The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 2018


Reassessing Prosecutorial Power Through the Lens of Mass Incarceration, Jeffrey Bellin
116 Michigan Law Review 835-857 (2018)


The Silence Penalty, Jeffrey Bellin
103 Iowa Law Review 395-434 (2018)


Statutory Interpretation and the Rest of the Iceberg: Divergences between the Lower Federal Courts and the Supreme Court, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
68 Duke Law Journal 1-73 (2018)


Deconstructing the Epistemic Challenges to Mass Atrocity Prosecutions, Nancy Amoury Combs
75 Washington and Lee Law Review 223-300 (2018)


A Prudential Take on a Prudential Takings Doctrine, Katherine Mims Crocker
117 Michigan Law Review Online 39-54 (2018)


Congress, the Courts, and Party Polarization: Why Congress Rarely Checks the President and Why the Courts Should Not Take Congress’s Place, Neal Devins
21 Chapman Law Review 55-81 (2018)


Institutionalizing Resilience in U.S. Universities: Prospects, Opportunities, and Models, Morris Foster, James O'Donnell, Mark Luckenbach, Elizabeth Andrews, Emily Steinhilber, John Wells, and Mark Davis
52 Marine Technology Society Journal 106-110 (2018)


The Internal Morality of International Law, Evan Fox-Decent and Evan J. Criddle
63 McGill Law Journal 765-781 (2018)


Prosecutorial Dismissals as Teachable Moments (and Databases) for the Police, Adam M. Gershowitz
86 George Washington Law Review 1525-1551 (2018)


The Surveillance Gap: The Harms of Extreme Privacy and Data Marginalization, Michele Gilman and Rebecca Green
42 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 253-307 (2018)


A Legal Perspective on the Trials and Tribulations of AI: How Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Smart Contracts, and Other Technologies Will Affect the Law, Iria Giuffrida, Fredric Lederer, and Nicolas Vermeys
68 Case Western Reserve Law Review 747-781 (2018)


The Erie Doctrine: A Flowchart, Michael S. Green
52 Akron Law Review 215-257 (2018)


Redistricting Transparency, Rebecca Green
59 William & Mary Law Review 1787-1836 (2018)


The Origins (and Fragility) of Judicial Independence, Tara Leigh Grove
71 Vanderbilt Law Review 465-545 (2018)


The Power of "So-Called Judges", Tara Leigh Grove
93 N.Y.U. Law Review Online 14-20 (2018)


A New Market-Based Approach to Securities Law, Kevin S. Haeberle
85 University of Chicago Law Review 1313-1393 (2018)


Making a Market for Corporate Disclosure, Kevin S. Haeberle and M. Todd Henderson
35 Yale Journal on Regulation 383-436 (2018)


Bulk Biometric Metadata Collection, Margaret Hu
96 North Carolina Law Review 1425-1474 (2018)


Crowdfunding Signals, Darian M. Ibrahim
53 Georgia Law Review 197-233 (2018)


The Natural Property Rights Straitjacket: The Takings Clause, Taxation, and Excessive Rigidity, Eric Kades
51 U.C. Davis Law Review 1351-1426 (2018)


Constitutional Law in an Age of Alternative Facts, Allison Orr Larsen
93 New York University Law Review 175-248 (2018)


Supreme Court Norms of Impersonality, Allison Orr Larsen
33 Constitutional Commentary, 373-387 (2018)


Halted Innovation: The Expansion of Federal Jurisdiction over Medicine and the Human Body, Myrisha S. Lewis
28 Utah Law Review 1073-1122 (2018)


How Subterranean Regulation Hinders Innovation in Assisted Reproductive Technology, Myrisha S. Lewis
39 Cardozo Law Review 1239-1302 (2018)


The Emperor’s New Clothes: The Variety of Stakeholders in Climate Change Regulation Assuming the Mantle of Federal and International Authority, Linda A. Malone
79 Ohio State Law Journal 705-736 (2018)


The Waters of Antarctica: Do They Belong to Some States, No States, Or All States?, Linda A. Malone
43 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 53-81 (2018)


Too Ill to Be Killed: Mental and Physical Competency to Be Executed Pursuant to the Death Penalty, Linda A. Malone
51 Texas Tech Law Review 147-167 (2018)


Fiction in the Code: Reading Legislation as Literature, Thomas J. McSweeney
34 Georgia State University Law Review 581-629 (2018)


Beyond Gift and Bargain: Some Suggestions for Increasing Kidney Exchanges, Nathan B. Oman
81 Law and Contemporary Problems 37-66 (2018)


Commerce, Religion, and the Rule of Law, Nathan B. Oman
6 Journal of Law, Religion and State 213-235 (2018)


The Best and Worst of Contracts Decisions: An Anthology, Nathan B. Oman, Daniel Barnhizer, Scott J. Burnham, Charles R. Calleros, Larry T. Garvin, Nadelle Grossman, F. E. Guerra-Pujol, Jeffrey L. Harrison, Hila Keren, Michael P. Malloy, Daniel P. O'Gorman, Deborah Post, Val Ricks, Rachel Arnow-Richman, Richard R. Carlson, Mark P. Gergen, Kenney Hegland, Nancy S. Kim, Jean Fleming Powers, and Cheryl B. Preston
45 Florida State University Law Review 887-1020 (2018)


