The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2024
Can Judges Help Ease Mass Incarceration?, Jeffrey Bellin
107 Judicature 75-79 (2024)
Eliminating Rule 609 to Provide a Fair Opportunity to Defend Against Criminal Charges: A Proposal to the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence, Jeffrey Bellin
92 Fordham Law Review 2471-2489 (2024)
Principles of Prosecutor Lenience, Jeffrey Bellin
102 Texas Law Review 1541-1559 (2024)
Symposium Introduction: The Volume Problem, Jeffrey Bellin
65 William & Mary Law Review 777-783 (2024)
Contagion. FTX, A Sector's Crisis & Crypto's Silent Victims, Lev E. Breydo
98 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 97-173 (2024)
Inequitable Infrastructure: An Empirical Assessment of Federalism, Climate Change, and Environmental Racism, Lev E. Breydo
102 North Carolina Law Review 1035-1091 (2024)
Infrastructure Finance for the Public Good: How Asset Recycling Can Untangle the New York MTA's $50 Billion Debt Load, Lev E. Breydo
2024 Journal of Law and Mobility
The Broken Token Problem: Why Crypto Classification Remains Elusive, Lev E. Breydo
55 Seton Hall Law Review 67-126 (2024)
Law and Equity on Appeal, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
124 Columbia Law Review 2307-2369 (2024)
Supreme Court Litigators in the Age of Textualism, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
76 Florida Law Review 59-101 (2024)
Aggressor Status and Its Impact on International Criminal Law Case Selection, Nancy Amoury Combs
36 Pace International Law Review 101-121 (2024)
Holding Aggressors Responsible for International Crimes: Implementing the Unequal Enforcement Doctrine, Nancy Amoury Combs
57 U.C. Davis Law Review 2383-2464 (2024)
Constitutional Rights and Remedial Consistency, Katherine Mims Crocker
110 Virginia Law Review 521-597 (2024)
Guardrails Needed for Social Science Research, James G. Dwyer
Research on Social Work Practice 1-2 (prepublished 2024)
The Real Wrongs of ICWA, James G. Dwyer
69 Villanova Law Review 1-53 (2024)
The Brady Database, Brandon L. Garrett, Adam M. Gershowitz, and Jennifer Teitcher
114 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 185-248 (2024)
Mercy for the Masses: A Default Rule for Automatically Triggered Commutations, Adam Gershowitz
102 Texas Law Review 1431-1447 (2024)
AI-Based Evidence in Criminal Trials?, Sabine Gless, Fredric I. Lederer, and Thomas Weigend
59 Tulsa Law Review 1-37 (2024)
FOIA-Flooded Elections, Rebecca Green
85 Ohio State Law Journal 255-306 (2024)
Legal Support for Local Election Officials, Rebecca Green
81 Washington & Lee Law Review 1017-1046 (2024)
Naming, Expressive Interests, and the Law: The Implications of Governmental Form Design, Laura A. Heymann
I.M. Nick, ed. Names, Naming, and the Law: Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy (Routledge, 2024, pp. 35-50)
Critical Data Theory, Margaret Hu
65 William & Mary Law Review 839-892 (2024)
National Security and Federalizing Data Privacy Infrastructure for AI Governance, Margaret Hu, Eliott Behar, and Davi Ottenheimer
92 Fordham Law Review 1829-1853 (2024)
Becoming a Doctrine, Allison Orr Larsen
76 Florida Law Review 1-57 (2024)
Learning to Disagree Agreeably, Allison Orr Larsen
110 Virginia Law Review Online 283-289 (2024)
The Precarious Art of Classifying Facts, Allison Orr Larsen
73 Duke Law Journal Online 191-197
Personhood, Politics, Assisted Reproduction, and the Law Post-Dobbs, Myrisha S. Lewis
44 Pace Law Review 83-101 (2024)
Are Employee Noncompete Agreements Coercive? Why the FTC's Wrong Answer Disqualifies It From Rulemaking (For Now), Alan J. Meese
18 Virginia Law & Business Review 245-326 (2024)
New Vision, Old Model: How the FTC Exaggerated Harms When Rejecting Business Justifications for Noncompetes, Alan J. Meese
109 Cornell Law Review Online 13-45 (2024)
Mothers with Disabilities in the Workplace Post-Pandemic & Post-Dobbs, Nicole Buonocore Porter
77 Oklahoma Law Review 151-184 (2024)
Symposium Introduction: The Effect of Dobbs on Work Law, Nicole Buonocore Porter
27 Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 56-83 (2024)
Patent Term Tailoring, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
99 Indiana Law Journal 475-514 (2024)
Intellectual Property and the Myth of Nonrivalry, James Y. Stern
99 Notre Dame Law Review 1163-1221 (2024)
The Constitutional Court of Indonesia as a Post-Conflict Institution, Christie S. Warren
Courts and Diversity: Twenty Years of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia (Bertus de Villiers, Saldi Isra, and Pan Mohamad Faiz, eds. Brill, 2024)
