The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 1962
Baker v. Carr and Minority Government in the United States, Joseph M. Cormack
3 William and Mary Law Review 282-301 (1962)
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
48 Virginia Law Review 1333-1341 (1962)
Freedom of Religion: Recent Sunday Closing Laws Cases, John E. Donaldson
3 William and Mary Law Review 384-394 (1962)
Procedure - Is Accused "Present" at Trial While Testifying Under the Influence of Tranquilizers, Emeric Fischer
3 William and Mary Law Review 535-538 (1962)
Virginia Procedure: Parties to Litigation Involving Automobiles, Emeric Fischer
3 William and Mary Law Review 403-434 (1962)
Comment: Sit-Ins and State Action- Mr. Justice Douglas, Concurring, Kenneth L. Karst and William W. Van Alstyne
14 Stanford Law Review 762-776 (1962)
Legal History – Unhappy Hybrid, William F. Swindler
55 Law Library Journal 98-110 (1962)
The O’Meara Case and Constitutional Requirements of State Anti-Discrimination Housing Laws, William W. Van Alstyne
8 Howard Law Journal 158-168 (1962)
Book Review of Legacy of Suppression, James P. Whyte Jr.
3 William and Mary Law Review 540-543 (1962)
Publications from 1961
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
47 Virginia Law Review 1259-1268 (1961)
Procedure: Failure to Exhaust Appellate Remedies as a Bar to Relief, John E. Donaldson
3 William and Mary Law Review 199-202 (1961)
Three Papers from the Annual Meeting Held on October 26 and 27, 1961 in Williamsburg, Virginia, William F. Swindler, James A. Servies, and Dudley Warner Woodbridge
A Critique of the Ohio Public Accommodations Laws, William W. Van Alstyne
22 Ohio State Law Journal 201-212 (1961)
Civil Rights: A New Public Accommodations Law for Ohio, William W. Van Alstyne
22 Ohio State Law Journal 683-690 (1961)
State Action, William W. Van Alstyne and Kenneth L. Karst
14 Stanford Law Review 3-58 (1961)
Some Dilemmas in the Injunction Against Recognitional Picketing, James P. Whyte Jr.
3 William and Mary Law Review 15-35 (1961)
Some Needed Changes in the Tort Law of Virginia, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
3 William and Mary Law Review 3-14 (1961)
Publications from 1960
Taxation, Joseph Curtis
46 Virginia Law Review 1523-1531 (1960)
Pleading and Practice, Arthur W. Phelps
46 Virginia Law Review 1645-1661 (1960)
Reviewing Judicial Review: A Note in Constitutional History, William F. Swindler
60 St. Louis University Law Journal 121-149 (1960)
Discrimination in State University Housing Programs - Policy and Constitutional Consideration, William W. Van Alstyne
13 Stanford Law Review 60-79 (1960)
International Law and Interstate River Disputes, William W. Van Alstyne
48 California Law Review 596-622 (1960)
Publications from 1959
Taxation, Joseph Curtis
45 Virginia Law Review 1294-1298 (1959)
Common Law at Jamestown Celebration, William F. Swindler
3 American Journal of Legal History 282-283 (1959)
News: Public Right v. Property Right, William F. Swindler
10 Copyright Law Symposium 285-320 (1959)
Is the Grand Jury Necessary?, James P. Whyte Jr.
