The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.

Publications from 1999


Monopoly Bundling in Cyberspace: How Many Products Does Microsoft Sell?, Alan J. Meese
44 Antitrust Bulletin 65-116 (1999)


Regulation of Franchisor Opportunism and Production of the Institutional Framework: Federal Monopoly or Competition Between the States?, Alan J. Meese
23 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 61-87 (1999)


In-House Live-Client Clinical Programs: Some Ethical Issues, James E. Moliterno
67 Fordham Law Review 2377-2396 (1999)


Patient Safety, Risk Reduction, and the Law, Larry I. Palmer
36 Houston Law Review 1609-1661 (1999)


Brownfields Redevelopment: Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites For Community Renewal, Ronald H. Rosenberg


The Changing Tradition of Constitutional Review of Sign and Billboard Regulation, Ronald H. Rosenberg
9 Journal of Local Government Law 10-19 (June 1999)


Constitutional Law -- Due Process Clause -- Third Circuit Holds that $50 Million Punitive Damages Award in Context of a $48 Million Compensatory Award is Unconstitutionally Excessive -- Inter Medical Supplies, Ltd. v. EBI Medical Systems, Inc., 181 F.3d 446 (3d Cir. 1999)., A. Benjamin Spencer
113 Harvard Law Review 627-632 (1999)


Fourth Amendment Issues in Section 1983 Litigation, Kathryn R. Urbonya
15 Touro Law Review 1623-1642 (1999)


Introduction: Reconstructing Liberalism, Cynthia V. Ward
40 William and Mary Law Review 719-721 (1999)


Defending Truth, Cynthia V. Ward and Peter A. Alces
78 Texas Law Review 493-539 (1999)


United States v. Smithfield: A Paradigmatic Example of Lax Enforcement of the Clean Water Act by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Derek A. Yeo and Roy A. Hoagland
23 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 513-556 (1999)


Congress, the Internet, and the Intractable Pornography Problem: The Child Online Protection Act of 1998, Timothy Zick
32 Creighton Law Review 1147-1204 (1999)


The Consent of the Governed: Recall of United States Senators, Timothy Zick
103 Dickinson Law Review 567-611 (1999)

Publications from 1998


Commercial Codification as Negotiation, Peter A. Alces and David Frisch
32 University of California at Davis Law Review 17-76 (1998)


Reflections on Britain's Research Assessment Exercise, Jayne W. Barnard
48 Journal of Legal Education 467-495 (1998)


Toward a Practical Estate-Tax Exclusion for Family-Run Businesses: Analysis of Section 2033A and Proposal for Reform, Eric D. Chason and Robert T. Danforth
32 Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 571-617 (1998)


Where's Dolan? Exactions Law in 1998, Jonathan M. Davidson, Ronald H. Rosenberg, and Michael C. Spata
30 Urban Lawyer 683-697 (1998)


Foreword: Government Lawyering, Neal Devins
61 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-5 (Winter & Spring, 1998)


How Not to Challenge the Court, Neal Devins
39 William and Mary Law Review 645-664 (1998)


Judicial Exclusivity and Political Instability, Neal Devins and Louis Fisher
84 Virginia Law Review 83-106 (1998)


The Battle That Never Was: Congress, the White House, and Agency Litigation Authority, Neal Devins and Michael Herz
61 Law and Contemporary Problems 205-222 (Winter, 1998)


Family Values and the Bankruptcy Code: A Proposal to Eliminate Bankruptcy Benefits Awarded on the Basis of Marital Status, A. Mechele Dickerson
67 Fordham Law Review 69-113 (1998)


To Love, Honor, and (Oh) Pay: Should Spouses Be Forced to Pay Each Other's Debts?, A. Mechele Dickerson
78 Boston University Law Review 961-1022 (1998)


Reform of Adult Guardianship Law, John E. Donaldson
32 University of Richmond Law Review 1273-1302 (1998)


Book Review of Desegregating Texas Schools: Eisenhower, Shivers, and the Crisis at Mansfield High, Davison M. Douglas
556 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 214-215 (1998)


