The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 1972
Book Review of The Unions and the Cities: Studies of Unionism in Government, Ronald C. Brown
13 William and Mary Law Review 960-966 (1972)
Constitutional Law: Double Jeopardy - New Approach to the "Manifest Necessity Rule", Ronald C. Brown
8 Wake Forest Law Review 453-459 (1972)
The Treaty Power and Family Law, Jerome J. Curtis Jr.
7 Georgia Law Review 55-86 (1972)
The Freedom of Information Act: Suggestions for Making Information Available to the Public, Charles H. Koch Jr.
32 Maryland Law Review 189-225 (1972)
"Active Conduct" Distinguished from "Conduct" of a Rental Real Estate Business, John W. Lee
25 Tax Lawyer 317-333 (1972)
CA-7's "Wisconsin Big Boy" Case Has Dire Implications in 482 Area, John W. Lee
36 The Journal of Taxation 349-352 (1972)
Command Performance: The Tax Treatment of Employer Mandated Expenses, John W. Lee
7 University of Richmond Law Review 1-97 (1972)
Functional Divisions and Other Corporate Separations Under Section 355 After Rafferty, John W. Lee
27 Tax Law Review 453-498 (1972)
Estate and Gift Tax Reform: Inter Vivos Transfers with a Testamentary Flavor, Don W. Llewellyn
13 William and Mary Law Review 553-568 (1972)
The Reality of Procedural Due Process - A Study of the Implementation of Fair Hearing Requirements by the Welfare Caseworker, Robert E. Scott
13 William and Mary Law Review 725-768 (1972)
Property Relationships in Ethiopia and Their Implications for Development, Alemante G. Selassie
Book Review of Waters and Water Rights, Timothy J. Sullivan
14 William and Mary Law Review 239-247 (1972)
Book Review of History of the Supreme Court of the United States volumes I and VI, William F. Swindler
13 William and Mary Law Review 681-689 (1972)
Fifty-One Chief Justices, William F. Swindler
60 Kentucky Law Journal 851-871 (1972)
Congress, the President, and the Power to Declare War: A Requiem for Vietnam, William W. Van Alstyne
121 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1-28 (1972)
The Specific Theory of Academic Freedom and the General Issue of Civil Liberty, William W. Van Alstyne
404 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 140-156 (1972)
Publications from 1971
The Uniform Commercial Code and the Certificateless Society, Thomas H. Jolls
26 Business Lawyer 627-630 (1971)
Section 482 and the Integrated Business Enterprise, John W. Lee
57 Virginia Law Review 1376-1434 (1971)
Shareholder Withdrawal-Loan or Dividend: Repayments, Estoppel, and Other Anomolies, John W. Lee
12 William and Mary Law Review 512-564 (1971)
Book Review of Law without Precedent: Legal Ideas in Action in the Colonial Courts of Busoga, Larry I. Palmer
119 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1066-1069 (1971)
Introductory Note: Revision and Reform in the Common Law Countries, William F. Swindler
13 William and Mary Law Review 253-262 (1971)
State Constitutions for the 20th Century, William F. Swindler
50 Nebraska Law Review 577-599 (1971)
The Chief Justice and Law Reform, 1921-1971, William F. Swindler
1971 Supreme Court Preview 241-264
Publications from 1970
Professors and Unions: The Faculty Senate: an Effective Alternative to Collective Bargaining in Higher Education?, Ronald C. Brown
12 William and Mary Law Review 252-332 (1970)
Investment Securities, Thomas H. Jolls
25 Business Lawyer 1173-1178 (1970)
The Philadelphia Plan and Strict Racial Quotas in Federal Contracts, Paul Marcus
17 UCLA Law Review 817-836 (1970)
Practice and Pleading (15th Annual Survey of Virginia Law), W. Taylor Reveley III
56 Virgina Law Review 1500-1535 (1970)
Book Review of The Justices of the United States Supreme Court, William F. Swindler
11 William and Mary Law Review 1022-1025 1970
State Post-Conviction Remedies and Federal Habeas Corpus, William F. Swindler
12 William and Mary Law Review 147-233 (1970)
The Supreme Court, the President and Congress, William F. Swindler
19 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 671-692 (1970)
The Warren Court: Completion of a Constitutional Revolution, William F. Swindler
23 Vanderbilt Law Review 205-250 (1970)
The Constitutional Rights of Teachers and Professors, William W. Van Alstyne