45 Virginia Law Review 461-492 (1959)
Publications from 1958
Taxation, Joseph Curtis
44 Virginia Law Review 1217-1222 (1958)
Ethics in Legal Practice in Nebraska: A Comparative Analysis, William F. Swindler
37 Nebraska Law Review 703-735 (1958)
Missouri Constitutions: History, Theory and Practice, William F. Swindler
23 Missouri Law Review 32-61 (1958)
Missouri Constitutions: History, Theory and Practice (continued), William F. Swindler
23 Missouri Law Review 157-179 (1958)
Publications from 1957
Taxation, Joseph Curtis
43 Virginia Law Review 989-992 (1957)
Right to Work, a Decade of Development, William F. Swindler
36 Nebraska Law review 276-319 (1957)
Publications from 1956
State Regulation of Interstate Commerce, Charles Harper Anderson
61 Dickinson Law Review 1-28 (1956)
Publications from 1955
Commentary on Press Photographers and the Courtroom, William F. Swindler
35 Nebraska Law Review 13-16 (1955)
Publications from 1954
Radar in the Courts, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
40 Virginia Law Review 809-817 (1954)
Publications from 1953
Operation of the Mexican Labor Law (Part I), Joseph M. Cormack
7 Southwestern Law Journal 301-327 (1953)
Operation of the Mexican Labor Law (Part II), Joseph M. Cormack
7 Southwestern Law Journal 464-496 (1953)
The Bill of Particulars in Virginia, Arthur W. Phelps
39 Virginia Law Review 989-994 (1953)
Publications from 1952
State Taxation of Interstate Commerce, Charles Harper Anderson
1952 Washington University Law Quarterly 1-28
Planning Ahead in Tax Administration, Thomas C. Atkeson
5 Tax Executive 9-10 (1952)
Notes on Legal Education in Mexico, Joseph M. Cormack
4 Journal of Legal Education 329-332 (1951-1952)
Rights of the States in Their Natural Resources Particularly as Applied to Water, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
5 South Carolina Law Quarterly 130-140 (1952-1953)
Publications from 1950
Factors Influencing Judges in Interpreting Statutes, Arthur W. Phelps
3 Vanderbilt Law Review 456-469 (1950)
Publications from 1949
The Notice of Motion and Modern Procedural Reform, Arthur W. Phelps
35 Virginia Law Review 380-391 (1949)
What is a Question of Law?, Arthur W. Phelps
18 University of Cincinnati Law Review 259-282 (1949)
Publications from 1948
Book Review of The Book of Libel; Dangerous Words, William F. Swindler
27 Nebraska Law Review 477-483 (1948)
Publications from 1946
Blockage Valuation in Federal Tax Law, Harrop A. Freeman
94 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 365-377 (1946)
The United Nations Organization and International Law, Harrop A. Freeman
31 Cornell Law Quarterly 259-284 (1946)
Publications from 1945
The Problem of Reform of Administrative Procedure, Frederick K. Beutel
6 Federal Bar Journal 264-269 (1945)
The Constitutionality of Peacetime Conscription, Harrop A. Freeman
31 Virginia Law Review 40-82 (1944)
Publications from 1944
"The Issue of Marriages Deemed Null in Law . . . Shall Nevertheless Be Legitimate", Dudley Warner Woodbridge
30 Virginia Law Review 352-357 (1944)
Publications from 1942
The Law Schools and the New Profession of Social Technician, Frederick K. Beutel
1 American Journal Economics & Sociology 93-110 (1942)
Book Review of The Government of Labor Relations in Sweden, Theodore S. Cox
91 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 371-373 (1942)
Appellate Court Articulation of General Standards of Conduct: Effective Guidance versus Impotent Verbalism, Arthur W. Phelps
8 Ohio State University Law Journal 173-199 (1942)
Publications from 1941
The Doctrine of Judicial Review and Its Relation to a Declared Purpose or Policy of a Statute, Theodore S. Cox
2 Washington and Lee Law Review 177-190 (1941)
Publications from 1940
The Development of State Statutes on Negotiable Paper Prior to the Negotiable Instruments Law, Frederick K. Beutel
40 Columbia Law Review 836-865 (1940)
Addenda to "Renvoi, Characterization, Localization and Preliminary Question in the Conflict of Laws", Joseph M. Cormack
14 Southern California Law Review 387-389 (1940)
Relation of Pre-Legal Studies and Intelligence Tests to Success in Law School, Joseph M. Cormack
14 Southern California Law Review 35-46 (1940)
Renvoi, Characterization, Localization and Preliminary Question in the Conflict of Laws: A Study of Problems Involved in Determining Whether or Not the Forum Should Follow Its Own Choice of a Conflict-of-Laws Principle, Joseph M. Cormack
14 Southern California Law Review 221-275 (1940)
Publications from 1939
California Conflict of Laws in Regard to Contracts, Joseph M. Cormack
12 Southern California Law Review 335-361 (1938)
Conflict of Laws in Regard to Contracts in Field Code States Other than California, Joseph M. Cormack
12 Southern California Law Review 362-367 (1938)
Book Review of The Country Lawyer: Essays in Democracy, Theodore S. Cox
27 Georgetown Law Journal 511-513 (1939)
Book Review of Cases and Other Materials on Judicial Remedies, Bolling R. Powell Jr.
25 Virginia Law Review 639-640 (1939)
Publications from 1938
Applications of the Distinction between Mortgages and Trust Deeds in California, Joseph M. Cormack and James B. Irsfeld Jr.
