This collection includes blogs, magazines, newspapers, and television and radio appearances.
Submissions from 2009
Objecting in the Open: Why Occupy Wall Street Chose Public Spaces, Timothy Zick
(This Side of the Pond (November 21, 2011))Fifth Avenue Freeze-Out, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 19, 2009))Free Speech and Civil Liability, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 16, 2009))Cross-Border Speech Conflicts, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 13, 2009))Property As/And Constitutional Settlement, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 11, 2009))Free Speech and the Furrier, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 9, 2009))Displacement, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 5, 2009))Buffers, Bubbles, and Abortion Speech, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 4, 2009))Speech and the Identity Crisis, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 2, 2009))Blogging Etiquette: Blawpologies and Self-Promotion, Timothy Zick
(PrawfsBlawg (November 1, 2009))Speech Out of Doors, Timothy Zick
The Legality and Practicality of Remote Witness Testimony, Fredric Lederer
(20 Practical Litigator 19-30 (2009))Cyber-Territoriality, Timothy Zick
(Opinio Juris (July 29, 2009))Constitutional Domain and the Court, Timothy Zick
(Opinio Juris (July 28, 2009))The Dark Side of Territoriality, Timothy Zick
(Opinio Juris (July 27, 2009))Ratify the UN Disability Treaty, Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord
(Foreign Policy in Focus (July 9, 2009))Why Conservatives Should Support Gay Marriage, Nathan B. Oman
(Patheos, July 7, 2009)E-Filing and Privacy: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know, Rebecca Green
(24 Criminal Justice 14-19 (Summer 2009))Assessing Substance Abuse and Mental Health among Lawyers, Susan Grover and Mark R. Voss
(58 Virginia Lawyer 24 (June/July 2009))Breaking Ground on the New Green Deal, Erin Ryan
(American Constitution Society @ William & Mary Law School Blog (February 14, 2009))Bishop Madison, Alan J. Meese
Submissions from 2008
Pole Dancing Reprise/Reprieve, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 17, 2008))Election Apparel and the Fashion Police, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 15, 2008))Activism and Terrorism, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 9, 2008))The University Campus as “Useless Appendage”, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 6, 2008))The Sanctity of Polling Places, Timothy Zick
The Crash and a Third Bloomberg Term, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 30, 2008))The State of the First Amendment, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 29, 2008))The Fleeting Expletives Case, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 26, 2008))The Press and Preemptive Arrests, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 22, 2008))Meatspaces, Cyberspaces, and (Relative) Expressive Freedom, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 18, 2008))Freedom of Expression Elsewhere, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 12, 2008))The Political Conventions and the First Amendment, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 10, 2008))The Reaction to Convention Militarization, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 8, 2008))Pole Dancing: The New Pilates?, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 4, 2008))Porn Air, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 2, 2008))Impractically Obscure? Privacy and Courtroom Proceedings in Light of Webcasting and Other New Technologies, Fredric I. Lederer and Rebecca Green
(41 Law Technology 10-50 (Summer 2008))Enhancing Courtroom Presentation Through Technology, Fredric I. Lederer
(57 Virginia Lawyer 52 (2008))Courtroom Technology, Fredric I. Lederer, Tom O'Connor, and Timothy A. Piganelli
(25 GPSolo 44-47 (2008))Acknowledging the Impact of Climate Change on National Security: A Long and Winding Road, Linda A. Malone
(ABA Homeland Security Newsletter 3-6 (May 2008))Constitution Guarantees Rights to All of Kosovo's Citizens, Christie S. Warren
(Richmond-Times Dispatch (April 7, 2008) at A15)Supreme Court Nominees and the Fourth Circuit Curse, Adam M. Gershowitz
(Findlaw (March 26, 2008))Mormonism's Al Smith Moment?, Nathan B. Oman
(San Francisco Chronicle, January 2, 2008)A New Library for America's Oldest Law School, Paul Hellyer and James S. Heller
(12 AALL Spectrum 16-17 (May 2008))Submissions from 2007