1970 Duke Law Journal 841-879
Publications from 1969
Fictitious Registration of Stock Ownership - Hartford v. Walston Examined, Thomas H. Jolls
24 Business Lawyer 1085-1096 (1969)
Investment Securities, Thomas H. Jolls
24 Business Lawyer 1057-1062 (1969)
Commentary, W. Taylor Reveley III
10 Virginia Journal of International Law 58-64 (1969)
Presidential War-Making: Constitutional Prerogative or Usurpation?, W. Taylor Reveley III
55 Virgina Law Review 1243-1305 (1969)
The Welfare Hearing Process - The Law and Administrative Regulations Examined, Robert E. Scott
11 William and Mary Law Review 291-370 (1969)
Book Review of Comparative Constitutional Process, William F. Swindler
11 William and Mary Law Review 283-285 (1969)
Book Review of The Biography of a Legal Dispute, Charles E. Torcia
10 William and Mary Law Review 1012-1014 (1969)
A Constitution for Every Man, William W. Van Alstyne
79 Yale Law Journal 158-163 (1969)
A Critical Guide to Marbury v. Madison, William W. Van Alstyne
1969 Duke Law Journal 1-47
A Suggested Seminar in Student Rights, William W. Van Alstyne
21 Journal of Legal Education 547-559 (1969)
The Constitutional Rights of Public Employees: A Comment on the Inappropriate Uses of an Old Analogy, William W. Van Alstyne
16 UCLA Law Review 751-772 (1969)
The Tentative Emergence of Student Power in the United States, William W. Van Alstyne
17 American Journal of Comparative Law 403-417 (1969)
Divorce Recognition - A Two-Headed Monster: Full Faith and Credit Due Process, Richard A. Williamson
30 Ohio State Law Journal 311-331 (1969)
Publications from 1968
An Ombusdman for Local Government, Tom A. Collins
1 Indiana Legal Forum 376-397 (1968)
Dedication: Thomas C. Atkeson, Joseph Curtis and C. H. Morrissett
9 William and Mary Law Review vi-x (1968)
Professional and Educational Expenses, John E. Donaldson
1968 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Book Review of Items of Gross Income, Emeric Fischer
10 William and Mary Law Review 503-505 (1968)
H.R. 10 - Plans and Problems, Emeric Fischer
1968 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Can We Do without Stock Certificates? A Look at the Future, Thomas H. Jolls
23 Business Lawyer 909-918 (1968)
Investment Securities, Thomas H. Jolls
23 Business Lawyer 849-853 (1968)
Application of Article 85 Paragraph 1, of the Treaty of Rome to Intrastate Exclusive Distributorship Agreements, Charles H. Koch Jr.
3 Journal of Law and Economic Development 254-260 (1968)
Book Review of The Warren Court, William F. Swindler
10 William and Mary Law Review 259-262 (1968)
The Demise of the Right-Privilege Distinction in Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
81 Harvard Law Review 1439-1464 (1968)
The Judicial Trend Toward Student Academic Freedom, William W. Van Alstyne
20 University of Florida Law Review 290-305 (1968)
The Student as University Resident, William W. Van Alstyne
45 Denver Law Journal 582-613 (1968)
Publications from 1967
Work Product Exception to Discovery - The New York Experience, Glenn E. Coven
53 Cornell Law Review 98-114 (1967)
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
53 Virginia Law Review 181-189 (1967)
Tax Legislation of 1966, John E. Donaldson
9 William and Mary Law Review 387-397 (1967)
Investment Securities, Thomas H. Jolls
22 Business Lawyer 734-737 (1967)
Book Review of Water Rights, William B. Spong Jr.
9 William & Mary Law Review 268-270 (1967)
A Practical Brief and Bluleprint for Productive Investment and Trade Abroad, E. Blythe Stason Jr.
8 William and Mary Law Review 704-706 (1967)
America's First Law Schools: Significance or Chauvinism?, William F. Swindler
41 Connecticut Bar Journal 1-15 (1967)
John Marshall's Preparation for the Bar -- Some Observations on His Law Notes, William F. Swindler
11 American Journal of Legal History 207-213 (1967)
State Constitutional Law: Some Representative Decisions, William F. Swindler
9 William and Mary Law Review 166-176 (1967)
Publications from 1966
A Commentary on 1966 Federal Tax Legislation, John E. Donaldson
1966 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Article Three: Commercial Paper, E. McGruder Faris Jr.
