The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2008
Individual or Collective Liability for Corporate Directors?, Darian M. Ibrahim
93 Iowa Law review 929-971 (2008)
The (Not So) Puzzling Behavior of Angel Investors, Darian M. Ibrahim
61 Vanderbilt Law Review 1405-1452 (2008)
Entrepreneurs on Horseback: Reflections on the Organization of Law, Darian M. Ibrahim and D. Gordon Smith
50 Arizona Law Review 71-89 (2008)
The "Middle Ground" Perspective on the Expropriation of Indian Lands, Eric Kades
33 Law & Social Inquiry 827-839 (2008)
Administrative Judges' Role in Developing Social Policy, Charles H. Koch Jr.
68 Louisiana Law Review 1095-1104 (2008)
Primer for U.S. Lawyers on European Union Government and Law, Charles H. Koch Jr.
Perpetual Dissents, Allison Orr Larsen
15 George Mason Law Review 447-478 (2008)
The Domestic Incorporation of Human Rights Law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Janet E. Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
83 Washington Law Review 449-479 (2008)
Exporting American Legal Education, James E. Moliterno
58 Journal of Legal Education 274-289 (2008)
The Scholar as Celebrant, Nathan B. Oman
41 Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 163-166 (2008)
What is Urban Health Policy and What's Law Got to Do with It?, Larry I. Palmer
15 Georgetown Journal of Poverty Law and Policy 635-662 (2008)
The Perfect Compromise: Bridging the Gap Between At-Will Employment and Just Cause, Nicole Buonocore Porter
87 Nebraska Law Review 62-124 (2008)
Diversifying America's Energy Future: The Future of Renewable Wind Power, Ronald H. Rosenberg
26 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 505-544 (2007)
Doing More or Doing Less for the Environment: Shedding Light on EPA's "Stealth" Method of Environmental Enforcement, Ronald H. Rosenberg
35 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 175-216 (2008)
Making Renewable Energy a Reality-Finding Ways to Site Wind Power Facilities, Ronald H. Rosenberg
32 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 635-684 (2008)
Reporting on Palin: Negotiations in Political Theater, Erin Ryan
Harvard Negotiation Law Review Online, Nov. 8, 2008
Law and Governance in the 21st Century Regulatory State, Jason M. Solomon
86 Texas Law Review 819-856 (2008)
Plausibility Pleading, A. Benjamin Spencer
49 Boston College Law Review 431-494 (2008)
Pleading Civil Rights Claims in the Post-Conley Era, A. Benjamin Spencer
52 Howard Law Journal 99-166 (2008)
Self-Policing in a Targeted Enforcement Regime, Sarah L. Stafford
74 Southern Economic Journal 934-951 (2008)
Book Review of A Jurisprudence of Power: Victorian Empire and the Rule of Law, Michael Ashley Stein
26 Law and History Review 201-203 (2008)
Book Review of Disability in Local and Global Worlds, Michael Ashley Stein
4 Review of Disability Studies 60-61 (2008)
Victorian Tort Liability for Workplace Injuries, Michael Ashley Stein
2008 Illinois Law Review 933-984
Jacobus tenBroek, Participatory Justice, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord
13 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 167-185 (2008)
Choice of Law, The Constitution and Lochner, James Y. Stern
94 Virginia Law Review 1509-1566 (2008)
Quintessential Elements of Meaningful Constitutions in Post-conflict States, William W. Van Alstyne
49 William and Mary Law Review 1497-1512 (2008)
Lifting the Veil: Women and Islamic Law, Christie S. Warren
15 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 33-65 (2008)
Disabling Prejudice, Michael E. Waterstone and Michael Ashley Stein
102 Northwestern University Law Review 1351-1378 (2008)
Publications from 2007
Guerilla Terms, Peter A. Alces
56 Emory Law Journal 1511-1562 (2007)
The Moral Impossibility of Contract, Peter A. Alces
48 William and Mary Law Review 1647-1671 (2007)
Challenging Political Boundaries in Post-Conflict States, Angela M. Banks
29 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 105-168 (2007)
Participatory Constitution Making in Post-Conflict States, Angela M. Banks
101 American Society of International Law Proceedings 138-141 (2007)
Corporate Boards and New Environmentalism, Jayne W. Barnard
31 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 291-316 (2007)
Creative Sanctions for Online Investment Fraud, Jayne W. Barnard
76 Mississippi Law Journal 949-972 (2007)
More Women on Corporate Boards? Not So Fast, Jayne W. Barnard
13 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 703-726 (2007)
Against Mix-and-Match Lawmaking, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
