The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 1996
The Business Necessity Defense in Disparate Impact Discrimination Cases, Susan Grover
30 Georgia Law Review 387-430 (1996)
The First Stone in Retrospect: An Outsider's Observations on the Book and Its Critics, Susan Grover
11 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 243-257 (1996)
Law and the Internet: What are the Dangers of Putting the World at Your Fingertips?, I. Trotter Hardy
5 Business Law Today 8-14 (1996)
Property (and Copyright) in Cyberspace, I. Trotter Hardy
1996 University of Chicago Legal Forum 217-260
Review of Hibbitts' Last Writes?, I. Trotter Hardy
30 Akron Law Review 249-254 (1996)
Starting An Electronic Journal In Law, I. Trotter Hardy
3 Journal of Information, Law & Technology 1-13 (1996)
The Ancient Doctrine of Trespass to Web Sites, I. Trotter Hardy
1996 Journal of Online Law (article 7)
America's First Law School Library: A History of the College of William and Mary's Marshall-Wythe Law Library, 1779-1995, James S. Heller
Law Librarianship: Historical Perspectives 43-76 (Laura N. Gasaway & Michael G. Chiorazzi eds., 1996)
Book Review of A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 232 (1996)
Book Review of Courtoom Handbook on Federal Evidence, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 238 (1996)
Book Review of Index to Law School Theses and Dissertations, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 229 (1996)
Book Review of State Legislative Summary, 1994: Children, Youth, and Family Issues, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 239 (1996)
Book Review of The Insider's Guide to Law Firms, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 234 (1996)
Book Review of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, James S. Heller
27 American Reference Books Annual 246 (1996)
The Impact of Recent Litigation on Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery, James S. Heller
88 Law Library Journal 158-177 (1996)
God Bless the Child: Poor Children, Parens Patriae, and a State Obligation to Provide Assistance, Kay P. Kindred
57 Ohio State Law Journal 519-542 (1996)
James Landis: The Administrative Process, Charles H. Koch Jr.
48 Administrative Law Review 419-433 (1996)
Introduction to the Keck Forum on the Teaching of Legal Ethics, Thomas G. Krattenmaker
38 William and Mary Law Review 1-4 (1996)
Responses, Thomas G. Krattenmaker
29 Connecticut Law Review 373-390 (1996)
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, Thomas G. Krattenmaker
29 Connecticut Law Review 123-174 (1996)
The Constitutional Interest in Getting the News: Toward a First Amendment Protection from Tort Liability for Surreptitious Newsgathering, Paul A. LeBel
4 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1145-1163 (1996)
Technology Augmented Litigation--systemic revolution, Fredric I. Lederer
5 Information and Communications Technology Law 215-225 (1996)
Comment on Rule, Story, and Commitment in the Teaching of Legal Ethics, by Roger C. Cramton and Susan P. Koniak, John M. Levy
38 William and Mary Law Review 207-215 (1996)
Beyond Bosnia and In re Kasinga: A Feminist Perspective on Recent Developments in Protecting Women from Sexual Violence, Linda A. Malone
14 Boston University International Law Journal 319-340 (1996)
Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
7 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 266-270 (1996)
Green Helmets: A Conceptual Framework for Security Council Authority in Environmental Emergencies, Linda A. Malone
17 Michigan Journal of International Law 515-536 (1996)
Restrictions on Law Enforcement Investigation and Prosecution of Crime, Paul Marcus
1996 Proceedings of the Criminal Justice Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegra, Brazil
The United States Criminal Justice System: A Brief Overview, Paul Marcus
1996 Proceedings of the Criminal Justice Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegra, Brazil
Antitrust Balancing in a (Near) Coasean World: The Case of Franchise Tying Contracts, Alan J. Meese
95 Michigan Law Review 111-165 (1996)
Legal Education, Experiential Education, and Professional Responsibility, James E. Moliterno
38 William and Mary Law Review 71-123 (1996)
On the Future of Integration between Skills and Ethics Teaching: Clinical Legal Education in the Year 2010, James E. Moliterno
46 Journal of Legal Education 67-78 (1996)
Book Review of Toxic Debts and the Superfund Dilemma, Ronald H. Rosenberg
1 Environmental History 104-105 (1996)
The Ghosts of Homer Plessy, Rodney A. Smolla
12 Georgia State University Law Review 1037-1088 (1996)
Remembering Melville Nimmer: Some Cautionary Notes on Commercial Speech, William W. Van Alstyne
43 UCLA Law Review 1635-1657 (1996)
The Failure of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, William W. Van Alstyne
46 Duke Law Journal 291-326 (1996)
Publications from 1995
Abolish the Article 9 Filing System, Peter A. Alces
79 Minnesota Law Review 679-714 (1995)
Rethinking Antidumping Law, Raj Bhala
29 George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics 1-144 (1995)
Self-Regulation in Global Electronic Markets through Reinvigorated Trade Usages, Raj Bhala
31 Idaho Law Review 863-936 (1995)
Towards a Payments System Law for Developing and Transition Economies, Raj Bhala
