The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2013
Erie's International Effect, Michael S. Green
107 Northwestern University Law Review 1485-1501 (2013)
Eternal Recurrence in a Neo-Kantian Context, Michael S. Green
54 Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia 459-473 (2013)
Felix Cohen on Legislation, Michael S. Green
1 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 113-128 (2013)
Law's Dark Matter, Michael S. Green
54 William & Mary Law Review 845-884 (2013)
On Hart's Category Mistake, Michael S. Green
19 Legal Theory 347-369 (2013)
The Twin Aims of Erie, Michael S. Green
88 Notre Dame Law Review 1865-1937 (2013)
Petitions, Privacy, and Political Obscurity, Rebecca Green
85 Temple Law Review 367-411 (2013)
Election Delays in 2012, Rebecca Green, Emily Lippolis, Shanna Reulbach, and Andrew McCoy
A Report by the ABA Standing Committee on Election Law (May 2013)
The Exceptions Clause as a Structural Safeguard, Tara Leigh Grove
113 Columbia Law Review 929-1005 (2013)
Overlapping Intellectual Property Doctrines: Election of Rights versus Selection of Remedies, Laura A. Heymann
17 Stanford Technology Law Review 239-275 (2013)
Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, Margaret Hu
88 Indiana Law Journal 1475-1558 (2013)
Should Angel-Backed Start-ups Reject Venture Capital?, Darian M. Ibrahim
2 Michigan Journal of Private Equity & Venture Capital Law 251-269 (2013)
Dicta, Schmicta: Theory Versus Practice in Lower Court Decision Making, David Klein and Neal Devins
54 William & Mary Law Review 2021-2054 (2013)
Factual Precedents, Allison Orr Larsen
162 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 59-115 (2013)
Sex and Statutory Uniformity: Harmonizing the Legal Treatment of Semen, Myrisha S. Lewis
7 Charleston Law Review 235-303 (2012)
Reconsidering Recusals: The Need for Requirements for When Not to Recuse, Mason E. Lowe
59 Loyola Law Review 947-977 (2013)
Judges Talking To Jurors in Criminal Cases: Why U.S. Judges Do It So Differently From Just About Everyone Else, Paul Marcus
30 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 1-64 (2013)
Between England and France: A Cross-Channel Legal Culture in the Late Thirteenth Century, Thomas J. McSweeney
Law, Governance, and Justice: New Views on Medieval Constitutionalism (Richard Kaeuper ed., 2013)
Assorted Anti-Leegin Canards: Why Resistance is Misguided and Futile, Alan J. Meese
40 Florida State University Law Review 908-970 (2013)
Competition Policy and the Great Depression: Lessons Learned and a New Way Forward, Alan J. Meese
23 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 255-336 (2013)
Reframing the (False?) Choice Between Purchaser Welfare and Total Welfare, Alan J. Meese
81 Fordham Law Review 2197-2251 (2013)
The Market Power Model of Contract Formation: How Outmoded Economic Theory Still Distorts Antitrust Doctrine, Alan J. Meese
88 Notre Dame Law Review 1291-1370 (2013)
The Supreme Court's Theory of Private Law, Nathan B. Oman and Jason M. Solomon
62 Duke Law Journal 1109-1168 (2013)
A Proposal to Improve the Workplace Law Curriculum from a Corporate Compliance Perspective, Nicole Buonocore Porter
58 Saint Louis University Law Journal 155-207 (2013)
Martinizing Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Nicole Buonocore Porter
47 Georgia Law Review 527-590 (2013)
The Blame Game: How the Rhetoric of Choice Blames the Achievement Gap on Women, Nicole Buonocore Porter
8 FIU Law Review 447-468 (2013)
Evaluating Flexibility in International Patent Law, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
65 Hastings Law Journal 153-210 (2013)
Law and Entrepreneurial Opportunities, D. Gordon Smith and Darian M. Ibrahim
98 Cornell Law Review 1533-1571 (2013)
Class Actions, Heightened Commonality, and Declining Access to Justice, A. Benjamin Spencer
93 Boston University Law Review 441-491 (2013)
Pleading and Access to Civil Justice: A Response to Twiqbal Apologists, A. Benjamin Spencer
60 UCLA Law Review 1710-1739 (2013)
