The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 2022
Making the Best from a Mess: Mental Health, Misconduct, and the "Insanity Defense" in the VA Disability Compensation System, Caleb R. Stone
90 UMKC Law Review 661-674 (2022)
Decitizenizing Asian Pacific American Women, Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia and Margaret Hu
93 University of Colorado Law Review 325-365 (2022)
I Have to Tell Them What? The New Corporate Transparency Act and Forming Business Entities in Virginia, James J. Wheaton and Gustavo De la Cruz Reynozo
49 VBA Journal 24-27 (2022)
Publications from 2021
Pure Privacy, Jeffrey Bellin
116 Northwestern University Law Review 463-514 (2021)
The Evidence Rules That Convict the Innocent, Jeffrey Bellin
106 Cornell Law Review 305-351 (2021)
The Modest Impact of the Modern Confrontation Clause, Jeffrey Bellin and Diana Bibb
89 Tennessee Law Review 67-130 (2021)
A Comparative Examination of Police Interrogation of Criminal Suspects in Australia, Canada, England and Wales, New Zealand, and the United States, Carol A. Brook, Bruno Fiannaca, David Harvey, Paul Marcus, Renee Pomerance, and Paul Roberts
Corporate Commitment to International Law, Jay Butler
53 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 433-500 (2021)
The Importance of Viewing Property as a System, Lynda L. Butler
58 San Diego Law Review 73-100 (2021)
Rehabilitating Charge Bargaining, Nancy Amoury Combs
96 Indiana Law Journal 803-864 (2021)
The Impact of Separate Opinions on International Criminal Law, Nancy Amoury Combs
62 Virginia Journal of International Law 1-62 (2021)
The Authority of International Refugee Law, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
A Scapegoat Theory of Bivens, Katherine Mims Crocker
96 Notre Dame Law Review 1943-1969 (2021)
Reconsidering Section 1983's Nonabrogation of Sovereign Immunity, Katherine Mims Crocker
73 Florida Law Review 523-589 (2021)
The Supreme Court's Reticent Qualified Immunity Retreat, Katherine Mims Crocker
71 Duke Law Journal Online 1-17 (2021)
Weaponizing En Banc, Neal Devins and Allison Orr Larsen
96 New York University Law Review 1373-1437 (2021)
The Opioid Doctors: Is Losing Your License a Sufficient Penalty for Dealing Drugs?, Adam M. Gershowitz
72 Hastings Law Journal 871-918 (2021)
The Race to the Top to Reduce Prosecutorial Misconduct, Adam M. Gershowitz
89 Fordham Law Review 1179-1196 (2021)
Smart Cities and Sustainability: A New Challenge to Accountability?, Iria Giuffrida
The Impact of Climate Change on Virginia's Coastal Areas, Jonathan L. Goodall, Antonio Elias, Elizabeth Andrews, Christopher "Kit" Chope, John Cosgrove, Jason El Koubi, Jennifer Irish, Lewis L. Lawrence III, Robert W. Lazaro Jr., William H. Leighty, Mark W. Luckenbach, Elise Miller-Hooks, Ann C. Phillips, Henry Pollard V, Emily Steinhilber, Charles Feigenoff, and Jennifer Sayegh
Election Observation Post-2020, Rebecca Green
90 Fordham Law Review 467-499 (2021)
Redistricting Transparency & Litigation, Rebecca Green
71 Syracuse Law Review 1121-1177 (2021)
Marginal Benefits of the Core Securities Laws, Kevin S. Haeberle
7 Journal of Financial Regulation 254-283 (2021)
The Emergence of the Actively Managed ETF, Kevin S. Haeberle
2021 Columbia Business Law Review 1321-1367 (2021)
Reform, Retrench, Repeat: The Campaign Against Critical Race Theory, Through the Lens of Critical Race Theory, Vivian E. Hamilton
Trademarks in Conversation: Assessing Genericism After, Laura A. Heymann
39 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 955-987 (2021)
Corporate Venture Capital, Darian M. Ibrahim
24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 209-243 (2021)
The Charitable Continuum, Eric Kades
22 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 285-334 (2021)
The Evolving Technology-Augmented Courtroom Before, During, and After the Pandemic, Fredric I. Lederer
23 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law 301-339 (2021)
Analysis of Administrative Agency Adjudicatory Hearing Use of Remote Appearances and Virtual Hearings, Fredric I. Lederer and Center for Legal & Court Technology
How Analogizing Socio-Legal Responses to Organ Transplantation Can Further the Legalization of Reproductive Genetic Innovation, Myrisha S. Lewis
74 SMU Law Review 665-722 (2021)