44 North Carolina Law Review 598-626 (1966)
Book Review of International Licensing Agreements, Emeric Fischer
7 William and Mary Law Review 201-202 (1966)
Book Review of Legal Papers of John Adams, William F. Swindler
7 William and Mary Law Review 417-421 (1966)
Toward a Restatement of Professional Ethics, William F. Swindler
27 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 795-817 (1966)
The First Amendment and the Suppression of Warmongering Propaganda in the United States: Comments and Footnotes, William W. Van Alstyne
31 Law and Contemporary Problems 530-552 (1966)
Publications from 1965
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
51 Virginia Law Review 1621-1628 (1965)
Book Review of Corporate Tax Management, Emeric Fischer
6 William and Mary Law Review 103-104 (1965)
Constitutional Law: Cases, Comments & Questions, William W. Van Alstyne
17 Stanford Law Review 359-362 (1965)
In Gideon’s Wake: Harsher Penalties and the “Successful” Criminal Appellant, William W. Van Alstyne
74 Yale Law Journal 606-639 (1965)
Mr. Justice Black, Constitutional Review, and the Talisman of State Action, William W. Van Alstyne
1965 Duke Law Journal 219-247
Student Academic Freedom and the Rule-Making Powers of Public Universities: Some Constitutional Considerations, William W. Van Alstyne
2 Law in Transition Quarterly 1-34 (1965)
The Fourteenth Amendment, the “Right” to Vote, and the Understanding of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, William W. Van Alstyne
1965 Supreme Court Review 33-85
Publications from 1964
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
50 Virginia Law Review 1280-1286 (1964)
Tax Free Income: Compensation In Kind and Quasi-In-Kind, Emeric Fischer
5 William and Mary Law Review 46-75 (1964)
Getting Stock Transferred – Are You Doing It the Hard Way?, Thomas H. Jolls
10 Practical Lawyer 57-64 (1964)
Research in Administrative Law, E. Blythe Stason Jr.
16 Administrative Law Review 99-107 (1964)
Reapportionment: Revisionism Or Revolution?, William F. Swindler
43 North Carolina Law Review 55-91 (1964)
The Justiciability of International River Disputes: A Study in the Case Method, William W. Van Alstyne
1964 Duke Law Journal 307-340
The Supreme Court on Trial, William W. Van Alstyne
63 Michigan Law Review 186-195 (1964)
Final Argument: Conduct of Virginia Counsel, James P. Whyte Jr.
5 William and Mary Law Review 1-29 (1964)
Publications from 1963
Taxpayer Compliance Panel, Donald W. Bacon, A. M. Stoepler, Emeric Fischer, and R. Braxton Hill Jr.
1963 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Book Review of Narcotics and the Law, Joseph M. Cormack
4 William and Mary Law Review 253-254 (1963)
Contracts and Sales, Joseph Curtis
49 Virginia Law Review 1402-1410 (1963)
Book Review of The Sovereign Prerogative, John E. Donaldson
4 William and Mary Law Review 83-85 (1963)
Current Challenge to Federalism: The Confederating Proposals, William F. Swindler
52 Georgetown Law Journal 1-41 (1963)
Constitutional Separation of Church and State: The Quest for a Coherent Position, William W. Van Alstyne
57 American Political Science Review 865-882 (1963)
One Man’s Stand for Freedom: Opinions and Lectures of Mr. Justice Hugo Black, William W. Van Alstyne
28 Missouri Law Review 675-682 (1963)
Political Speakers at State Universities: Some Constitutional Considerations, William W. Van Alstyne
111 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 328-342 (1963)
Procedural Due Process and State University Students, William W. Van Alstyne
10 UCLA Law Review 368-389 (1963)
The Administration’s Anti-Literacy Test Bill: Wholly Constitutional but Wholly Inadequate, William W. Van Alstyne
61 Michigan Law Review 805-822 (1963)
Book Review of Civil Justice and the Jury, James P. Whyte Jr.
4 William and Mary Law Review 248-252 (1963)
Book Review of Law and Psychiatry, James P. Whyte Jr.
4 William and Mary Law Review 77-82 (1963)
Industrial Mobility and Survival of Seniority - What Price Security?, Walter L. Williams Jr.
36 Southern California Law Review 269-284 (1963)