Property's Constitution, James Y. Stern
101 California Law Review 277-326 (2013)
Publications from 2012
Introduction: Noncitizen Participation in the American Polity, Angela M. Banks
21 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 333-337 (2012)
The Curious Relationship Between "Self-Deportation" Policies and Naturalization Rates, Angela M. Banks
16 Lewis & Clark Law Review 1149-1213 (2012)
Applying Crawford's Confrontation Right in a Digital Age, Jeffrey Bellin
45 Texas Tech Law Review 33-49 (2012)
Facebook, Twitter, and the Uncertain Future of Present Sense Impressions, Jeffrey Bellin
160 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 331-375 (2012)
The Incredible Shrinking Confrontation Clause, Jeffrey Bellin
92 Boston University Law Review 1865-1916 (2012)
Hierarchy and Heterogeneity: How To Read a Statute in a Lower Court, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
97 Cornell Law Review 433-500 (2012)
Elected Judges and Statutory Interpretation, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl and Ethan J. Leib
79 University of Chicago Law Review 1215-1284 (2012)
Informal Institutions and Property Rights, Lan Cao
1 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal 263-279 (2012)
Rethinking Microfinance, Lan Cao
33 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 971-996 (2012)
Stakeholder Participation in the Selection and Recruitment of Police: Democracy in Action, Kami Chavis Simmons
32 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 7-32 (2012)
Subverting Symbolism: The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and Cooperative Federalism, Kami Chavis Simmons
49 American Criminal Law Review 1863-1912 (2012)
Panel on Prosecutorial Immunity: Deconstructing Connick v. Thompson, Dane Ciolino, Gary Clements, Bennett L. Gershman, Adam M. Gershowitz, Kathleen Ridolfi, Samuel R. Wiseman, and Stephen Singer
13 Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law 331-348 (2012)
Legitimizing International Criminal Justice: The Importance of Process Control, Nancy Amoury Combs
33 Michigan Journal of International Law 321-381 (2012)
Proportionality in Counterinsurgency: A Relational Theory, Evan J. Criddle
87 Notre Dame Law Review 1073-1111 (2012)
Human Rights, Emergencies, and the Rule of Law, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
34 Human Rights Quarterly 39 (2012)
Party Polarization and Judicial Review: Lessons from the Affordable Care Act, Neal Devins
106 Northwestern University Law Review 1821-1848 (2012)
Why Congress Did Not Think About the Constitution When Enacting the Affordable Care Act, Neal Devins
106 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 261-282 (2012)
The Indefensible Duty to Defend, Neal Devins and Saikrishna B. Prakash
112 Columbia Law Review 507-577 (2012)
Parents' Self-Determination and Children's Custody: A New Analytical Framework for State Structuring of Children's Family Life, James G. Dwyer
54 Arizona Law Review 79-136 (2012)
The Parental Choice Fallacy in Education Reform Debates, James G. Dwyer
87 Notre Dame Law Review 1837-1859 (2012)
Interest-Balancing vs. Fiduciary Duty: Two Models for National Security Law, Evan Fox-Decent and Evan J. Criddle
13 German Law Journal 542-559 (2012)
Is Texas Tough on Crime but Soft on Criminal Procedure?, Adam M. Gershowitz
49 American Criminal Law Review 31-71 (2012)
Texting While Driving Meets the Fourth Amendment: Deterring Both Texting and Warrantless Cell Phone Searches, Adam M. Gershowitz
54 Arizona Law Review 577-620 (2012)
Choice of Law as General Common Law: A Reply to Professor Brilmayer, Michael S. Green
The Role of Ethics in International Law 125-35 (Donald E. Childress III ed., 2012)
Mediation and Post-Election Litigation: A Way Forward, Rebecca Green
27 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 325-369 (2012)
The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend and Membership in the State's Political Community, Christopher L. Griffin Jr.