16 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 349-362 (2007)
If the Judicial Confirmation Process Is Broken, Can a Statute Fix It?, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
85 Nebraska Law Review 960-1014 (2007)
Book Review of Can Might Make Rights? Building the Rule of Law After Military Interventions, Lan Cao
101 American Journal of International Law 901-907 (2007)
Culture Change, Lan Cao
47 Virginia Journal of International Law 357-412 (2007)
International Courts and Tribunals, Lee M. Caplan, Nancy Amoury Combs, Carl Magnus Nesser, Ucheora O. Onwuamaegbu, and Cesare P.R. Romano
41 International Lawyer 291-316 (2007)
Naked and Covered in Monte Carlo: A Reappraisal of Option Taxation, Eric D. Chason
27 Virginia Tax Review 135-202 (2007)
Outlawing Pension-Funding Shortfalls, Eric D. Chason
26 Virginia Tax Review 519-554 (2007)
Why Pension Funding Matters, Eric D. Chason
New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation -- 2007 (Alvin D. Lurie, Chairpreson, 2007)
Congress, the Supreme Court, and Enemy Combatants: How Lawmakers Buoyed Judicial Supremacy by Placing Limits on Federal Court Jurisdiction, Neal Devins
91 Minnesota Law Review 1562-1595 (2007)
Constitutional Avoidance and the Roberts Court, Neal Devins
32 Univeristy of Dayton Law Review 339-347 (2007)
How Congress Paved the Way for the Rehnquist Court's Federalism Revival: Lessons from the Federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Neal Devins
21 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 461-471 (2007)
Politique partisane et indépendence judiciare, Neal Devins
7 Politique Américaine 103-121 (2007)
Signing Statements and Divided Government, Neal Devins
16 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 63-79 (2007)
The D'Oh! of Popular Constiutitonalism, Neal Devins
105 Michigan Law Review 1333-1351 (2007)
Jurisdictionality and Bowles v. Russell, Scott Dodson
102 Northwest University Law Review Colloquy 42-48 (2007)
Pleading Standards After Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, Scott Dodson
93 Virginia Law Review: In Brief 135-143 (2007)
The Forum Defendant Rule in Arkansas, Scott Dodson
2007 Arkansas Law Notes 73-81
Book Review of Faiths of the Founding Fathers, Davison M. Douglas
49 Journal of Church & State 151-152 (2007)
Introductory Remarks: Property Law, James G. Dwyer
48 William and Mary Law Review 1845-1848 (2007)
Pretty Woman Meets the Man Who Wears the Star: Fair Use After Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music and American Geophysical Union v. Texaco, Anne E. Forkner, James S. Heller, and Patrick F. Speice Jr.
54 Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
A Theory of Expressive International Law, Alex Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein
60 Vanderbilt Law Review 77-131 (2007)
Theory and Practice: Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment, B. Glenn George
13 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 727-750 (2007)
Imposing a Cap on Capital Punishment, Adam M. Gershowitz
72 Missouri Law Review 73-124 (2007)
Pay Now, Execute Later: Why Counties Should Be Required to Post a Bond to Seek the Death Penalty, Adam M. Gershowitz
41 University of Richmond Law Review 861-896 (2007)
Raise the Proof: A Default Rule for Indigent Defense, Adam M. Gershowitz
40 Connecticut Law Review 85-124 (2007)
Dworkin v. The Philosophers: A Review Essay on Justice in Robes, Michael S. Green
2007 University of Illinois Law Review 1477-1503
Introductory Remarks: Explaining Tort Law, Michael S. Green
48 William and Mary Law Review 1953-1955 (2007)
Family Structure, Children, and Law, Vivian E. Hamilton
24 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 9-29 (2007)
Religious v. Secular Ideologies and Sex Education: A Response to Professors Cahn and Carbone, Vivian E. Hamilton
110 West Virginia Law Review 501-513 (2007)
Will Marriage Promotion Work?, Vivian E. Hamilton
11 Journal of Gender, Race, & Justice 1-15 (2007)
Metabranding and Intermediation: A Response to Professor Fleischer, Laura A. Heymann
12 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 201-223 (2007)
The Trademark/Copyright Divide, Laura A. Heymann
60 Southern Methodist University Law Review 55-102 (2007)
A Return to Descartes: Property, Profit, and the Corporate Ownership of Animals, Darian M. Ibrahim
70 Law and Contemporary Problems 89-115 (2007)
A Windfall for the Magnates: The Development of Woodland Ownership in Denmark, Eric Kades
25 Law and History Review 223-225 (2007)
Devolution of Implementing Policymaking in Network Governments, Charles H. Koch Jr.