The Constitutional Court of Kosovo in Comparative Perspective, Christie S. Warren
XIV Judicial Year of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo: Conference Proceedings of the Solemn Ceremony and International Conference, 2023 (Constitutional Court of Kosovo, 2024)
"The Law Doesn't Work Like a Computer": Exploring Software Licensing Issues Faced by Legal Practitioners, Nathan Wintersgill, Trevor Stalnaker, Laura A. Heymann, Oscar Chaparro, and Denys Poshyvanyk
1 Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering 882-905 (2024)
Public Protest and Government Immunities, Timothy Zick
97 Southern California Law Review 1583-1649 (2024)
Publications from 2023
Plea Bargaining's Uncertainty Problem, Jeffrey Bellin
101 Texas Law Review 539-586 (2023)
The Superfluous Rules of Evidence, Jeffrey Bellin
76 Vanderbilt Law Review 1769-1798 (2023)
Plea Bargains: Efficient or Unjust?, Jeffrey Bellin, Erin Blondel, John Flynn, Elana Fogel, Anjelica Hendricks, and Carissa Byrne Hessick
107 Judicature 50-61 (2023)
Sentencing in an Era of Plea Bargains, Jeffrey Bellin and Jenia I. Turner
102 North Carolina Law Review 179-230 (2023)
Analog Analogies: Intel v. Hamidi and the Future of Trespass to Chattels, Maureen E. Brady and James Y. Stern
16 Journal of Tort Law 205-229 (2023)
Health of Nations: Preventing a Post-Pandemic Emerging Markets Debt Crisis, Lev E. Breydo
23 Nevada Law Journal 463-532 (2023)
Political Default. The Implications of Weaponizing Global Financial Infrastructure, Lev E. Breydo
56 UC Davis Law Review Online 53-78 (2023)
Putin's Matryoskha: A War Reparations Facility for Rebuilding Ukraine, Lev E. Breydo
61 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 641-732 (2023)
Russia's Roulette: Sanctions, Strange Contracts & Sovereign Default, Lev E. Breydo
60 San Diego Law Review 107-166 (2023)
The Supreme Court Review Act: Fast-Tracking the Interbranch Dialogue and Destabilizing the Filibuster, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
25 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Online (2023)
Crypto Assets and the Problem of Tax Classifications, Eric D. Chason
100 Washington University Law Review 765-825 (2023)
Regulating Crypto, On and Off the Chain, Eric D. Chason
Legal Order at the Border, Evan J. Criddle
56 U.C. Davis Law Review 1503-1569 (2023)
Turning Sanctions into Reparations: Lessons for Russia/Ukraine, Evan J. Criddle
Harvard International Law Journal Online (2023)
A Prophylactic Approach to Compact Constitutionality, Katherine Mims Crocker
98 Notre Dame Law Review 1185-1251 (2023)
The Independent Agency Myth, Neal Devins and David E. Lewis
108 Cornell Law Review 1305-1374 (2023)
Faux Advocacy in Amicus Practice, James G. Dwyer
50 Pepperdine Law Review 633-671 (2023)
Laundering Police Lies, Adam Gershowitz and Caroline E. Lewis
2023 Wisconsin Law Review 1187-1246
The Tesla Meets the Fourth Amendment, Adam M. Gershowitz
48 Brigham Young University Law Review 1135-1184 (2023)
Technology Integration in Higher Education and Student Privacy Beyond Learning Environments -- A Comparison of the UK and US Perspective, Iria Giuffrida and Alex Hall
54 British Journal of Educational Technology 1587-1603 (2023)
Jurisdiction and the Moral Impact Theory of Law, Michael S. Green
29 Legal Theory 29-62 (2023)
Adversarial Election Administration, Rebecca Green
101 North Carolina Law Review 1077-1127 (2023)
Menstrual Justice in Theoretical Context, Vivian E. Hamilton
98 N.Y.U. Law Review Online 133-154 (2023)
Trolley Problems, Private Necessity, and the Duty to Rescue, Laura A. Heymann
60 San Diego Law Review 1-44 (2023)
Anti Trusts: Reforming an Excessively Flexible Legal Tool, Eric Kades
47 Vermont Law Review 331-382 (2023)
Comparing & Contrasting Economic and Natural Law Approaches to Policymaking, Eric Kades
9 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 561-612 (2023)
Appealing Magna Carta, Thomas J. McSweeney
91 University of Chicago Law Review Online (2023)
Subordination Through Schedules, Nicole Buonocore Porter
55 Arizona State Law Journal 1293-1350 (2023)
Working Through the Supreme Court's 2021 Term, Nicole Buonocore Porter
26 Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 145-189 (2023)
Advances in Patent Rights Acquisition in International Patent Law, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
41 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 447-456 (2023)
