The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 2016


Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Reducing Inequality with a Progressive State Tax Credit, Eric Kades
77 Louisiana Law Review 359-423 (2016)


'"Ideology" or "Situation Sense"? An Experimental Investigation of Motivated Reasoning and Professional Judgment, Dan M. Kahan, David Hoffman, Danieli Evans, Neal Devins, Eugene Lucci, and Katherine Cheng
164 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 349-439 (2016)


The Amicus Machine, Allison Orr Larsen and Neal Devins
102 Virginia Law Review 1901-1968 (2016)


Biology, Genetics, Nurture, and the Law: The Expansion of the Legal Definition of Family to Include Three or More Legal Parents, Myrisha S. Lewis
16 Nevada Law Journal 743-773 (2016)


The Death Knell for the Death Penalty and the Significance of Global Realism to its Abolition from Glossip v. Gross to Brumfield v. Cain, Linda A. Malone
11 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy 107-143 (2016)


The United States Supreme Court (Mostly) Gives up its Review Role with Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Cases, Paul Marcus
100 Minnesota Law Review 1745-1768 (2016)


Book Review of The Oxford History of the Laws of England, Volume II, Thomas J. McSweeney
34 Law and History Review 227-228 (2016)


Creating a Literature for the King’s Courts in the Later Thirteenth Century: Hengham Magna, Fet Asaver, and Bracton, Thomas J. McSweeney
37 Journal of Legal History 41-71 (2016)


Salvation by Statute: Magna Carta, Legislation, and the King’s Soul, Thomas J. McSweeney
25 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 455-498 (2016)


In Praise of All or Nothing Dichotomous Categories: Why Antitrust Law Should Reject the Quick Look, Alan J. Meese
104 Georgetown Law Journal 835-882 (2016)


Patents Absent Adversaries, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
81 Brooklyn Law Review 1073-1120 (2016)


The Intellectual Property Hostage in Trade Retaliation, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
76 Maryland Law Review 169-219 (2016)


An All-Volunteer Force: Law Students and Pro Bono Lawyers Helping Veterans, Patricia E. Roberts
68 South Carolina Law Review 273-293 (2016)


PTSD, TBI, and OTH Discharges: A Case Study of a Young Service Member, Patricia E. Roberts
45 Hofstra Law Review 35-46 (2016)


Fixing a Broken Common Law -- Has the Property Law of Easements and Covenants Been Reformed by a Restatement, Ronald H. Rosenberg
44 Florida State University Law Review 143-192 (2016)


The Challenges of Gaming for Democratic Education: The Case of iCivics, Jeremy D. Stoddard, Angela M. Banks, Christine L. Nemacheck, and Elizabeth Wenska
24 Democracy & Education 1-12 (November 2016)


The Dynamic Relationship Between Freedom of Speech and Equality, Timothy Zick
12 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy 13-75 (2016)

Publications from 2015


The Right to Remain Armed, Jeffrey Bellin
93 Washington University Law Review 1-43 (2015)


EAJA Fees for Reasons-and-Bases Remands: The Perspective of a Veterans' Lawyer, David E. Boelzner
7 Veterans Law Review 1-14 (2015)


Delaware's Familiarity, Brian J. Broughman and Darian M. Ibrahim
52 San Diego Law Review 273-311 (2015)


Communicating the Canons: How Lower Courts React When the Supreme Court Changes the Rules of Statutory Interpretation, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
100 Minnesota Law Review 481-558 (2015)


The Governance Function of Constitutional Property, Lynda L. Butler
48 U.C. Davis Law review 1687-1768 (2015)


Body-Mounted Police Cameras: A Primer on Police Accountability vs. Privacy, Kami Chavis Simmons
58 Howard Law Journal 881-890 (2015)


Increasing Police Accountability: Restoring Trust and Legitimacy Through the Appointment of Independent Prosecutors, Kami Chavis Simmons
49 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 137-158 (2015)