57 Emory Law Journal 167-199 (2007)
Attorney-Client Privilege in the Public Sector: A Survey of Government Attorneys, Nancy Leong
20 Georgetown Journal on Legal Ethics 163-199 (2007)
Dark Ages of Human Rights?, Linda A. Malone
29 Harvard International Review 80-81 (2007)
Capital Punishment in the United States, and Beyond, Paul Marcus
31 Melbourne University Law Review 837-872 (2007)
Symposium Introduction: The Religion Clauses in the 21st Century, William P. Marshall, Vivian E. Hamilton, and John E. Taylor
110 West Virginia Law Review i-vii (2007)
The Administrative Judiciary's Independence Myth, James E. Moliterno
27 Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary 53-96 (2007)
A Defense of the Authority of Church Doctrine, Nathan B. Oman
40 Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 1-28 (2007)
Introductory Remarks: Contract Law and Morality, Nathan B. Oman
48 William and Mary Law Review 1643-1646 (2007)
The Failure of Economic Interpretations of the Law of Contact Damages, Nathan B. Oman
64 Washington & Lee Law Review 829-875 (2007)
Reasonable Burdens: Resolving the Conflict Between Disabled Employees and Their Coworkers, Nicole Buonocore Porter
34 Florida State University Law Review 313-362 (2007)
Opportunities and Pitfalls Under Sections 351 and 721, Craig L. Rascoe and William M. Richardson
2007 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Opportunities and Pitfalls under Sections 351 and 721 (Slides), Craig L. Rascoe and William M. Richardson
2007 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Federalism and the Tug of War Within: Seeking Checks and Balance in the Interjurisdictional Gray Area, Erin Ryan
66 Maryland Law Review 503-667 (2007)
Disability and the Social Contract, Anita Silvers and Michael Ashley Stein
74 University of Chicago Law Review 1615-1640 (2007)
Judging Plaintiffs, Jason M. Solomon
60 Vanderbilt Law Review 1749-1808 (2007)
Can We Make the Constitution More Democratic?, Ilya Somin and Neal Devins
55 Drake Law Review 971-1008 (2007)
Anti-Federalist Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer
64 Washington & Lee Law Review 233-293 (2007)
A Quick Overview of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael Ashley Stein
31 Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter 679-683 (2007)
Book Review of Engaging the Law in China: State, Society, and Possibilities for Justice, Michael Ashley Stein
66 Cambridge Law Journal 243-244 (2007)
Disability Human Rights, Michael Ashley Stein
95 California Law Review 75-121 (2007)
Beyond Disability Civil Rights, Michael Ashley Stein and Penelope J.S. Stein
58 Hastings Law Journal 1203-1240 (2007)
A Constitutional Conundrum of Second Amendment Commas, William W. Van Alstyne
10 Green Bag 2nd 469-481 (2007)
Introductory Remarks: The Relationship of Law and Morality in Repect to Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
48 William and Mary Law Review 1571-1577 (2007)
Introductory Remarks: Criminal Law Panel, Cynthia V. Ward
48 William and Mary Law Review 1789-1791 (2007)
Active Sovereignty, Timothy Zick
21 St. John's Journal of Law & Public Policy 541-573 (2007)
Clouds, Cameras, and Computers: The First Amendment and Networked Public Places, Timothy Zick
59 Florida Law Review 1-69 (2007)
Publications from 2006
The Crisis in Indigent Defense: A National Perspective, Mary Sue Backus and Paul Marcus
18 Journal (Virginia Trial Lawyers Association) 19-25 (2006)
The Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases, A National Crisis, Mary Sue Backus and Paul Marcus
57 Hastings Law Journal 1031-1130 (2006)
At the Top of the Pyramid: Lessons from the Alpha Women and the Elite Eight, Jayne W. Barnard
65 Maryland Law Review 315-345 (2006)
Introduction to the Symposium: Corporate Governance and Environmental Best Practices, Jayne W. Barnard
31 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 1-4 (2006)
An Inestimable Safeguard Gives Way to Practicality: Eliminating the Juror Who ""Refuses to Deliberate" Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 23(b)(3), Jeffrey Bellin
36 The University of Memphis Law Review 631-654 (2006)