29 Alaska Law Review 79-92 (2012)
A (Modest) Separation of Powers Success Story, Tara Leigh Grove
87 Notre Dame Law Review 1647-1672 (2012)
The Article II Safeguards of Federal Jurisdiction, Tara Leigh Grove
112 Columbia Law Review 250-318 (2012)
Democratic Inclusion, Cognitive Development, and the Age of Electoral Majority, Vivian E. Hamilton
77 Brooklyn Law Review 1447-1513 (2012)
The Age of Marital Capacity: Reconsidering Civil Recognition of Adolescent Marriage, Vivian E. Hamilton
92 Boston University Law Review 1817-1863 (2012)
A Name I Call Myself: Creativity and Naming, Laura A. Heymann
2 University of California at Irvine Law Review 585-625 (2012)
The Scope of Trademark Law in the Age of the Brand Persona, Laura A. Heymann
98 Virginia Law Review In Brief 61-70 (2012)
Reverse-Commandeering, Margaret Hu
46 U.C. Davis Law Review 535-627 (2012)
How Do Start-ups Obtain Their Legal Services?, Darian M. Ibrahim
2012 Wisconsin Law Review 333-358 (2012)
The New Exit in Venture Capital, Darian M. Ibrahim
65 Vanderbilt Law Review 1-47 (2012)
Confronting Supreme Court Fact Finding, Allison Orr Larsen
98 Virginia Law Review 1255-1312 (2012)
Making Sex the Same: Ending the Unfair Treatment of Males in Family Law, Myrisha S. Lewis
27 Wisconsion Journal of Law, Gender & Society 257-280 (2012)
Human Security and Military Preparedness, Linda A. Malone
The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: U.S. and International Aspects 847-867 (ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2012)
The Legal Dilemma of Guantanamo Detainees From Bush to Obama [updated], Linda A. Malone
23 Criminal Law Forum 347-362 (2012)
English Justices and Roman Jurists: The Civilian Learning Behind England's First Case Law, Thomas J. McSweeney
84 Temple Law Review 827-862 (2012)
Property Before Property: Romanizing the English Law of Land, Thomas J. McSweeney
60 Buffalo Law Review 1139-1199 (2012)
Standard Oil as Lochner's Trojan Horse, Alan J. Meese
85 Southern California Law Review 783-813 (2012)
Section 2 Enforcement and the Great Recession: Why Less (Enforcement) Might Mean More (GDP), Alan J. Meese
80 Fordham Law Review 1633-1678 (2012)
Markets as a Moral Foundation for Contract Law, Nathan B. Oman
98 Iowa Law Review 183-230 (2012)
Promise and Private Law, Nathan B. Oman
45 Suffolk University Law Review 935-960 (2012)
Regulatory and Judicial Implementations of Patent Law Flexibilities, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
43 International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 245-247 (2012)
Tailoring Remedies to Spur Innovation, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
61 American University Law Review 733-784 (2012)
The Political Puzzle of the Civil Jury, Jason M. Solomon
61 Emory Law Journal 1331-1395 (2012)
The Law School Critique in Historical Perspective, A. Benjamin Spencer
69 Washington & Lee Law Review 1949-2063 (2012)
Private Policing of Environmental Performance: Does it Further Public Goals?, Sarah L. Stafford
39 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 73-97 (2012)
Disability Cause Lawyers, Michael E. Waterstone, Michael Ashley Stein, and David B. Wilkins
Falsely Shouting Fire in a Global Theater: Emerging Complexities of Transborder Expression, Timothy Zick
65 Vanderbilt Law Review 125-187 (2012)
Recovering the Assembly Clause, Timothy Zick
91 Texas Law Review 375-402 (2012)
Publications from 2011
Deporting Families: Poliltical Question or Legal Issue?, Angela M. Banks
27 Georgia State University Law Review 489-563 (2011)
Listening to Victims, Jayne W. Barnard
79 Fordham Law Review 1479-1489 (2011)
At the Intersection of Corporate Governance and Environmental Sustainability, Jayne W. Barnard
2 William & Mary Business Law Review 207-225 (2011)
Introduction, Jayne W. Barnard
18 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 1-5 (2011)
Foreword, Judith M. Barzilay
43 Georgetown Journal of International Law 1-2 (2011)
Crime-Severity Distinctions and the Fourth Amendment: Reassessing Reasonableness in a Changing World, Jeffrey Bellin
97 Iowa Law Review 1-48 (2011)
Widening Batson's Net to Ensnare More Than the Unapologetically Bigoted or Painfully Unimaginative Attorney, Jeffrey Bellin and Junichi P. Semitsu
96 Cornell Law Review 1075-1130 (2011)
Contempt of Congress, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Encyclopedia of Political Science 298-299 (CQ Press/Sage, 2011)
Deciding When To Decide: How Appellate Procedure Distributes the Costs of Legal Change, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
96 Cornell Law Review 203-264 (2011)
Precedent, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Encyclopedia of Political Science 1339 (CQ Press/Sage, 2011)
The Senate: Out of Order?, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
43 Connecticut Law Review 1041-1058 (2011)
When Is Finality . . . Final? Rehearing and Resurrection in the Supreme Court, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
12 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 1-24 (Spring 2011)
Introduction: Comparative Property Rights, Lynda L. Butler
1 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal 1-2 (2012)
The Post-TARP Movement to Regulate Banker Pay, Eric D. Chason
New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation -- 2007 (Alvin D. Lurie ed., 2011)
Beginning to End Racial Profiling: Definitive Solutions to an Elusive Problem, Kami Chavis Simmons
18 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 25-54 (2011)
Cooperative Federalism and Police Reform: Using Congressional Spending Power to Promote Police Accountability, Kami Chavis Simmons
62 Alabama Law Review 351-403 (2011)