Book Review of Fraudulent Evidence Before Public International Tribunals: The Dirty Stories of International Law, Nancy Amoury Combs
109 American Journal of International Law 697-702 (2015)


From Prosecutorial to Reparatory: A Valuable Post-Conflict Change of Focus, Nancy Amoury Combs
36 Michigan Journal of International Law 219-276 (2015)


“First, Do No Harm”: Legal Guidelines for Health Programmes Affecting Adolescents Aged 10–17 Who Sell Sex or Inject Drugs, Brendan M. Conner
18 Journal of the International AIDS Society 78-84 (2015)


Standing for Human Rights Abroad, Evan J. Criddle
100 Cornell Law Review 269-333 (2015)


Three Grotian Theories of Humanitarian Intervention, Evan J. Criddle
16 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 473-505 (2015)


Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex, Meredith Dank, Jennifer Yahner, Kuniko Madden, Isela Bañuelos, Lilly Yu, Andrea Ritchie, Mitchyll Mora, and Brendan M. Conner


Locked In: Interactions with the Criminal Justice and Child Welfare Systems for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Who Engage in Survival Sex, Meredith Dank, Lilly Yu, Jennifer Yahner, Elizabeth Pelletier, Mitchyll Mora, and Brendan M. Conner


Measuring Party Polarization in Congress: Lessons from Congressional Participation in Amicus Curiae, Neal Devins
65 Case Western Law Review 933-1026 (2015)


Fifty States, Fifty Attorneys General, and Fifty Approaches to the Duty To Defend, Neal Devins and Saikrishna B. Prakash
124 Yale Law Journal 2100-2187 (2015)


Book Review of The Child Cases: How America's Religious Exemption Laws Harm Children, James G. Dwyer
57 Journal of Church and State 392-394 (2015)


Same-Sex Cynicism and the Self-Defeating Pursuit of Social Acceptance Through Litigation, James G. Dwyer
68 SMU Law Review 3-71 (2015)


Google Glass While Driving, Adam M. Gershowitz
47 Arizona State Law Journal 755-799 (2015)


Self-Perception of Disability and Prospects for Employment Among U.S. Veterans, Christopher L. Griffin Jr. and Michael Ashley Stein
50 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 49-58 (2015)


Article III in the Political Branches, Tara Leigh Grove
90 Notre Dame Law Review 1835-1866 (2015)


The Lost History of the Political Question Doctrine, Tara Leigh Grove
90 New York University Law Review 1908-1974 (2015)


Stock-Market Law and the Accuracy of Public Companies’ Stock Prices, Kevin S. Haeberle
2015 Columbia Business Law Review 121-185


Library Director as Negotiator/Horse Trader: Analysis Two, James S. Heller
Academic Law Library Directors Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights 85-95 (Michelle M. Wu. ed., 2015)


Big Data Blacklisting, Margaret Hu
67 Florida Law Review 1735-1809 (2015)


Small Data Surveillance v. Big Data Cybersurveillance, Margaret Hu
42 Pepperdine Law Review 773-843 (2015)


Taxonomy of the Snowden Disclosures, Margaret Hu
72 Washington & Lee Law Review 1679-1768 (2015)


Equity Crowdfunding: A Market for Lemons?, Darian M. Ibrahim
100 Minnesota Law Review 561-607 (2015)


Do Laws Have a Constitutional Shelf Life?, Allison Orr Larsen
94 Texas Law Review 59-114 (2015)


The Voting Rights Act, Questions of Deference & Legislative Facts in a Digital Age, Allison Orr Larsen
17 Journal of Constitutional Law Online 1-8 (2015)


Environmental Justice Reimagined Through Human Security and Post-Modern Ecological Feminism: A Neglected Perspective on Climate Change, Linda A. Malone
38 Fordham International Law Journal 1445-1471 (2015)


Maturing Justice: Integrating the Convention on the Rights of the Child into the Judgments and Processes of the International Criminal Court, Linda A. Malone
43 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 599-622 (2015)


Combatendo a Corrupção Nos Estados Unidos, Paul Marcus
3 Revista Eletrônica de Direito Penal & Política Criminal 111-118 (2015)


