The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 1991


Time Changes: A Review of To the End of Time: The Seduction and Conquest of a Media Empire, Jayne W. Barnard
4 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 147-155 (1991)


Bank Liability for Fiduciary Fraud, Marion W. Benfield Jr. and Peter A. Alces
42 Alabama Law Review 475-549 (1991)


And the Rebuttal, Glenn E. Coven
11 Virginia Tax Review 493-500 (1991)


Redefining Debt: Of Indianapolis Power and Fictitious Interest, Glenn E. Coven
10 Virginia Tax Review 587-664 (1991)


The Civil Rights Hydra, Neal Devins
89 Michigan Law Review 1723-1765 (1991)


The Rhetoric of Equality, Neal Devins
44 Vanderbilt Law Review 15-44 (1991)


The Role of Precedent in Constitutional Decisionmaking and Theory, Michael J. Gerhardt
60 George Washington Law Review 68-159 (1991)


Why Legal Research Training Is So Bad: A Response to Howland and Lewis, I. Trotter Hardy
41 Journal of Legal Education 221-225 (1991)


Book Review of Legal Briefs: A Lawyer's Quotation Book, James S. Heller
22 American Reference Books Annual 235 (1991)


Book Review of The U.S. Supreme Court: A Bibliography, James S. Heller
22 American Reference Books Annual 226 (1991)


Editor's Comments, Charles H. Koch Jr.
43 Administrative Law Review iii-v (1991)


An Issue-Driven Strategy for Review of Agency Decisions, Charles H. Koch Jr.
43 Administrative Law Review 511-558 (1991)


Reducing the Recovery of Avoidable Seat-Belt Damages: A Cure for the Defects of Waterson v. General Motors Corporation, Paul A. LeBel
22 Seton Hall Law Review 4-34 (1991)


Right-Talk and Torts-Talk: A Commentary on the Road Not Taken in the Intellectual History of Tort Law, Paul A. LeBel
41 Case Western Reserve Law Review 811-821 (1991)


The Coastal Zone Management Act and the Takings Clause in the 1990's: Making the Case for Federal Land Use to Preserve Coastal Areas, Linda A. Malone
62 University of Colorado Law Review 711-773 (1991)


Book Review of A General Theory of Crime, Paul Marcus
27 Criminal Law Bulletin 87-94 (1991)


Limiting Disclosure of Rape Victims' Identities, Paul Marcus and Tara L. McMahon
64 Southern California Law Review 1019-1055 (1991)


Introduction: A Balanced Approach to Drug Testing in the Workplace, Paul Marcus and Rodney A. Smolla
33 William and Mary Law Review 1-3 (1991)


An Analysis of Ethics Teaching in Law Schools: Replacing Lost Benefits of the Apprentice System in the Academic Atmosphere, James E. Moliterno
60 University of Cincinnati Law Review 83-134 (1991)


Valuation Issues in Applying Fraudulent Transfer Law to Leveraged Buyouts, Alemante G. Selassie
32 Boston College Law Review 377-432 (1991)


Affirmative Action in the Marketplace of Ideas, Rodney A. Smolla
44 Arkansas Law Review 935-969 (1991)


A Tribute to Judge Charles Clark, Rodney A. Smolla
61 Mississippi Law Journal xii-xiv (1991)


Introduction: Exercises in the Regulation of Hate Speech, Rodney A. Smolla
32 William and Mary Law Review 207-210 (1991)


The Constitutionality of High-Speed Pursuits under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, Kathryn R. Urbonya
35 Saint Louis University Law Journal 205-288 (1991)


Freedom of Speech and the Flag Anti-Desecration Amendment: Antinomies of Constitutional Choice, William W. Van Alstyne
29 Free Speech Yearbook 96-105 (1991)


The Enduring Example of John Marshall Harlan: "Virtue as Practice" in the Supreme Court, William W. Van Alstyne
36 New York Law School Law Review 109-126 (1991)


A Proposal to Resolve Interbranch Disputes on the Practice Field, Paul R. Verkuil
40 Catholic University Law Review 839-850 (1991)


The Limits of "Liberal Republicanism": Why Group-Based Remedies and Republican Citizenship Don't Mix, Cynthia V. Ward
91 Columbia Law Review 581-607 (1991)


Prisoners' Rights, Timothy Zick
79 Georgetown Law Journal 1253-1295 (1991)


Reporting Substantial Product Safety Hazards Under the Consumer Product Safety Act: The Products Liability Interface, Timothy Zick
80 Georgetown Law Journal 387-412 (1991)

Publications from 1990


Fraud Bases of Bulk Transferee Liability, Peter A. Alces
63 Temple Law Review 679-727 (1990)


The Confluence of Bulk Transfer and Fraudulent Disposition Law, Peter A. Alces
41 Alabama Law Review 821-872 (1990)


Statutory Personal Property Lease Law in Alabama, Peter A. Alces and P. Cade Newman
42 Alabama Law Review 101-164 (1990)


Exxon Collides With the "Valdez Principles", Jayne W. Barnard
74 Business and Society Review 32-35 (1990)