Is Germline Gene Editing Exceptional?, Myrisha S. Lewis
51 Seton Hall Law Review 735-813 (2021)
Federalism, Free Competition, and Sherman Act Preemption of State Restraints, Alan J. Meese
16 Virginia Law & Business Review 115-182 (2021)
Requiem for a Lightweight: How NCAA Continues to Distort Antitrust Doctrine, Alan J. Meese
56 Wake Forest Law Review 1103-1166 (2021)
Will the Supreme Court Recover Its Own Fumble? How Alston Can Repair the Damage Resulting from NCAA's Sports League Exemption, Alan J. Meese
11 Wake Forest Law Review Online 70-91 (2021)
Civil Disobedience in Latter-day Saint Thought, Nathan B. Oman
60 BYU Studies Quarterly, no. 3, at 229-240 (2021)
The Temptation of Cosmic Private Law Theory, Nathan B. Oman
66 American Journal of Jurisprudence 395-408 (2021)
Working While Mothering During the Pandemic and Beyond, Nicole Buonocore Porter
78 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 1-30 (2021)
Foreword, A. Benjamin Spencer
Trauma and Memory in the Prosecution of Sexual Assault, Cynthia V. Ward
45 Law & Psychology Review 87-154 (2020-2021)
We Have to Tell Them What?: The New Corporate Transparency Act and Forming Business Entities in Massachusetts, James J. Wheaton and Gustavo De la Cruz Reynozo
65 Boston Bar Journal 26-32 (2021)
The Costs of Dissent: Protest and Civil Liabilities, Timothy Zick
89 George Washington Law Review 233-297 (2021)
Publications from 2020
Reflections on Rural Resilience: As the Climate Changes, Will Rural Areas Become the Urban Backyard?, Elizabeth Andrews and Jesse Reiblich
Defending Progressive Prosecution: A Review of Charged by Emily Bazelon, Jeffrey Bellin
39 Yale Law & Policy Review 218-248 (2020)
Expanding the Reach of Progressive Prosecution, Jeffrey Bellin
110 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 707-717 (2020)
The Changing Role of the American Prosecutor, Jeffrey Bellin
18 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 329-349 (2020)
Theories of Prosecution, Jeffrey Bellin
108 California Law Review 1203-1253 (2020)
Eager to Follow: Methodological Precedent in Statutory Interpretation, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
99 North Carolina Law Review 101-166 (2020)
The Remand Power and the Supreme Court's Role, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
96 Notre Dame Law Review 171-247 (2020)
Property's Problem with Extremes, Lynda L. Butler
55 Wake Forest Law Review 1-53 (2020)
Smart Contracts and the Limits of Computerized Commerce, Eric D. Chason
99 Nebraska Law Review 330-374 (2020)
The Case Against Prosecuting Refugees, Evan J. Criddle
115 Northwestern University Law Review 717-798 (2020)
Verified Amended Complaint by Next Friend James Dwyer Against Defendants Norfolk Department of Human Services (NDHS), James G. Dwyer
United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia - Norfolk Division
Homeschooling: A Response to Ahlberg, Howell, and Justice, James G. Dwyer and Shawn F. Peters
18 Theory and Research in Education 256-259 (2020)
Punishing Pill Mill Doctors: Sentencing Disparities in the Opioid Epidemic, Adam M. Gershowitz
54 U.C. Davis Law Review 1053-1126 (2020)
Keeping AI Under Observation: Anticipated Impacts on Physicians' Standard of Care, Iria Giuffrida and Taylor Treece
22 Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 111-123 (2020)
Candidate Privacy, Rebecca Green
95 Washington Law Review 205-257 (2020)
How Many Votes Is Too Few?, Rebecca Green
81 Ohio State Law Journal Online 193-198 (2020)
Liquidating Elector Discretion, Rebecca Green
15 Harvard Law & Policy Review 53-79 (2020)
Home, Schooling, and State: Education in, and for, a Diverse Democracy, Vivian E. Hamilton
98 North Carolina Law Review 1347-1394 (2020)
Knowing How to Know: Secondary Liability for Speech in Copyright Law, Laura A. Heymann
55 Wake Forest Law Review 333-380 (2020)
Cambridge Analytica's Black Box, Margaret Hu
7 Big Data & Society 1-6 (2020)
Digital Internment, Margaret Hu
98 Texas Law Review Online 174-183 (2020)
Underwriting Crowdfunding, Darian M. Ibrahim
25 Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance 289-311 (2020)
Judging "Under Fire" and the Retreat to Facts, Allison Orr Larsen
Innovating Federalism in the Life Sciences, Myrisha S. Lewis
92 Temple Law Review 383-443 (2020)