Infringement, Unbound, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
32 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 117-167 (2018)


Restoring Fairness to Campus Sex Tribunals, Cynthia Ward
85 Tennessee Law Review 1073-1138 (2018)


The Jury Sunshine Project: Jury Selection Data as a Political Issue, Ronald F. Wright, Kami Chavis, and Gregory S. Parks
2018 University of Illinois Law Review 1407-1442 (2018)


Arming Public Protests, Timothy Zick
104 Iowa Law Review 223-285 (2018)


Managing Dissent, Timothy Zick
95 Washington University Law Review 1423-1457 (2018)

Publications from 2017


One Good Plaintiff Is Not Enough, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
67 Duke Law Journal 481-556 (2017)


The Jurisdiction Canon, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
70 Vanderbilt Law Review 499-563 (2017)


Separating Amicus Wheat from Chaff, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl and Adam Feldman
106 Georgetown Law Journal Online 135-150 (2017)


Amnesty for Even the Worst Offenders, Jay Butler
95 Washington University Law Review 589-637 (2017)


Property as a Management Institution, Lynda L. Butler
82 Brooklyn Law Review 1215-1274 (2017)


Taxing Systemic Risk, Eric D. Chason
16 University of New Hampshire Law Review 1-49 (2017)


Curbing Excessive Force: A Primer on Barriers to Police Accountability, Kami N. Chavis and Conor Degnan
11 Advance: The Journal of the Issue Briefs of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy 23-43 (2017)


Grave Crimes and Weak Evidence: Fact-Finding Evolution in International Criminal Law, Nancy Amoury Combs
58 Harvard International Law Journal 47-125 (2017)


Liberty in Loyalty: A Republican Theory of Fiduciary Law, Evan J. Criddle
95 Texas Law Review 993-1060 (2017)


Neuroscience Changes More Than You Can Think, Paul S. Davies and Peter A. Alces
2017 University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy 141-176


Why Congress Does Not Challenge Judicial Supremacy, Neal Devins
58 William & Mary Law Review 1495-1548 (2017)


Split Definitive: How Party Polarization Turned the Supreme Court Into a Partisan Court, Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum
2016 Supreme Court Review 301-366 (2017)


The Vanishing Common Law Judge, Neal Devins and David Klein
165 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 595-631 (2017)


Evaluating Stock-Trading Practices and Their Regulation, Merritt B. Fox and Kevin S. Haeberle
42 The Journal of Corporation Law 887-915 (2017)


The Return of the Unprovided-For Case, Michael S. Green
51 Georgia Law Review 763-806 (2017)


Justice Scalia's Other Standing Legacy, Tara Leigh Grove
84 University of Chicago Law Review 2243-2265 (2017)


Discrimination Platforms, Kevin S. Haeberle
42 The Journal of Corporation Law 809-832 (2017)


The Required Law & Public Policy Course in the College of William & Mary's Master of Public Policy Program: 25 Years of Lessons, James S. Heller
9 William & Mary Public Review 73-92 (2017)


Reading Together and Apart: Juries, Courts, and Substantial Similarity in Copyright Law, Laura A. Heymann
102 Iowa Law Review Online 248-258 (2017)


Algorithmic Jim Crow, Margaret Hu
86 Fordham Law Review 633-696 (2017)


Biometric Cyberintelligence and the Posse Comitatus Act, Margaret Hu
66 Emory Law Journal 697-763 (2017)


Crimmigration-Counterterrorism, Margaret Hu
2017 Wisconsin Law Review 955-1005 (2017)


Orwell's 1984 and a Fourth Amendment Cybersurveillance Nonintrusion Test, Margaret Hu
92 Washington Law Review 1819-1904 (2017)


Crowdfunding Without the Crowd, Darian M. Ibrahim
95 North Carolina Law Review 1481-1506 (2017)


Judicial Fact-Finding in an Age of Rapid Change: Creative Reforms from Abroad, Allison Orr Larsen
130 Harvard Law Review Forum 316-322 (2017)


From Rome to the Military Justice Acts of 2016 and beyond: Continuing Civilianization of the Military Criminal Legal System, Fredric I. Lederer
225 Military Law Review 512-539 (2017)


Criminalizing Substance Abuse and Undermining Roe v. Wade: The Tension Between Abortion Doctrine and the Criminalization of Prenatal Substance Abuse, Myrisha S. Lewis
23 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 185-218 (2017)


The Miranda Custody Requirement and Juveniles, Paul Marcus
85 Tennessee Law Review 251-301 (2017)


Justice Scalia and Sherman Act Textualism, Alan J. Meese
92 Notre Dame Law Review 2013-2052 (2017)


Were the 1982 Merger Guidelines Old News?, Alan J. Meese and Sarah L. Stafford
13 Journal of Competition Law & Economics 577-608 (2017)