World Bank Discussion Paper No. 299 (1995)
The Cat that Catches Mice: China's Challenge to the Dominant Privatization Model, Lan Cao
21 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 97-178 (1995)
The Countermajoritarian Paradox, Neal Devins
93 Michigan Law Review 1433-1459 (1995)
The Promise of Brown Forty Years Later: Introduction, Davison M. Douglas
36 William and Mary Law Review 337-343 (1995)
Art of Judicial Biography, Michael J. Gerhardt
80 Cornell Law Review 1595-1645 (1995)
1995-1996 Supreme Court Preview: Mock Arguments in Romer v. Evans, Michael J. Gerhardt and Tracey Maclin
4 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 639-670 (1995)
Legal Realism, Lex Fori, and the Choice-of-Law Revolution, Michael S. Green
104 Yale Law Journal 967-994 (1995)
Contracts, Copyright and Preemption in a Digital World, I. Trotter Hardy
1 Richmond Journal of Law & Technology 2-40 (1995)
Book Review of Index to the Chemical Weapons Convention, James S. Heller
26 American Reference Books Annual 308 (1995)
Federal Minimums: Insufficient to Save the Bay, Roy A. Hoagland and Jean G. Watts
29 University of Richmond Law Review 635-655 (1995)
Converging First Amendment Principles for Converging Communications Media, Thomas G. Krattenmaker and L. A. Powe Jr.
104 Yale Law Journal 1719-1741 (1995)
Capital Gains Myths, John W. Lee
67 Tax Notes 809-820 (1995)
Critique of Current Congressional Capital Gains Contentions, John W. Lee
15 Virginia Tax Review 1-88 (1995)
Book Review of Principles of International Environmental Law, Linda A. Malone
6 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 732-733 (1995)
Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
6 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 363-369 (1995)
Presenting, Back From the [Almost] Dead, the Entrapment Defense, Paul Marcus
47 University of Florida Law Review 205-245 (1995)
Professional Preparedness: A Comparative Study of Law Graduates' Perceived Readiness for Professional Ethics Issues, James E. Moliterno
58 Law and Contemporary Problems 259-286 (1995)
Life, Death and Public Policy, Larry I. Palmer
81 Cornell Law Review 161-180 (1995)
Book Review of Natural Resources Policy and Law: Trends and Directions, Ronald H. Rosenberg
39 Forest & Conservation History 43-44 (1995)
The Non-Impact of the United States Supreme Court Regulatory Takings Cases on the State Courts: Does the Supreme Court Really Matter?, Ronald H. Rosenberg
6 Fordham Environmental Law Review 523-556 (1995)
The Domestic Relations Exception to Federal Jurisdiction: Rethinking an Unsettled Federal Courts Doctrine, Michael Ashley Stein
36 Boston College Law Review 669-723 (1995)
The Honorable Warren E. Burger, the Fifteenth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and Twentieth Chancellor of the College of William and Mary: Introductory Remarks, Timothy J. Sullivan
37 William and Mary Law Review 1-3 (1995)
Dangerous Misperceptions: Protecting Police Officers, Society, and the Fourth Amendment Right to Personal Security, Kathryn R. Urbonya
22 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 623-706 (1995)
A Response to Professor Vernellia R. Randall's The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, First Year Law Students and Performance, Cynthia V. Ward
26 Cumberland Law Review 111-120 (1995)
The Radical Feminist Defense of Individualism, Cynthia V. Ward
89 Northwestern University Law Review 871-899 (1995)
Quantifying Liability Under the Architect's Standard of Care, Murray H. Wright and David E. Boelzner
29 University of Richmond Law Review 1471-1498 (1995)
Publications from 1994
Introduction to The Revision of Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code Symposium, Peter A. Alces
35 William and Mary Law Review 1299-1303 (1994)
Toil of the Firestarters, Peter A. Alces
92 Michigan Law Review 1707-1724 (1994)
Reinventing the Wheel, Marion W. Benfield Jr. and Peter A. Alces
35 William and Mary Law Review 1405-1445 (1994)
A Pragmatic Strategy for the Scope of Sales Law, the Statute of Frauds, and the Global Currency Bazaar, Raj Bhala
72 Denver University Law Review 1-55 (1994)
Paying for the Deal: An Analysis of Analysis of Wire Transfer Law and International Financial Market Interest Groups, Raj Bhala
42 University of Kansas Law Review 667-708 (1994)
The Inverted Pyramid of Wire Transfer Law, Raj Bhala
82 Kentucky Law Journal 347-396 (1994)
Tragedy, Irony, and Protectionism after BCCI: A Three-Act Play Starring Maharajah Bank, Raj Bhala
48 Southern Methodist University Law Review 11-62 (1994)
Max and Ralph: Unruly Children of Limited-Form Requirements Contracts, David E. Boelzner
29 Public Contract Law Journal 277-292 (1994)
Understanding Kaye Scholer: The Autonomous Citizen, the Managed Subject and the Role of the Lawyer, Nancy Amoury Combs
82 California Law Review 663-716 (1994)
Affirmative Action, Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of the American Presidency 34-36 (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1994)
Appropriation Riders, Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of the American Presidency 67-69 (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1994)
Civil Rights Act of 1991, Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of the American Presidency 211-212 (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1994).
