The names of William & Mary Law School faculty, deans, and library directors are available in the repository archives' Deans, Faculty, & Library Directors collection.
Publications from 1977
C. Harper Anderson, William B. Spong Jr.
18 William and Mary Law Review (1977)
Punitive Damages in the Law of Contract: The Reality and the Illusion of Legal Change, Timothy J. Sullivan
61 Minnesota Law Review 207-252 (1977)
Book Review of The Memoirs of Earl Warren, William F. Swindler
19 William and Mary Law Review 159-170 (1977)
Memoriam: Justice Tom C. Clark (1976 Tazewell Taylor Visiting Professor), William F. Swindler
19 William and Mary Law Review vii-vi (1977)
Brainerd Currie: Scholar, William W. Van Alstyne
28 Mercer Law Review 439-440 (1977)
Cracks in “The New Property”: Adjudicative Due Process in the Administrative State, William W. Van Alstyne
62 Cornell Law Review 445-493 (1977)
The Hazards to the Press of Claiming a “Preferred Position”, William W. Van Alstyne
28 Hastings Law Journal 761-770 (1977)
Publications from 1976
An Interim Assessment of the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, Denis J. Brion
6 Colonial Lawyer 3-6 (1976)
Constitional Basis and Implications of Federal Collective Bargaining Legislation for State and Local Employees, Ronald C. Brown
1 Oklahoma City University Law Review 125-155 (1976)
Virginia Survey of Law: Property Section; Trusts and Estates Section, Lynda L. Butler
62 Virginia Law Review 1469-1478, 1497-1505 (1976)
The Future of Corporate Democracy, Harvey Frank
28 Baylor Law Review 39-58 (1976)
Public Procedures for the Promulgation of Interpretative Rules and General Statements of Policy, Charles H. Koch Jr.
64 Georgetown Law Journal 1047-1079 (1976)
Rights Warnings in the Armed Services, Fredric I. Lederer
72 Military Law Review 1-54 (1976)
The Law of Confessions - The Voluntariness Doctrine, Fredric I. Lederer
74 Military Law Review 67-97 (1976)
U.S. v. McOmber, A Brief Critique, Fredric I. Lederer
1976 Army Lawyer 5-7
Constructive Cash Distributions, John W. Lee
1976 William & Mary Annual Tax Conference
Credited Service After ERISA, John W. Lee
31 Tax Law Review 365-473 (1976)
How to Salvage Tax Benefits When a Professional Corporation Disbands, John W. Lee
45 The Journal of Taxation 14-19 (1976)
Joint and Survivor Annuities under ERISA -- The Gamble on Survival, John W. Lee
3 Journal of Corporate Taxation 241-316 (1976)
Section 335 Active Business Management: What Advice to Give Clients Today, John W. Lee
45 The Journal of Taxation 272-281 (1976)
The "Elaborate Interweaving of Jurisdiction": Labor and Tax Administration and Enforcement of ERISA and Beyond, John W. Lee
10 University of Richmond Law Review 463-509 (1976)
Criminal Conspiracy: The State of Mind Crime - Intent, Proving Intent, Anti-Federal Intent, Paul Marcus
1976 University of Illinois Law Forum 627-656
Should Prisoners Be Permitted to Serve as Subjects of Research?, Larry I. Palmer
3 Cornell Law Forum 6-8 (1976)
Prospective Remedies in Constitutional Adjudication, Doug R. Rendleman
78 West Virginia Law Review 155-170 (1976)
The Legal Implementation of Coastal Zone Management: The North Carolina Model, Thomas J. Schoenbaum and Ronald H. Rosenberg
1976 Duke Law Journal 1-37
Rights of Englishmen Since 1776: Some Anglo-American Notes, William F. Swindler
124 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1083-1103 (1976)
Runnymede Revisited: Bicentennial Reflections on a 750th Anniversary, William F. Swindler
41 Missouri Law Review 153-164 (1976)
Seedtime of an American Judiciary: From Independence to the Constitution, William F. Swindler
17 William and Mary Law Review 503-526 (1976)
Book Review of Capital Needs in the Seventies, Scott C. Whitney
17 William and Mary Law Review 815-817 (1976)
Capital Formation Options to Finance Pollution Control, Scott C. Whitney
3 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 42-61 (1976)
Technical and Scientific Evidence in Administrative Adjudication, Scott C. Whitney
45 University of Cincinnati Law Review 37-55 (1976)
Nonmilitary Strategies and Competition for Power: The Need for Expanded Regulation of Coercion, Walter L. Williams Jr.
70 American Society of International Law Proceedings 165-168 (1976)
The Law of War and Personnel Infrastructure: A Proposed Inquiry into Maximizing the Contributions of Nonlawyer Officers and of Military Instruction in Support of the Law of War, Walter L. Williams Jr.
