCO, John W. Lee
57 Tax Notes 669-684 (1992)
Book Review of Federal Courts and the International Human Rights Paradigm and World Justice? U.S. Courts and International Human Rights, Linda A. Malone
26 The International Lawyer 565-568 (1992)
Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
3 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 353-357 (1992)
Criminal Conspiracy Law: Time to Turn Back From an Ever Expanding, Ever More Troubling Area, Paul Marcus
1 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1-45 (1992)
Ethiopia: Problems and Prospects for Democracy, Alemante G. Selassie
1 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 205-226 (1992)
Ethnic Identity and Constitutional Design for Africa, Alemante G. Selassie
29 Stanford Journal of International Law 1-56 (1992)
Harlot's Ghost and JFK: A Fictional Conservation with Norman Mailer, Oliver Stone, Earl Warren, and Hugo Black, Rodney A. Smolla
26 Suffolk University Law Review 587-618 (1992)
Limitations on Family Size: Potential Pressures on the Rights of Privacy and Procreation, Rodney A. Smolla
1 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 47-73 (1992)
Introduction: Perspectives on the World's Search for Stable Democracy, Rodney A. Smolla and Darlene P. Bradberry
1 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 177-186 (1992)
Foreword: O Canada, William W. Van Alstyne
55 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-3 (1992)
Second Thoughts on Rust v. Sullivan and the First Amendment, William W. Van Alstyne
9 Constitutional Commentary 5-8 (1992)
Reflections upon the Federal Administrative Judiciary, Paul R. Verkuil
39 UCLA Law Review 1341-1363 (1992)
An Improved Choice: The Virginia Limited Liability Company, James J. Wheaton
18 Virginia Bar Association Journal 7-11, 24 (1992)
Publications from 1991
Ronald V. Dellums v. George Bush (D.D.C. 1990): Memorandum Amicus Curiae of Law Professors, Bruce A. Ackerman, Abram Chayes, Lori Fisler Damrosch, John Hart Ely, Erwin N. Griswold, Gerald Gunther, Louis Henkin, Harold Hongju Koh, Philip B. Kurland, Laurence H. Tribe, and William W. Van Alstyne
27 Stanford Journal of International Law 257-264 (1991)
Editor's Notes, Peter A. Alces
1 Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice 3-6 (1991)
An Agenda for Reform of the Article 9 Filing System, Peter A. Alces and Robert M. Lloyd
44 Oklahoma Law Review 99-124 (1991)
Institutional Investors and the New Corporate Governance, Jayne W. Barnard
69 North Carolina Law Review 1135-1187 (1991)