Book Review of Forced Justice: School Desegregation and the Law And Race Relations Litigation in an Age of Complexity, Davison M. Douglas
16 Law and History Review 628-631 (1998)


Justifying Racial Reform, Davison M. Douglas
76 Texas Law Review 1163-1184 (1998)


Chancellor Kent and the Search for the Elements of Impeachable Offenses, Michael J. Gerhardt
74 Chicago-Kent Law Review 91-131 (1998)


Book Review of Employment Discrimination Law, James S. Heller
28 American Reference Books Annual 231 (1998)


Book Review of From Occupation to Interim Accords: Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Linda A. Malone
10 Palestine Yearbook of International Law 289-290 (1998)


Aveux Incités par les Officiers Chargés de L’Application de la Loi, L’Expérience des Etats-Unis, Paul Marcus
22 Deviance et Societe 435-441 (1998)


The Challenge of Prosecuting Organized Crime in the United States: Procedural Issues, Paul Marcus
44 Wayne Law Review 1379-1400 (1998)


The Use of Criminal Statutes to Regulate Financial Markets in the United States, Paul Marcus
46 American Journal of Comparative Law 589-604 (1998)


Reinventing Bakke, Alan J. Meese
1 Green Bag 2d 381-390 (1998)


Practice Setting as an Organizing Theme for a Law and Ethics of Lawyering Curriculum, James E. Moliterno
39 William and Mary Law Review 393-407 (1998)


Coastal Marine Science for Law and Business Students: Preparing Law and Business Professionals to Make "Informed Decisions" About Coastal Issues, David H. Niebuhr, Lynda L. Butler, Don Rahtz, Britt E. Anderson, and April N. Lawrence
Minding the Coast: It's Everybody's Business 283-287 (1998)


Institutional Analysis and Physicians' Rights after Vacco v. Quill, Larry I. Palmer
7 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 415-430 (1998)


The Free Exercise of Religion After the Fall: The Case for Intermediate Scrutiny, Rodney A. Smolla
39 William and Mary Law Review 925-943 (1998)


Eulogy, William B. Spong Jr., United States Senator (1966-1973), Dean of the College of William and Mary School of Law (1976-1985), Timothy J. Sullivan
39 William and Mary Law Review 1051-1054 (1998)


The Legal Profession and Its Future: Recapturing the Ideal of the Statesman-Lawyer, Timothy J. Sullivan
32 University of Richmond Law Review 477-482 (1998)


Interlocutory Appeals from Orders Denying Qualified Immunity: Determining the Proper Scope of Appellate Jurisdiction, Kathryn R. Urbonya
55 Washington & Lee Law Review 3-54 (1998)


Quo Vadis, Posadas?, William W. Van Alstyne
25 Northern Kentucky Law Review 505-529 (1998)


Re-Defining Reproductive Freedom, Timothy Zick
21 Harvard Women's Law Journal 327-339 (1998)

Publications from 1997


Commenting on "Purpose" in the Uniform Commercial Code, Peter A. Alces and David Frisch
58 Ohio State Law Journal 419-458 (1997)


Corporate Philanthropy, Executives' Pet Charities and the Agency Problem, Jayne W. Barnard
41 New York Law School Law Review 1147-1178 (1997)


Equilibrium Theory, the FICAS Model, and International Banking Law, Raj Bhala
38 Harvard International Law Journal 1-57 (1997)


Fighting Bad Guys with International Trade Law, Raj Bhala
31 University of California at Davis Law Review 1-121 (1997-1998)


The Politics of Takings: Choosing The Appropriate Decisionmaker, Lynda L. Butler
38 William and Mary Law Review 749-824 (1997)


Law and Economic Development: A New Beginning?, Lan Cao
32 Texas International Law Journal 545-559 (1997)


Towards a New Sensibility for International Economic Development, Lan Cao
32 Texas International Law Journal 209-270 (1997)


