"Working Through the Supreme Court's 2021 Term" by Nicole Buonocore Porter


Despite the controversy surrounding the Supreme Court's 2021 term, the labor and employment cases, in comparison, might seem relatively uneventful. Although there are several cases summarized below, most of them deal with relatively minor issues surrounding arbitration, or with lesser litigated statutes, such as USERRA and ERISA. This review also includes a summary of the administrative law case regarding the Environmental Protection Act because it could (and perhaps likely will) have ramifications for labor and employment law.


This review proceeds in two additional parts. Part II of this review summarizes the opinions from the 2021 term. At the end of each summary, I provide my brief impression of the potential implications of each decision. Part III provides my perspective on what conclusions (if any) we can draw from these cases.

This abstract was taken from the author's introduction.

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Information

26 Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 145-189 (2023)