Giving Voice to Shareholder Choice, Jayne W. Barnard
73 Business and Society Review 15-17 (1990)


Shareholder Access to the Proxy Revisited, Jayne W. Barnard
40 Catholic University Law Review 37-105 (1990)


Environmental Water Rights: An Evolving Concept of Public Property, Lynda L. Butler
9 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 323-380 (1990)


State Environmental Programs: A Study in Political Influence and Regulatory Failure, Lynda L. Butler
31 William and Mary Law Review 823-933 (1990)


Budget Reform and the Balance of Powers, Neal Devins
31 William and Mary Law Review 993-1020 (1990)


Metro Broadcasting, Inc. v. FCC: Requiem for a Heavyweight, Neal Devins
69 Texas Law Review 125-156 (1990)


Project CLEAR's Paper Choice: A Hypertext System for Giving Advice About Legal Research, I. Trotter Hardy
82 Law Library Journal 209-237 (1990)


Book Review of National Directory of Legal Services, James S. Heller
21 American Reference Books Annual 229 (1990)


Book Review of Quote It II: A Dictionary of Memorable Legal Quotations, James S. Heller
21 American Reference Books Annual 236 (1990)


Book Review of The Greenwood Annual Abstract of Legal Dissertations and These, 1985-1987, James S. Heller
21 American Reference Books Annual 234 (1990)


Book Review of The Law Library Reference Shelf, James S. Heller
21 American Reference Books Annual 226 (1990)


Book Review of Washington Information Directory, James S. Heller
21 American Reference Books Annual 292 (1990)


Editor's Comments, Charles H. Koch Jr.
42 Adminisrative Law Review iii-iv (1990)


Cooperative Surplus: The Efficiency Justification for Active Government, Charles H. Koch Jr.
31 William and Mary Law Review 431-443 (1990)


The Fourth Bite at the Apple: A Study of the Operation and Utility of the Social Security Administration's Appeals Council, Charles H. Koch Jr. and David A. Koplow
17 Florida State University Law Review 199-324 (1990)


The Military Rules of Evidence: Origins and Judicial Implementation, Fredric I. Lederer
130 Military Law Review 5-39 (1990)


The Necessary Interrelationship Between Land Use and Preservation of Groundwater Resources, Linda A. Malone
9 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1-72 (1990)


The Due Process Defense in Entrapment Cases, The Journey Back, Paul Marcus
27 American Criminal Law Review 457-472 (1990)


The Exclusion of Evidence in the United States, Paul Marcus
26 American Journal of Comparative Law 595-610 (1990)


Inadvertent Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege by Disclosure of Documents: An Economic Analysis, Alan J. Meese
23 Creighton Law Review 513-543 (1990)


Teaching Legal Ethics in a Program of Comprehensive Skills Development, James E. Moliterno
15 The Journal of the Legal Profession 145-170 (1990)


The Legal Skills Program at the College of William and Mary: An Early Report, James E. Moliterno
40 Journal of Legal Education 535-539 (1990)


The Secret of Success: The Small-Section First-Year Skills Offering and Its Relationship to Independent Thinking, James E. Moliterno
55 Missouri Law Review 875-881 (1990)


Cooperative Failure: An Analysis of Intergovernmental Relationships and the Problem of Air Quality Non-Attainment, Ronald H. Rosenberg
1990 Annual Survey of American Law 13-49


Academic Freedom, Hate Speech, and the Idea of a University, Rodney A. Smolla
53 Law and Contemporary Problems 195-225 (1990)


Introduction to the Bill of Rights at 200 Years: Bicentennial Perspectives, Rodney A. Smolla
31 William and Mary Law Review 241-244 (1992)


Preserving the Bill of Rights In The Modern Administrative-Industrial State, Rodney A. Smolla
31 William and Mary Law Review 321-363 (1990)


Rethinking First Amendment Assumptions about Racist and Sexist Speech, Rodney A. Smolla
47 Washington & Lee Law Review 171-211 (1990)


Academic Freedom and the First Amendment in the Supreme Court of the United States: An Unhurried Historical Review, William W. Van Alstyne
53 Law and Contemporary Problems 79-154 (1990)


A Judicial Postscript on the Church-State Debates of 1989: How Porous the Wall, How Civil the State?, William W. Van Alstyne
4 Notre Dame Journal of Legal Ethics and Public Policy 559-566 (1990)


Foreword: Freedom and Tenure in the Academy: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the 1940 Statement of Principles, William W. Van Alstyne
53 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-2 (1990)


Revisiting the New Property After Twenty-Five Years, Paul R. Verkuil
31 William and Mary Law Review 365-373 (1990)


Welcome to the Constantly Evolving Field of Administrative Law, Paul R. Verkuil
42 Administrative Law Review 1-4 (1990)

Publications from 1989


Executive Loans from Corporate Funds, Jayne W. Barnard
17 Securities Regulation Law Journal 257-273 (1989)


The Securities Law Enforcement Remedies Act of 1989: Disenfranchising Shareholders in Order to Protect Them, Jayne W. Barnard
65 Notre Dame Law Review 32-77 (1989)


