This collection includes blogs, magazines, newspapers, and television and radio appearances.
Submissions from 1983
Law Reform – Suggested Revisions to Virginia's Wills Statutes: Part 2, John E. Donaldson
(9 Virginia Bar Association Journal 10-19 (Fall 1983))The Treaty That Made America a World Power, William F. Swindler
(69 American Bar Association Journal 1246-1250 (September 1983))The Bob Jones Case - Over to Congress, Neal Devins
(Christian Science Monitor (June 29, 1983) at 23)Did the High Court Go Too Far to Make a Politically Popular Ruling?, Neal Devins
(The National Law Journal, June 20, 1983 at 13)The Injustice of the Death Penalty, Neal Devins and Roy Brasfield Herron
(Christian Science Monitor (April 20, 1983) at 23)Fundamentalist Schools vs. the Regulators, Neal Devins
(The Wall Street Journal, April 14, 1983 at 28)Law Reform – Suggested Revisions to Virginia's Wills Statutes: Part 1, John E. Donaldson
(9 Virginia Bar Association Journal 4-8, 28 (Spring 1983))The University at Odds with Itself: Furtive Surveillance on Campus, William W. Van Alstyne
(69 Academe 13a-14a (March-April 1983))Plagiarism at Princeton: An Academic Judgment or a Discplinary Procedure, Neal Devins and Kent M. Weeks
(6 Lex Collegii 1-4 (Winter 1983))The Enlargement of the Classified Information System, Robert A. Rosenbaum, Morton J. Tenzer, Stephen H. Unger, William W. Van Alstyne, and Jonathan Knight
(69 Academe 9a-14a (January-February 1983))Submissions from 1982
Is the Supreme Court on the Reagan Team?, Neal Devins
(Christian Science Monitor (November 3, 1982) at 22)Equitable Distribution: Virginia Code Section 20-107, Sharon A. Henderson, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger, and David A. Glazer
(8 Virginia Bar Association Journal 4-12 (Fall 1982))Fundamentalist Schools and the Law, Neal Devins
(Christian Science Monitor (September 22, 1982) at 23)How Secular is Georgetown University?, Neal Devins
(The Washington Post, September 12, 1982 at B8)Access to IRS "Working Law": New Tools for the Tax Attorney, John E. Donaldson
(Virginia Bar News (June 1982))Reagan, Discrimination and Private Schools, Neal Devins
(The Wall Street Journal, February 2, 1982 at 30)Submissions from 1981
Fourth Amendment Finality, John R. Pagan
(15 Arkansas Lawyer 168-170 (1981))Private Rights and Public Forums: Classifying Plaintiffs in Virginia Defamation Suits, John R. Pagan and Richard E. Walck
(7 Virginia Bar Association Journal 8-13 (Fall 1981))Book Review of Virginia Administrative Law and Practice, Charles H. Koch Jr.
(7 Virginia Bar Association Journal 26 (Spring 1981))Our First Constitution: The Articles of Confederation, William F. Swindler
(67 American Bar Association Journal 166-169 (February 1981))Submissions from 1980
Defending Conspiracy Cases: Mission Impossible?, Paul Marcus
(16 Trial 61-64 (October 1980))From the Law Schools: A Look at Lawyer Competency, William B. Spong Jr.
(6 Virginia Bar Association Journal 23-27 (Spring 1980))Submissions from 1979
The Legal Profession: A Look into the Future, William B. Spong Jr.
(5 Bar Leader 24-29 (July/August 1979))The Legal Profession: A look Into the Future, William B. Spong Jr.
(5 Virginia Bar Association Journal 16-24 (Winter 1979))Submissions from 1978
William and Mary Marks Bicentennial of Its First Chair of Law, William F. Swindler
(64 American Bar Association Journal 1872-1877 (Decemer 1978))A Preliminary Report on the Bakke Case, William W. Van Alstyne
(64 AAUP Bulletin 286-297 (December 1978))From the Law Schools: Team Teaching in Law Schools, William B. Spong Jr.