The Proper Role of the Estate and Gift Taxation of Closely Held Businesses, Eric D. Chason and Robert T. Danforth
32 Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 103-143 (1997)


In Search of the Lost Chord: Reflections on the 1996 Item Veto Act, Neal Devins
47 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1605-1642 (1997)


The Interactive Constitution: An Essay on Clothing Emperors and Searching for Constitutional Truth, Neal Devins
85 Georgetown Law Journal 691-714 (1997)


The Triumph of Timing: Raines v. Byrd and the Modern Supreme Court's Attempt to Control Constitutional Confrontations, Neal Devins and Michael A. Fitts
86 Georgetown Law Journal 351-375 (1997)


Lifestyles of the Not-So-Rich or Famous: The Role of Choice and Sacrifice in Bankruptcy, A. Mechele Dickerson
45 Buffalo Law Review 629-686 (1997)


An Old Debate Continues Over Integrated Schools, Davison M. Douglas
1 Green Bag 2d 13-20 (1997)


The End of Busing?, Davison M. Douglas
95 Michigan Law Review 1715-1737 (1997)


The Limits of Law in Accomplishing Racial Change: School Segregation in the Pre-Brown North, Davison M. Douglas
44 UCLA Law Review 677-744 (1997)


Setting Standards for Parenting - By What Right?, James G. Dwyer
27 Child Psychiatry and Human Development 165-177 (1997)


Computer RAM 'Copies:' Hit or Myth? Historical Perspectives on Caching as a Microcosm of Current Copyright Concerns, I. Trotter Hardy
23 University of Dayton Law Review 423-463 (1997)


Book Review of Environment and the Law: A Dictionary, James S. Heller
28 American Reference Books Annual 230 (1997)


Book Review of Law and Politics: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia, James S. Heller
28 American Reference Books Annual 220 (1997)


Book Review of Noble's International Guide to the Law Reports, James S. Heller
28 American Reference Books Annual 218 (1997)


Book Review of Ready Reference: American Justice, James S. Heller
28 American Reference Books Annual 220 (1997)


Book Review of In the Opinion of the Court, Laura A. Heymann
85 California Law Review 761-767 (1997)


The Cosmetic/Drug Dilemma: FDA Regulation of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids, Laura A. Heymann
52 Food and Drug Law Journal 357-375 (1997)


Report of the Task Force on Rule 102(e) Proceedings: Rule 102(e) Sanctions Against Accountants, Dixie L. Johnson, John H. Sturc, Kenneth B. Winer, Jayne W. Barnard, Evan J. Falchuk, Jeffrey T. Gilleran, Thomas Gorman, David B. Hardison, Gloria K. Niemi, and Thomas L. Riesenberg
52 Business Lawyer 965-989 (1997)


The Laws of Complexity & the Complexity of Laws: The Implications of Computational Complexity Theory for the Law, Eric Kades
49 Rutgers Law Review 403-484 (1997)


Beginning the Endgame: The Search for an Injury Compensation System Alternative to Tort Liability for Tobacco-Related Harms, Paul A. LeBel
24 Northern Kentucky Law Review 457-494 (1997)


"Of Deaths Put on by Cunning and Forced Cause": Reality Bites the Tobacco Industry, Paul A. LeBel
38 William and Mary Law Review 605-638 (1997)


Courtroom Technology - An Introduction To The Onrushing Future, Fredric I. Lederer and Samuel H. Solomon


Restating Capitalization Standards and Rules: The Case for "Rough Justice" Regulations (Part One), John W. Lee, Eldridge Blanton, Veena Luthra, Glenn Walberg, and Darryl Whitesell
23 Ohio Northern University Law Review 631-739 (1997)


Restating Capitalization Standards and Rules: The Case for "Rough Justice" Regulations (Part Two), John W. Lee, Eldridge Blanton, Veena Luthra, Glenn Walberg, and Darryl Whitesell
23 Ohio Northern University Law Review 1483-1559 (1997)