Tribute to Professor James Moliterno, Patricia Roberts, Soledad Atienza, Eleanor Myers, James S. Heller, Gary Tamsitt, Neal Devins, Peter Čuroš, Veronika Tomoszek, Maxim Tomoszek, Paul Žilinčík, Rongjie Lan, José M. de Areilza, Irina Lortkipanidze, Ján Mazúr, Javier Guillen, Lucia Berdisová, and James Étienne Viator
80 Washington and Lee Law Review 627-662 (2023)
Alcohol Misuse and Gun Violence: An Evidence-Based Approach for State Policy, Silvia Villarreal, Amy Bornhorst, Richard Bonnie, Kami Chavis, Ari Davis, Shannon Frattaroli, Kelly Roskam, Jeffrey Swanson, and Joshua Horwitz
Report, The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy and the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2023)
Criminal Justice Reform and the Centrality of Intent, Cynthia V. Ward
68 Villanova Law Review 51-95 (2023)
Demonstrating Law Library Value Through Mission-Centered Assessment, Amanda Watson, Amanda Karel, Amanda Runyon, and Leslie Street
115 Law Library Journal 5-40 (2023)
Second Amendment Exceptionalism: Public Expression and Public Carry, Timothy Zick
102 Texas Law Review 65-122 (2023)
Publications from 2022
Nohwere, Peter A. Alces and Robert M. Sapolsky
A World Without Prosecutors, Jeffrey Bellin
13 California Law Review Online Symposium 1-6 (2022)
Improving (and Avoiding) Interstate Interpretive Encounters, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
2022 Wisconsin Law Review 1139-1167
Interpreting State Statutes in Federal Court, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
98 Notre Dame Law Review 61-127 (2022)
Dissent and Legitimacy in International Criminal Law, Nancy Armoury Combs
57 Wake Forest Law Review 1061-1129 (2022)
Qualified Immunity, Sovereign Immunity, and Systemic Reform, Katherine Mims Crocker
71 Duke Law Journal 1701-1780 (2022)
Smith's Last Stand? Free Exercise and Foster Care Exceptionalism, James G. Dwyer
24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 856-906 (2022)
The Most Dangerous Branch of Science? Reining in Rogue Research and Reckless Experimentation in Social Services, James G. Dwyer
87 Missouri Law Review 1-94 (2022)
Old Age as the Hidden Sentencing Factor, Adam M. Gershowitz
29 Elder Law Journal 249-314 (2022)
The Myth of the All-Powerful Federal Prosecutor at Sentencing, Adam M. Gershowitz
95 St. John's Law Review 581-639 (2022)
Pleasure Patents, Andrew Gilden and Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
63 Boston College Law Review 571-621 (2022)
Election Surveillance, Rebecca Green
57 Wake Forest Law Review 289-351 (2022)
Trademark Law and Consumer Constraints, Laura A. Heymann
64 Arizona Law Review 339-381 (2022)
Whose Progress?, Laura A. Heymann
102 Boston University Law Review Online 78-81 (2022)
Biometrics and an AI Bill of Rights, Margaret Hu
60 Duquesne Law Review 283-301 (2022)
A Tokenized Future: Regulatory Lessons from Crowdfunding and Standard Form Contracts, Darian M. Ibrahim
74 Hastings Law Journal 45-77 (2022)
A New Feudalism: Selfish Genes, Great Wealth, and the Rise of the Dynastic Family Trust (DFT), Eric Kades
55 Connecticut Law Review 19-75 (2022)
Circuit Personalities, Allison Orr Larsen and Neal Devins
108 Virginia Law Review 1315-1379 (2022)
Fundamental Criminal Procedure (2022 edition), Fredric I. Lederer
Williamsburg, VA: [desktop published], 2022
Normalizing Reproductive Genetic Innovation, Myrisha S. Lewis
74 Administrative Law Review 481-538 (2022)
Segmented Innovation in the Legalization of Mitochondrial Transfer: Lessons from Australia and the United Kingdom, Myrisha S. Lewis
22 Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy 317-363 (2022)
Don't Abolish Employee Noncompete Agreements, Alan J. Meese
57 Wake Forest Law Review 631-709 (2022)
Nomos, Narrative, and Nephi: Legal Interpretation in the Book of Mormon, Nathan B. Oman
11 British Journal of American Legal Studies 297-322 (2022)
Salt, Smurthwaite, and Smith: The Origins of the Modern Legal Identity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nathan B. Oman
48 Journal of Mormon History 92-122 (2022)
Disability Diversity and Identity Capitalism, Nicole Buonocore Porter
56 New England Law Review 153-174 (2022)
Disclaiming Disability, Nicole Buonocore Porter
55 UC Davis Law Review 1859-1896 (2022)
#MeToo and the Process That's Due: Sexual Misconduct Where We Live, Work, and Learn, Nicole Buonocore Porter
2022 University of Illinois Law Review 663-706
Rule 4(K), Nationwide Personal Jurisdiction, and the Civil Rules Advisory Committee: Lessons from Attempted Reform, A. Benjamin Spencer
73 Alabama Law Review 607-620 (2022)