15 Military Law and Law of War Review 19-52 (1976)
Publications from 1975
The Future of Cable Communications and the Fairness Doctrine, Tom A. Collins
24 Catholic University Law Review 833-853 (1975)
Doing Away With the Exclusionary Rule, Francis A. Gilligan and Fredric I. Lederer
1975 Army Lawyer 1-6
Trade Regulation and Professional Sports, Jerome F. Leavell and Howard L. Millard
26 Mercer Law Review 603-616 (1975)
Data Management in Coastal Zone Planning, William R. Miller and Scott C. Whitney
16 William and Mary Law Review 773-792 (1975)
Andenaes and the Theory of Deterence, Larry I. Palmer
66 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 106-109 (1975)
Analyzing the Debtor's Due Process Interest, Doug Rendleman
17 William and Mary Law Review 35-45 (1975)
Beyond Contempt: Obligors to Injunctions, Doug R. Rendleman
53 Texas Law Review 873-934 (1975)
The New Due Process: Rights and Remedies, Doug R. Rendleman
63 Kentucky Law Journal 531-674 (1975)
Passing-On Theory in Antitrust Treble Damage Actions: An Economic and Legal Analysis, Elmer J. Schaefer
16 William and Mary Law Review 883-936 (1975)
The War Powers Resolution Revisited: Historic Accomplishment or Surrender?, William B. Spong Jr.
16 William & Mary Law Review 823-882 (1975)
Book Review of The Death of Contract - By Grant Gilmore, Timothy J. Sullivan
17 William and Mary Law Review 403-416 (1975)
The Concept of Benefit in the Law of Quasi-Contract, Timothy J. Sullivan
64 Georgetown Law Journal 1-26 (1975)
Accountability: The Constitutional Goal, William F. Swindler
43 The George Washington Law Review 459-471 (1975)
Book Review of Mr. Justice Black and His Books, William F. Swindler
16 William and Mary Law Review 1046-1047 (1975)
Politics as Law: The Cherokee Cases, William F. Swindler
3 American Indian Law Review 7-20 (1975)
The Constitution after Watergate, William F. Swindler
28 Oklahoma Law Review 467-493 (1975)
The Role of Congress in Determining Incidental Powers of the President and of the Federal Courts: A Comment on the Horizontal Effect of "The Sweeping Clause", William W. Van Alstyne
36 Ohio State Law Journal 788-825 (1975)
Siting of Energy Facilities in the Coastal Zone - A Critical Regulatory Hiatus, Scott C. Whitney
16 William and Mary Law Review 805-822 (1975)
The Trade Act of 1974: Coping with Unequal Environmental Control Costs, Scott C. Whitney
16 Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review 577-607 (1975)
Publications from 1974
Federal Legislation for Public Sector Collective Bargaining: A Minimum Standards Approach, Ronald C. Brown
5 University of Toledo Law Review 681-720 (1974)
School Financing in Legal and Nonlegal Perspective, Ronald C. Brown
15 William and Mary Law Review 739-754 (1974)
Counter-Advertising in the Broadcast Media: Brining the Administrative Process to Bear upon a Theoretical Imperative, Tom A. Collins
15 William and Mary Law Review 799-844 (1974)
Regulation of Conduct in Relation to Land - The Need to Purge Natural Law Constraints from the Fourteenth Amendment, John E. Donaldson
16 William and Mary Law Review 187-213 (1974)
Prejudgment: An Unavailable Challenge to Official Administrative Action, Charles H. Koch Jr.
33 Federal Bar Journal 218-228 (1974)
Absence without Leave - The Nature of the Offense, Fredric I. Lederer
1974 Army Law Review 4-9
A Blend of Old Wines in a New Wineskin: Section 183 and Beyond, John W. Lee
29 Tax Law Review 347-486 (1974)
Pre-Operating Expenses and Section 174: Will "Snow" Fall?, John W. Lee
27 Tax Lawyer 381-416 (1974)
The "Active Business" Test of Section 355: Implications of a Trilogy of Revenue Rulings, John W. Lee
31 Washington & Lee Law Review 251-284 (1974)
Retroactive Allocations to New Partners: An Analysis of the Area after Rodman, John W. Lee and Robert S. Parker Jr.