When Is Police Interrogation Really Police Interrogation? A Look at the Application of the Miranda Mandate, Paul Marcus
69 Catholic University Law Review 445-471 (2020)
A University in 1693: New Light on William & Mary's Claim to the Title "Oldest University in the United States", Thomas J. McSweeney, Katharine Ello, and Elsbeth O'Brien
Antitrust Regulation and the Federal-State Balance: Restoring the Original Design, Alan J. Meese
70 American University Law Review 75-166 (2020)
Right On Time: A Reply to Professors Allen, Claeys, Epstein, Gordon, Holbrook, Mossoff, Rose, and Van Houweling, Dotan Oliar and James Y. Stern
100 Boston University Law Review Online 48-56 (2020)
Accommodating Pregnancy Five Years After Young v. UPS: Where We Are & Where We Should Go, Nicole Buonocore Porter
14 Saint Louis Journal of Health Law & Policy 73-114 (2020)
Adverse Employment Actions in Failure-to-Accommodate Claims: Much Ado About Nothing, Nicole Buonocore Porter
95 NYU Law Review Online 1-26 (2020)
Relationships and Retaliation in the #MeToo Era, Nicole Buonocore Porter
72 Florida Law Review 797-839 (2020)
Third-Party Interests and the Property Law Misfit in Patent Law, Sarah Rajec
41 Cardozo Law Review 1859-1919 (2020)
The Harmonization Myth in International Intellectual Property Law, Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
62 Arizona Law Review 735-784 (2020)
First Amendment Lochnerism & the Origins of the Incorporation Doctrine, James Y. Stern
2020 University of Illinois Law Review 1501-1540 (2020)
Three Questions About "Stand Your Ground" Laws, Cynthia V. Ward
95 Notre Dame Law Review Reflection 119-138 (2020)
Toolkit or Tinderbox? When Legal Systems Interface Conflict, Christie S. Warren
53 Cornell International Law Journal 297-337 (2020)
Framing the Second Amendment: Gun Rights, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Timothy Zick
106 Iowa Law Review 229-297 (2020)
Free Speech Idealism, Timothy Zick
55 Tulsa Law Review 303-309 (2020)
Publications from 2019
Fourth Amendment Textualism, Jeffrey Bellin
118 Michigan Law Review 233-283 (2019)
The Power of Prosecutors, Jeffrey Bellin
94 New York University Law Review 171-212 (2019)
Policing the Admissibility of Body Camera Evidence, Jeffrey Bellin and Shevarma Pemberton
87 Fordham Law Review 1425-1457 (2019)
Corporations as Semi-States, Jay Butler
57 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 221-282 (2019)
Murr v. Wisconsin and the Inherent Limits of Regulatory Takings, Lynda L. Butler
47 Florida State University Law Review 99-142 (2019)
A Tax on the Clones: The Strange Case of Bitcoin Cash, Eric D. Chason
39 Virginia Tax Review 1-37 (2019)
Cryptocurrency Hard Forks and Revenue Ruling 2019-24, Eric D. Chason
39 Virginia Tax Review 279-286 (2019)
How Bitcoin Functions As Property Law, Eric D. Chason
49 Seton Hall Law Review 129-171 (2019)
Investigative Delegations: Predictable Predicaments, Nancy Amoury Combs
113 AJIL Unbound 267-272 (2019)
Unequal Enforcement of the Law: Targeting Aggressors for Mass Atrocity Prosecutions, Nancy Amoury Combs
61 Arizona Law Review 155-204 (2019)
Mandatory Multilateralism, Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent
113 American Journal of International Law 272-325 (2019)
An Organizational Account of State Standing, Katherine Mims Crocker
94 Notre Dame Law Review 2057-2089 (2019)
Qualified Immunity and Constitutional Structure, Katherine Mims Crocker
117 Michigan Law Review 1405-1461 (2019)
State Constitutionalism in the Age of Party Polarization, Neal Devins
71 Rutgers University Law Review 1129-1176 (2019)
Virtual Briefing at the Supreme Court, Jeffrey L. Fisher and Allison Orr Larsen
105 Cornell Law Review 85-136 (2019)
Criminal-Justice Apps: A Modest Step Toward Democratizing the Criminal Process, Adam M. Gershowitz
105 Virginia Law Review Online 37-56 (2019)
Justice on the Line: Prosecutorial Screening Before Arrest, Adam M. Gershowitz
2019 University of Illinois Law Review 833-873
The Challenge of Convincing Ethical Prosecutors That Their Profession Has a Brady Problem, Adam M. Gershowitz
16 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 307-324 (2019)
Liability for AI Decision-Making: Some Legal and Ethical Considerations, Iria Giuffrida
88 Fordham Law Review 439-456 (2019)
Counterfeit Campaign Speech, Rebecca Green
70 Hastings Law Journal 1445-1489 (2019)