Capitalizing and Depreciating Cyclical Aircraft Maintenance Costs: More-Trouble-Than-It's-Worth?, John W. Lee, Glenn Walberg, and Darryl Whitesell
17 Virginia Tax Review 161-243 (1997)


Country/Region Reports -- United States of America, Linda A. Malone
8 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 323-326 (1997)


Immigration - Refugee Act of 1980 - Resistance to Female Circumcision as Grounds for Political Asylum in the United States, Linda A. Malone
91 American Journal of International Law 140-147 (1997)


Protecting the Least Respected: The Girl Child and the Gender Bias of the Vienna Convention's Adoption and Reservation Regime, Linda A. Malone
3 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 1-27 (1997)


Sistema da Justiça Criminal nos Estados Unidos da América Uma Visāo Resumida, Paul Marcus
18 Direito & Justiça 123-134 (1997)


Forum on Attorney's Fees in Copyright Cases: Are We Running Through the Jungle Now or is the Old Man Still Stuck Down the Road?, Paul Marcus and David Nimmer
39 William and Mary Law Review 65-98 (1997)


Price Theory and Vertical Restraints: A Misunderstood Relation, Alan J. Meese
45 UCLA Law Review 143-204 (1997)


Tying Meets the New Institutional Economics: Farewell to the Chimera of Forcing, Alan J. Meese
146 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1-99 (1997)


Book Review of Seattle University Skills Development Series, James E. Moliterno
47 Journal of Legal Education 280-283 (1997)


Lawyer Creeds and Moral Seismography, James E. Moliterno
32 Wake Forest Law Review 781-818 (1997)


Paying for Suffering: The Problem of Human Experimentation, Larry I. Palmer
56 Maryland Law Review 604-623 (1997)


Private Commissions, Assisted Reproduction, and Lawyering, Larry I. Palmer
38 Jurimetrics 223-235 (1998)


The Culture of Regulation, Rodney A. Smolla
5 CommLaw Conspectus 193-202 (1997)


The Poor Image of the Profession and the Ethical Pressures on the Modern Lawyer, Rodney A. Smolla
23 Social Responsibility: Business, Journalism, Law, Medicine 42-52 (1997)


Law Reform in Vietnam: The Uneven Legacy of Doi Moi, Spencer Weber Waller and Lan Cao
29 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 555-576 (1997)


On Difference and Equality, Cynthia V. Ward
3 Legal Theory 65-99 (1997)


Toward Cantankerous Community: A Review of The Rooster's Egg: On the Persistence of Prejudice, Cynthia V. Ward
3 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 249-275 (1997)

Publications from 1996


On the UCC Revision Process: A Reply to Dean Scott, Peter A. Alces and David Frisch
37 William and Mary Law Review 1217-1260 (1996)


Sovereign Prerogatives, Jayne W. Barnard
21 Journal of Corporation Law 281-330 (1996)


Applying Equilibrium and the FICAS Model: A Case Study of Capital Adequacy and Currency Trading, Raj Bhala
41 Saint Louis University Law Journal 125-262 (1996)


International Payments and Five Foundations of Wire-Transfer Law, Raj Bhala
1 Yearbook of International Financial & Economic Law 53-84 (1996)


Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena and the Continuing Irrelevance of Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decisions, Neal Devins
37 William and Mary Law Review 673-721 (1996)


Congressional-Executive Information Access Disputes: A Modest Proposal - Do Nothing, Neal Devins
48 Administrative Law Review 109-137 (1996)


Government Lawyers and the New Deal, Neal Devins
96 Columbia Law Review 237-267 (1996)


The Children We Abandon: Religious Exemptions to Child Welfare and Education Law as Denials of Equal Protection to Children of Religious Objectors, James G. Dwyer
74 North Carolina Law Review 1321-1478 (1996)


1996-97 Supreme Court Preview: Mock Arguments in Clinton v. Jones, Michael J. Gerhardt and Rodney A. Smolla
5 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 249-276 (1996)


Comment on the L, Susan Grover
12 Australian Journal of Law and Society 171-173 (1996)