Doux Commerce, Religion, and the Limits of Antidiscrimination Law, Nathan B. Oman
92 Indiana Law Review 693-733 (2017)


Reconsidering Contractual Consent: Why We Shouldn't Worry Too Much about Boilerplate and Other Puzzles, Nathan B. Oman
83 Brooklyn Law Review 215-249 (2017)


Understanding the Department of Defense's Policy Regarding Transgender Servicemembers, A. Benjamin Spencer
2017 The Army Lawyer 4-17 (2017)


The Essential Structure of Property Law, James Y. Stern
115 Michigan Law Review 1167-1212 (2017)


Justice Scalia and Abortion Speech, Timothy Zick
15 First Amendment Law Review 288-330 (2017)


Protests in Peril, Timothy Zick
U.S. News & World Report Weekly (November 20, 2017)


Restroom Use, Civil Rights, and Free Speech "Opportunism", Timothy Zick
78 Ohio State Law Journal 963-999 (2017)


Rights Dynamism, Timothy Zick
19 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 791-859 (2017)

Publications from 2016


Customary Constraints on the Use of Force: Article 51 with an American Accent, William C. Banks and Evan J. Criddle
29 Leiden Journal of International Law 67-93 (2016)


The Positive Law Model of the Fourth Amendment, William Baude and James Y. Stern
129 Harvard Law Review 1821-1889 (2016)


A Comparative Look at Plea Bargaining in Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, and the United States, Carol A. Brook, Bruno Fiannaca, David Harvey, Paul Marcus, Jenny McEwan, and Renee Pomerance
57 William & Mary Law Review 1147-1224 (2016)


The Horne Dilemma: Protecting Property's Richness and Frontiers, Lynda L. Butler
75 Maryland Law Review 787-814 (2016)


Taxing Losers, Eric D. Chason
18 Florida Tax Review 541-587 (2016)


Foreword: A New Frontier in Criminal Justice Reform, Kami Chavis
6 Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy 349-356 (2016)


Body-Worn Cameras: Exploring the Unintentional Consequences of Technological Advances and Ensuring a Role for Community Consultation, Kami N. Chavis
51 Wake Forest Law Review 985-1020 (2016)


Seeking Inconsistency: Advancing Pluralism in International Criminal Sentencing, Nancy Amoury Combs
41 Yale Journal of International Law 1-49 (2016)


In Loco Aequitatis: The Dangers of 'Safe Harbor' Laws for Youth in the Sex Trades, Brendan M. Conner
12 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 43-119 (2016)


Salvaging "Safe Spaces": Toward Model Standards for LGBTQ Youth-Serving Professionals Encountering Law Enforcement, Brendan M. Conner
24 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. (2015-2016)


The Constitution of Agency Statutory Interpretation, Evan J. Criddle
69 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 325-349 (2016)


Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
126 Yale Law Journal Forum 192-215 (2016)


Rethinking Judicial Minimalism: Abortion Politics, Party Polarization, and the Consequences of Returning the Constitution to Elected Government, Neal Devins
69 Vanderbilt Law Review 935-990 (2016)


Religious Schooling and Homeschooling Before and After Hobby Lobby, James G. Dwyer
2016 University of Illinois Law Review 1393-1415


Diagnosing Liberal Resistance to Needed Child Welfare Reforms, James G. Dwyer
24 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 595-602 (2016)


Consolidating Local Criminal Justice: Should Prosecutors Control the Jails?, Adam M. Gershowitz
51 Wake Forest Law Review 677-703 (2016)


Post-Trial Pleas Bargaining in Capital Cases: Using Conditional Commutations to Remove Weak Cases from Death Row, Adam M. Gershowitz
73 Washington & Lee Law Review 1359-1394 (2016)


The Post-Riley Search Warrant: Search Protocols and Particularity in Cell Phone Searches, Adam M. Gershowitz
69 Vanderbilt Law Review 585-638 (2016)


Arbitrating Ballot Battles, Rebecca Green
104 Kentucky Law Journal 699-718 (2016)


Tiers of Scrutiny in a Hierarchical Judiciary, Tara Leigh Grove
14 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 475-491 (2016)


When Can a State Sue the United States?, Tara Leigh Grove
101 Cornell Law Review 851-899 (2016)


Information-Dissemination Law: The Regulation of How Market-Moving Information Is Revealed, Kevin S. Haeberle and M. Todd Henderson
101 Cornell Law Review 1373-1444 (2016)


Adulthood in Law and Culture, Vivian E. Hamilton
91 Tulane Law Review 55-97 (2016)


On Griswold and Women's Equality, Vivian E. Hamilton
3 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy 171-176 (2016)


Now Is the Time: Experts vs. the Uninitiated as Future Nominees to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Bradley W. Hennings, David E. Boelzner, and Jennifer Rickman White
25 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 371-400 (2016)


Intrapreneurship, Darian M. Ibrahim
73 Washington & Lee Law Review 1741-1793 (2016)