26 California Law Review 206-225 (1938)
Book Review of Cases and Materials on Contracts, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
24 Virginia Law Review 824-825 (1938)
Publications from 1937
Conflict of Laws: Foreign Tax Suits, Joseph M. Cormack
11 Southern California Law Review 93-94 (1937)
Securities, Joseph M. Cormack
11 Southern California Law Review 109-113 (1937)
The Distinction Between Surteyship and the Guaranty in States Having the Field Code Provisions, Joseph M. Cormack and Neil G. McCarroll
10 Southern California Law Review 371-414 (1937)
Book Review of State and National Power over Commerce, Theodore S. Cox
24 Virginia Law Review 92-95 (1937)
Book Review of The Commerce Power versus States Rights: "Back to the Constitution", Theodore S. Cox
23 Virginia Law Review 361-363 (1937)
Cases and Materials on Trials, Judgments, and Appeals, Bolling R. Powell Jr.
23 Virginia Law Review 857-858 (1937)
The Effect in Virginia of Conviction of Crime on Competency and Credibility of Witnesses, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
23 Virginia Law Review 470-480 (1937)
Publications from 1935
Mexican Mercantile Organizations Under the New Law, Joseph M. Cormack and Frederick F. Barker
8 Southern California Law Review 197-220 (1935)
Indorsement After Maturity and the "New Bill" Doctrine, Joseph M. Cormack and Bruce Browne
1 Current Legal Thought 298-299 (1935)
Indorsements After Maturity and the "New Bill" Doctrine, Joseph M. Cormack and Bruce Browne
30 Illinois Law Review 46-58 (1935)
Rendition of Final Judgments by Trial Courts on Motions for Judgment Notwhithstanding the Verdict and on Motions for a New Trial, Arthur W. Phelps
9 University of Cincinnati Law Review 67-76 (1935)
Publications from 1934
Mexican Civil Organizations Under the New Code, Joseph M. Cormack and Frederick F. Barker
7 Southern California Law Review 195-213 (1934)
The Mexican Labor Law, Joseph M. Cormack and Frederick F. Barker
7 Southern California Law Review 251-294 (1934)
Publications from 1933
The Mexican Law of Business Organizations, Joseph M. Cormack and Frederick F. Barker
6 Southern California Law Review 181-228 (1933)
Publications from 1932
The Mercantile Act: A Study in Mexican Legal Approach, Joseph M. Cormack and Frederick F. Barker
6 Southern California Law Review 1-30 (1932)
Publications from 1931
Legal Concepts in Cases of Eminent Domain, Joseph M. Cormack
41 Yale Law Journal 221-261 (1931)
Newspaper Copyright, Joseph M. Cormack
18 Virginia Law Review 523-527 (1931)
More Anent the First Law School, Theodore S. Cox and Robert M. Hughes
The Law Student 13-15 (October 1931)
Publications from 1929
The Legal Tender Cases - A Drama of American Legal and Financial History, Joseph M. Cormack
16 Virginia Law Review 132-148 (1929)
The Universal Draft and Constitutional Limitations, Joseph M. Cormack
3 Southern California Law Review 361-383 (1929)
Publications from 1921
The Honorable George Wythe: Teacher, Lawyer, Jurist, Statesman; an Address Delivered Before the Wythe Law Club of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, Dec. 18, 1921, Oscar Lane Shewmake
Publications from 1854
Another Virginian Law Book, Lucian Minor
20 Southern Literary Messenger 636-637 (1854)
The Model Lawyer, Lucian Minor
20 Southern Literary Messenger 635-636 (1854)
Publications from 1852
Cicero's Cato the Elder: Or, a Treatise on Old Age, Lucian Minor
18 Southern Literary Messenger 732-745 (1852)
Publications from 1851
Book Review of The Life of John Randolph of Roanoke, N. Beverley Tucker
21 Southern Quarterly Review 41-61 (1851)
South Carolina: Her Present Attitude and Future Action, N. Beverley Tucker
21 Southern Quarterly Review 273-298 (1851)
Publications from 1850
Jury Trial, Lucian Minor
16 Southern Literary Messenger 380-381 (1850)
The Temporance Reformation in Virginia, Lucian Minor
16 Southern Literary Messenger 426-438 (1850)
Review of An Oration, Delivered Before the Two Societies of the South-Carolina College, N. Beverley Tucker
17 Southern Quarterly Review 37-48 (1850)
The Present State of Europe, N. Beverley Tucker
16 Southern Quarterly Review 277-323 (1950)
Publications from 1849
Book Review of The History of England, From the Accession of James II, N. Beverley Tucker
15 Southern Quarterly Review 374-410 (July 1849)
Publications from 1848
Brief Epistles, Lucian Minor
14 Southern Literary Messenger 82-83 (1848)
Greek Odes--Again, Lucian Minor
14 Southern Literary Messenger 184-185 (1848)
Law Reports, Lucian Minor
14 Southern Literary Messenger 255-260 (1848)
Passages in the Virginia Legislature, Lucian Minor
14 Southern Literary Messenger 387-388 (1848)