The Crime of Conspiracy Thrives in Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, Paul Marcus
64 University of Kansas Law Review 373-408 (2015)


The Significance of the Corpus Juris Civilis: Matilda of Canossa and the Revival of Roman Law, Thomas J. McSweeney and Michéle K. Spike
Matilda of Canossa and the Origins of the Renaissance: An Exhibition in Honor of the 900th Anniversary of Her Death p. 21-29 (2015)


Antitrust Federalism and State Restraints of Interstate Commerce: An Essay for Herbert Hovenkamp, Alan J. Meese
100 Iowa Law Review 2161-2195 (2015)


Book Review of Sustaining the Law: Joseph Smith's Legal Encounters, Nathan B. Oman
33 Law and History Review 480-482 (2015)


International Legal Experience and the Mormon Theology of the State, 1945-2012, Nathan B. Oman
100 Iowa Law Review 715-750 (2015)


The Need for a Law of Church and Market, Nathan B. Oman
64 Duke Law Journal Online 141-160 (2015)


Post 9/11 Veterans: Welcoming Them Home as Colleagues and Clients, Patricia E. Roberts
45 University of Memphis Law Review 771-835 (2015)


Rationalizing Cost Allocation in Civil Discovery, A. Benjamin Spencer
34 The Review of Litigation 769-813 (2015)


The Forms Had a Function: Rule 84 and the Appendix of Forms as Guardians of the Liberal Ethos in Civil Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer
15 Nevada Law Journal 1113-1140 (2015)


ABC v. Aereo and the Humble Judge, James Y. Stern
9 New York University Journal of Law & Liberty 81-91 (2015)


Book Review of The Boulder Statements on Legal Research Education: The Intersection of Intellectual and Practical Skills, Leslie A. Street
107 Law Library Journal 313-314 (2015)


"Stand Your Ground" and Self Defense, Cynthia Ward
42 American Journal of Criminal Law 89-138 (2015)


A College-Level Discussion Guide to "Speaking Their Peace: Personal Stories from the Frontlines of War and Peace" by Colette Rausch, Christie S. Warren, Meghan Phillips, and Abby Riley


First Amendment Cosmopolitanism, Skepticism, and Democracy, Timothy Zick
76 Ohio State Law Journal 705-727 (2015)


Professional Rights Speech, Timothy Zick
47 Arizona State Law Journal 1289-1360 (2015)

Publications from 2014


The Year of Magical Thinking: Fraud, Loss, and Grief, Jayne W. Barnard
38 Law and Psychology Review 1-44 (2014)


Attorney Competence in an Age of Plea Bargaining and Econometrics, Jeffrey Bellin
12 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 153-170 (2014)


The Case for eHearsay, Jeffrey Bellin
83 Fordham Law Review 1317-1335 (2014)


The Inverse Relationship Between the Constitutionality and Effectiveness of New York City "Stop and Frisk", Jeffrey Bellin
94 Boston University Law Review 1495-1550 (2014)


Trial by Google: Judicial Notice in the Information Age, Jeffrey Bellin and Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
108 Northwestern University Law Review 1137-1181 (2014)


A Tale of Two (and Possibly Three) Atkins: Intellectual Disability and Capital Punishment Twelve Years After the Supreme Court’s Creation of a Categorical Bar, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Paul Marcus, and Emily Paavola
23 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 393-414 (2014)


In Sight, It Must Be Right: Judicial Review of VA Decisions for Reasons and Bases vs. Clear Error, David E. Boelzner
17 Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest 681-696 (2014)


Delaware Law as Lingua Franca: Theory and Evidence, Brian Broughman, Jesse M. Fried, and Darian Ibrahim
57 Journal of Law & Economics 865-895 (2014)


Following Lower-Court Precedent, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
81 University of Chicago Law review 851-927 (2014)


Measuring Circuit Splits: A Cautionary Note, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
3 Journal of Legal Metrics 361-383 (2014)