Continuing Resolutions, Neal Devins
1 Encyclopedia of the American Presidency 306-307 (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1994)
Interest Balancing and Other Limits to Judicially Managed Equal Educational Opportunity, Neal Devins
45 Mercer Law Review 1017-1033 (1994)
Philadelphia Plan, Neal Devins
3 Encyclopedia of the American Presidency 1163-1164 (Leonard Levy & Louis Fisher eds., Simon & Schuster 1994)
Tempest in an Envelope: Reflections on the Bush White House's Failed Takeover of the U.S. Postal Service, Neal Devins
41 UCLA Law Review 1035-1062 (1994)
Through the Looking Glass: What Abortion Teaches Us About American Politics, Neal Devins
94 Columbia Law Review 293-330 (1994)
Unitariness and Independence: Solicitor General Control over Independent Agency Litigation, Neal Devins
82 California Law Review 255-327 (1994)
The Quest for Freedom in the Post-Brown South: Desegregation and White Self-Interest, Davison M. Douglas
70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 689-755 (1994)
The Rhetoric of Moderation: Desegregating the South During the Decade After Brown, Davison M. Douglas
89 Northwestern University Law Review 92-139 (1994)
Parents' Religion and Children's Welfare: Debunking the Doctrine of Parents' Rights, James G. Dwyer
82 California Law Review 1371-1447 (1994)
A Tale of Two Textualists: A Critical Comparison of Justices Black and Scalia, Michael J. Gerhardt
74 Boston University Law Review 25-66 (1994)
Rediscovering Nonjusticiability: Judicial Review of Impeachments after Nixon, Michael J. Gerhardt
44 Duke Law Journal 231-276 (1994)
The Confirmation Mystery, Michael J. Gerhardt
83 Georgetown Law Journal 395-431 (1994)
Ain't?, Susan Grover
3 Southern California Review of Law & Women's Studies 335-338 (1994)
An Experiment with Electronic Mail and Constitutional Theory, I. Trotter Hardy
44 Journal of Legal Education 446-451 (1994)
The Proper Legal Regime for 'Cyberspace', I. Trotter Hardy
55 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 993-1055 (1994)
Book Review of Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Citations, James S. Heller
25 American Reference Books Annual 225 (1994)
Book Review of Terrorism, 1988-1991: A Chronology of Events, James S. Heller
25 American Reference Books Annual 242 (1994)
Avoiding Takings “Accidents”: A Torts Perspective on Takings Law, Eric Kades
28 University of Richmond Law Review 1235-1277 (1994)
Administrative Presiding Officials Today, Charles H. Koch Jr.
46 Administrative Law Review 271-295 (1994)
Funeral Oration in Honor of United States v. Burton, Fredric I. Lederer
1994 The Army Lawyer 40
Modern Technology in the Courtroom: Possibilities and Implications, Fredric I. Lederer
Technology Comes to the Courtroom, and . . ., Fredric I. Lederer
43 Emory Law Journal 1095-1112 (1994)
Does the Fourth Amendment Apply to the Armed Forces?, Fredric I. Lederer and Frederic L. Borch
Needed: An Independent Military Judiciary- A Proposal to Amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Fredric I. Lederer and Barbara S. Hundley
3 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 629-680 (1994)