40 The Journal of Taxation 166-171 (1974)
Multi-Use Condominiums: Tax Planning To Avoid Double Taxation of Outside Income, Michael T. Madison
16 William and Mary Law Review 37-69 (1974)
Criminal Law: Implementing the Obligation of Advocacy in Review of Criminal Convictions, Larry I. Palmer
65 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 267-288 (1974)
The High Priests Questioned or at Least Cross-Examined, Larry I. Palmer
5 Rutgers-Camden Law Journal 237-255 (1974)
Constructive Cash Distributions in a Partnership: How and When They Occur, Robert S. Parker Jr. and John W. Lee
41 The Journal of Taxation 88-94 (1974)
Book Review of Undeclared War and Civil Disobedience: The American System in Crisis, W. Taylor Reveley III
68 American Political Science Review 287-288 (1974)
Constitutional Allocation of the War Powers Between the President and Congress: 1787-88, W. Taylor Reveley III
15 Virginia Journal of International Law 73-147 (1974)
The Federal-Aid Highway Construction Process: Procedures, Cases, and Plaintiff Strategies, Ronald H. Rosenberg and Allen H. Olson
52 North Carolina Law Review 1223-1252 (1974)
Abusive Debt Collection - A Model Statute for Virginia, Robert E. Scott and Diane M. Strickland
15 William and Mary Law Review 567-400 (1974)
Book Review of Judge Learned Hand and the Role of the Federal Judiciary, William F. Swindler
15 William and Mary Law Review 755-758 (1974)
Coming: The National Center For State Courts, William F. Swindler
5 Colonial Lawyer 7, 13 (1974)
The Court, the Constitution, and Chief Justice Burger, William F. Swindler
27 Vanderbilt Law Review 443-474 (1974)
The Exectutive Power in State and Federal Constitutions, William F. Swindler
1 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 21-29 (1974)
Watergate and Constitutional Power - A Perspective for United States v. Nixon, William F. Swindler
70 The Brief 15-22 (1974)
A Political and Constitutional Review of United States v. Nixon, William W. Van Alstyne
22 UCLA Law Review 116-140 (1974)
Enhancing Public Acceptance of Nuclear Decisionmaking, Scott C. Whitney
15 William and Mary Law Review 557-565 (1974)
Environmental Benefits of Reducing Excess Air Transport Capacity, Scott C. Whitney
1 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 65-109 (1974)
Publications from 1973
Public Sector Collective Bargaining: Perspective and Legislative Opportunities, Ronald C. Brown
15 William and Mary Law Review 57-92 (1973)
Positing a Right of Access: Evaluations and Subsequent Developments, Tom A. Collins
15 William and Mary Law Review 339-352 (1973)
A Reassessment of the Legal Bases of Zoning, John E. Donaldson
4 Colonial Lawyer 2-19 (1973)
Iowa Criminal Law, Kermit L. Dunahoo
23 Drake Law Review 55-157 (1973)
The Scope of Judicial Discretion in the Iowa Criminal Trial Process, Kermit L. Dunahoo
58 Iowa Law Review 1023-1131 (1973)
System Implementation and Evaluation, I. Trotter Hardy
24 Journal of Systems Management 24-27 (December 1973)
Legal Problems in Organ Transplants, Jerome F. Leavell
44 Mississippi Law Journal 865-899 (1973)
Admissibility of Evidence Found by Marijuana Detection Dogs, Fredric I. Lederer and Calvin M. Lederer
1973 Army Lawyer 12-16
Marijuana Dog Searches After United States v. Unrue, Fredric I. Lederer and Calvin M. Lederer
1973 Army Lawyer 6-12
The Forum of Conscience: Applying Standards Under the Free Exercise Clause, Paul Marcus
1973 Duke Law Journal 1217-1272
A Model of Criminal Dispositions: An Alternative to Official Discretion in Sentencing, Larry I. Palmer
62 Georgetown Law Journal 1-59 (1973)
Toward Due Process in Injunction Procedure, Doug R. Rendleman
1973 University of Illinois Law Forum 221-253
Book Review of Equal Justice: The Warren Era of the Supreme Court, W. Taylor Reveley III
1973 University of Illinois Law Forum 408-420
Constitutional Law - The Eighth Amendment and Prison Reform, Ronald H. Rosenberg
51 North Carolina Law Review 1539-1550 (1973)
Book Review of Federal Control of Business -- Antitrust Laws, Elmer J. Schaefer
15 William and Mary Law Review 203-210 (1973)
A Critical Guide to Ex Parte McCardle, William W. Van Alstyne
15 Arizona Law Review 229-269 (1973)
Integrity of Agency Judicial Process Under the Federal Aviation Act: The Special Problem Posed by International Airline Route Awards, Scott C. Whitney
14 William and Mary Law Review 787-815 (1973)
The Case for Creating a Special Environmental Court System, Scott C. Whitney
14 William and Mary Law Review 473-522 (1973)
The Case For Creating A Special Environmental Court System - A Further Comment, Scott C. Whitney
15 William and Mary Law Review 33-56 (1973)
Book Review of A Question of Judgment: The Fortas Case and the Struggle for the Supreme Court, Richard A. Williamson
14 William and Mary Law Review 762-766 (1973)
Federal Habeas Corpus: Limitations On Successive Applications From the Same Prisoner, Richard A. Williamson
15 William and Mary Law Review 265-285 (1973)
Publications from 1972
Rehabilitation and Occupational Licensing: A Conflict of Interests, Brian Bromberger
13 William and Mary Law Review 794-823 (1972)