Responsibility for Regime Change, Jay Butler
114 Columbia Law Review 503-581 (2014)


Symposium on the Challenges of Electronic Evidence, Daniel J. Capra, Sidney A. Fitzwater, Peter Pitegoff, Jeffrey S. Sutton, Paul Grimm, John Haried, Richard W. Vorder Bruegge, Jeffrey Bellin, Paul Scechtman, Deirdre M. Smith, Shira A. Scheindlin, David Shonka, Daniel Gelb, Andrew Goldsmith, George Paul, and Paul Lippe
83 Fordham Law Review 1163-1285 (2014)


Future of the Fourth Amendment: The Problem with Privacy, Poverty and Policing, Kami Chavis Simmons
14 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 240-272 (2014)


The Coming Crisis in Law Enforcement and How Federal Intervention Could Promote Police Accountability in a Post-Ferguson United States, Kami Chavis Simmons
4 Wake Forest Law Review Online 31-42 (2014)


The Legacy of Stop and Frisk: Addressing the Vestiges of a Violent Police Culture, Kami Chavis Simmons
49 Wake Forest Law Review 849-871 (2014)


Health Equity for All: Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Access to Health Services for Adolescents 10–17 Engaged in Selling Sex in Asia Pacific, Brendan M. Conner, Ayesha Mago, and Sarah Middleton-Lee


Protecting Human Rights During Emergencies: Delegation, Derogation, and Deference, Evan J. Criddle
45 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 197-220 (2014)


Against Methodological Stare Decisis, Evan J. Criddle and Glen Staszewski
102 Georgetown Law Journal 1573-1596 (2014)


Justifying a Prudential Solution to the Williamson County Ripeness Puzzle, Katherine Mims Crocker
49 Georgia Law Review 163-208 (2014)


Jailing Black Babies, James G. Dwyer
2014 Utah Law Review 465-541


The Democratic Life of the Union: Toward Equal Voting Participation for Europeans with Disabilities, János Fiala-Butora, Michael Ashley Stein, and Janet E. Lord
55 Harvard International Law Journal 71-104 (2014)


An NTSB for Capital Punishment, Adam M. Gershowitz
47 Texas Tech Law Review 151-177 (2014)


Rethinking the Timing of Capital Clemency, Adam M. Gershowitz
113 Michigan Law Review 1-55 (2014)


The Wire as a Gap-Filling Class on Criminal Law and Procedure, Adam M. Gershowitz
64 Journal of Legal Education 117-119 (2014)


Why Arizona v. Gant Is the Wrong Solution to the Warrantless Cell Phone Search Problem, Adam M. Gershowitz
94 Boston University Law Review Annex 9-11 (2014)


Prediction Theories of Law and the Internal Point of View, Michael S. Green
51 San Diego Law Review 921-938 (2014)


Vertical Power, Michael S. Green
48 University of California, Davis Law Review 73-140 (2014)


Rethinking Transparency in U.S. Elections, Rebecca Green
75 Ohio State Law Journal 779-828 (2014)


Corrections for Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement, Christopher L. Griffin Jr., Frank A. Sloan, and Lindsey M. Eldred
55 William & Mary Law Review 1365-1427 (2014)


Standing Outside Article III, Tara Leigh Grove
162 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1311-1372 (2014)


Congress's (Limited) Power to Represent Itself in Court, Tara Leigh Grove and Neal Devins
99 Cornell Law Review 571-632 (2014)


Liberty Without Capacity: Why States Should Ban Adolescent Driving, Vivian E. Hamilton
48 Georgia Law Review 1019-1084 (2014)


The Trouble with Amicus Facts, Allison Orr Larsen
100 Virginia Law Review 1757-1818 (2014)


Does Atkins Make a Difference in Non-Capital Cases? Should It?, Paul Marcus
23 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 431-465 (2014)


Magna Carta and the Right to Trial by Jury, Thomas J. McSweeney
Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor, 139-157 (Randy J. Holland, ed., Thomson Reuters, 2014)