The Supreme Court and the Shareholder Litigant: Basic, Inc. v. Levinson in Context, Jayne W. Barnard
16 Pepperdine Law Review 985-1023 (1989)


Taxing Corporate Acquisitions: A Proposal for Mandatory Uniform Rules, Glenn E. Coven
44 Tax Law Review 145-204 (1989)


Affirmative Action After Reagan, Neal Devins
68 Texas Law Review 353-379 (1989)


Book Review of A Copyright Primer for Educational and Industrial Producers, James S. Heller
5 Library and Information Science Annual 147 (1989)


Book Review of Annuals and Surveys Appearing in Legal Periodicals: An Annotated Listing, James S. Heller
26 American Reference Books Annual 210 (1989)


Book Review of Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter/Bulletin, James S. Heller
5 Library and Information Science Annual 239-240 (1989)


Book Review of Comparative Statutory Sources: U.S., Canadian, Multinational, James S. Heller
20 American Reference Books Annual 202 (1989)


Book Review of Handbook for Small, Rural, and Emerging Public Libraries, James S. Heller
5 Library and Information Science Annual 190 (1989)


Book Review of The Dorsey Dictionary of American Government and Politics, James S. Heller
20 American Reference Books Annual 259 (1989)


Diagnosing Posttenure Slump Syndrome: A Guide to the Aging of Law Professors, Paul A. LeBel
39 Journal of Legal Education 49-50 (1989)


Emotional Distress, the First Amendment, and This Kind of Speech: A Heretical Perspective on Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, Paul A. LeBel
60 University of Colorado Law Review 315-356 (1989)


The Joe Isuzu Dean Search: A Guide to the Interpretation of Announcement Letters, Paul A. LeBel and James E. Moliterno
39 Journal of Legal Education 265-268 (1989)


The Art of Regulation Drafting: Structured Discretionary Justice Under Section 355, John W. Lee
44 Tax Notes 1029-1048 (1989)


Conservation at the Crossroads: Reauthorization of the 1985 Farm Bill Conservation Provisions, Linda A. Malone
8 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 215-233 (1989)


The Renewed Concern Over Soil Erosion: The Current Federal Programs and Proposals, Linda A. Malone
10 Journal of Agricultural Taxation and Law 310-354 (1989)


Defending Miranda, Paul Marcus
24 Land and Water Law Review 241-252 (1989)


Toward an Expanded View of the Due Process Claim in Entrapment Cases, Paul Marcus
6 Georgia State University Law Review 73-84 (1989)


Goodness and Humanness: Distinguishing Traits, James E. Moliterno
19 New Mexico Law Review 203-210 (1989)


The Annenberg Libel Reform Proposal: The Case for Enactment, Rodney A. Smolla and Michael J. Gaertner
31 William and Mary Law Review 25-65 (1989)


Problematic Standards of Reasonableness: Qualified Immunity in Section 1983 Actions for a Police Officer's Use of Excessive Force, Kathryn R. Urbonya
62 Temple Law Review 61-116 (1989)


Closing the Circle of Constitutional Review from Griswold v. Connecticut to Roe v. Wade: An Outline of a Decision Merely Overruling Roe, William W. Van Alstyne
1989 Duke Law Jourtnal 1677-1688


Dual Sovereignty, Federalism and National Criminal Law: Modernist Constitutional Doctrine and the Nonrole of the Supreme Court, William W. Van Alstyne
26 American Criminal Law Review 1740-1759 (1989)


Separation of Powers, The Rule of Law and the Idea of Independence, Paul R. Verkuil
30 William and Mary Law Review 301-341 (1989)

Publications from 1988


Surreptitious and Not-So-Surreptitious Adjustment of the U.C.C.: An Introductory Essay, Peter A. Alces
39 Alabama Law Review 559-573 (1988)


Corporate Loans to Directors and Officers -- Every Business Now a Bank?, Jayne W. Barnard
1988 Wisconsin Law Review 237-291


Curbing Management Conflicts of Interest -- The Search for an Effective Deterrent, Jayne W. Barnard
40 Rutgers Law Review 369-427 (1988)


Executives Raiding the Corporate Cookie Jar, Jayne W. Barnard
64 Business and Society Review 56 (1988)


The President's Powers as Commander-in-Chief Versus Congress' War Power and Appropriations Power, Charles W. Bennett, Arthur B. Culvahouse, Geoffrey P. Miller, William Bradford Reynolds, and William W. Van Alstyne
43 University of Miami Law Review 36-59 (1988)


Tax Court Decision Unsettles IRS Subchapter S Procedures, Glenn E. Coven
38 Tax Notes 517-519 (1988)


Appropriations Redux: A Critical Look at the Fiscal Year 1988 Continuing Resolution, Neal Devins
1988 Duke Law Journal 389-421


Federal Funds To Religious Groups: Where Are The First Amendment Boundaries?, Neal Devins
1987-1988 Preview United States Supreme Court Case 403-404 (1988)