Equality for Individuals or Equality for Groups: Implications of the Supreme Court Decision in the Manhart Case, William W. Van Alstyne
(64 AAUP Bulletin 150-155 (September 1978))Virginia's Coastal Zone Management Program: A Legislative Crisis, Scott C. Whitney and N. Bartlett Theberge
(4 Virginia Bar Association Journal 25-28 (Winter 1978))Submissions from 1977
The Impact of the New Basis Rules on Post-Mortem Income Tax Planning, John E. Donaldson
(3 Virginia Bar Association Journal 11-15 (Fall 1977))Administration Supports Water Act Amendments, Ronald H. Rosenberg
(7 Practicing Planner, Sept. 1977, at 17)Justice Under Law, William F. Swindler
(63 American Bar Association Journal 1099-1104 (August 1977))The Role of Inter Vivos Giving in Estate Planning Under the Tax Reform Act of 1976, John E. Donaldson
(3 Virginia Bar Association Journal 14-18 (Spring 1977))Report of the Past President, William B. Spong Jr.
(3 Virginia Bar Association Journal 37-40 (Spring, 1977))President's Page, William B. Spong Jr.
(3 Virginia Bar Association Journal 2-3 (Winter 1977))Submissions from 1976
President's Page, William B. Spong Jr.
(2 Virginia Bar Association Journal 2-3, 30 (Fall 1976))At Last, after Two Hundred Years: A Documentary Record of Our Constitutional Beginnings, William F. Swindler
(62 American Bar Association Journal 998-1001 (August 1976))President's Page, William B. Spong Jr.
(2 Virginia Bar Association Journal 2-3 (Summer 1976))Public Sector Collective Bargaining: An Emerging Reality, Ronald C. Brown
(2 Virginia Bar Association Journal 7-12, 16 (Spring 1976))President's Page, William B. Spong Jr.
(2 Virginia Bar Association Journal 2-3 (Spring 1976))Submissions from 1975
Supreme Court Historical Society Organized to Preserve and Interpret Details of Judicial History, William F. Swindler
(61 American Bar Association Journal 1096-1100 (September 1975))Virginia Family Law: The Effect of The General Assembly's 1975 Revisions, Dulcey B. Fowler
(1 Virginia Bar Association Journal 7-11 (July 1975))The Practitioner as Educator: Clinical Education and the Impending Third-Year Practice Rule, James P. Whyte Jr.
(1 Virginia Bar Association Journal 27-30 (April 1975))Law School to Be Quartered in New Complex, William F. Swindler
(The Legal Advertiser (January 23, 1975))The Problem of Reconciling the Contradictory Goals of Efficiency, Equity, Humanity, William W. Van Alstyne
(2 Learning and the Law 26-29 (1975))Submissions from 1974
The Third Impeachment Article: Congressional Bootstrapping, William W. Van Alstyne
(60 ABA Journal 1199-1202 (October 1974))High Court of Congress: Impeachment Trials, 1797-1936, William F. Swindler
(60 American Bar Association Journal 420-428 (April 1974))Submissions from 1973
President Nixon: Toughing It Out with the Law, William W. Van Alstyne
(59 ABA Journal 1398-1402 (December 1973))See the Marshall Exhibit at the Supreme Court Building, William F. Swindler
(59 American Bar Association Journal 746-748 (July 1973))Submissions from 1972
The Supreme Court Speaks to the Untenured: A Comment on Board of Regents v. Roth and Perry v. Sindermann, William W. Van Alstyne
(58 AAUP Bulletin 267-278 (Autumn 1972))The Manifest Unwisdom of the AAUP as a Collective Bargaining Agency: A Dissenting View, Sanford H. Kadish, William W. Van Alstyne, and Robert K. Webb
(58 AAUP Bulletin 57-61 (Spring 1972))Submissions from 1971
Tenure: A Summary, Explanation, and "Defense", William W. Van Alstyne
(57 AAUP Bulletin 328-333 (Autumn 1971))State Taxation of Servicemen, Jerome J. Curtis Jr.
(7 Law Notes for the Young Lawyer 61-64 (January 1971))Submissions from 1970
The Politics of "Advice and Consent", William F. Swindler
(56 American Bar Association Journal 533-542 (June 1970))Submissions from 1956
John Marshall in Perspective, Dudley Warner Woodbridge
(27 Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 192-204 (1956))Submissions from 1932
Should Record in a Court of Last Resort Consist Only of the Opinion in the Intermediate Appellate Court?, Joseph M. Cormack
(18 ABA Journal 667-669 (October 1932))