Funerals and Free Speech, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 30, 2007))The Youngstown Question and the Presidential Contest, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 25, 2007))The Noose, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 23, 2007))Second Life and Cyber-Activism, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 21, 2007))Campus Speech in the “Post-Virginia Tech World”, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 18, 2007))The Nanny State — It Takes A Village, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 15, 2007))Be It Resolved . . ., Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 13, 2007))May Day Mea Culpa, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 11, 2007))A Rush To Condemn, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 4, 2007))Please Don’t Feed The Homeless, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 9, 2007))The First Amendment As/And Harassment, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (October 1, 2007))Thoughts On Jena and the Civil Rights Movement, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 26, 2007))War and the Politics of Free Speech, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 23, 2007))Student Tasered At Kerry Forum, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 18, 2007))“Facebook in the Flesh”, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 17, 2007))The People Out of Doors — In Trees, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 13, 2007))Constitutional Displacement, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 12, 2007))The Contemporary Protest Movement, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 10, 2007))Deterring Protesters, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 5, 2007))Public Protest, Militarization, and Critical Democratic Moments, Timothy Zick
(Concurring Opinions (September 4, 2007))Developing a Research Ethics Consultation Service: Fostering Responsive and Responsible Clinical Research, Larry I. Palmer and Joseph J. Fins
(82 Academic Medicine 900-904 (September 2007))Remote Control, Fredric I. Lederer
The Death Penalty for Child Rape: Why Texas May Help Louisiana, Adam M. Gershowitz
(Jurist (May 2, 2007))Submissions from 2006
Book Review of Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice, Michael Ashley Stein
(European Law Books [Online] (April 10, 2006))We Can't Escape Responsibility, Gene R. Nichol
(32 Virginia Bar Association News Journal 8-9 (April/May 2006))What the "Rule of Law" Requires, Alan J. Meese
(Daily Press (February 4, 2006) at A13)Submissions from 2005
High-Tech Trial Lawyers and the Court: Responsibilities, Problems, and Opportunities, Fredric I. Lederer
(52 Federal Lawyer 41-45 (2005))A Good Rule Assailed, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2005))Courtside, Paul M. Smith, Katherine A. Fallow, Daniel Mach, and Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
(23 Communications Lawyer 23-25 (Spring 2005))Concurring Opinions (Contributing Author), Nathan B. Oman
Submissions from 2004
Reconsider Old Taboo, Scott Dodson
(29 National Law Journal 19 (November 1, 2004))Global Test Threatens Security, Alan J. Meese
(Virginia Gazette (October 13, 2004) at 18A)Assessment of Clinical Skills in Medicine and Law, Jayne W. Barnard
(73 Bar Examiner 18-23 (August 2004))Courtroom Technology: For Trial Lawyers the Future is Now, Fredric I. Lederer
(19 Criminal Justice 14-21 (Spring 2004))The New DOJ: Lessons Learned from the Ticketmaster Live Nation Decision, Alan J. Meese
(Huffington Post (March 31, 2004))Honorable Service, Alan J. Meese
(New York Post (February 23, 2004) at 28)The Courtroom 21 Project: Creating the Courtroom of the Twenty-First Century, Fredric I. Lederer
(43 Judges' Journal 39-43 (Winter 2004))Submissions from 2003
The Legal and Political Future of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Larry I. Palmer
(289 Medical Student Journal of the American Medical Association 2283 (May 7, 2003))Annan Leaves Door Open for U.S. Action, Alan J. Meese
(Daily Press (February 17, 2003) at A13)"Book Review of Controlling Voices: Intellectual Property, Humanistic Studies, and the Internet", James S. Heller
(3 portal: Libraries and the Academy 167-169 (2003))Federalism, U.S. Style, James S. Heller
(3 Legal Information Management 162-165 (Winter 2003))Publications from 2002
Copyright and Fair Use in Law Office Libraries, James S. Heller
(51 Virginia Lawyer 33-37 (December 2002))Finding a New Balance: Technical Services Meets Adidas, James S. Heller
(7 AALL Spectrum 16-17, 30 (November 2002))A Non-Improvement In Arbitration Of Construction Disputes, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Fall/Winter 2002))The Legal Frontiers of Gender-Based Violence, Persecution, and Discrimination, Linda A. Malone
(17 Lex Claudia 29-32 (2002))Copyright, Fair Use and the For-Profit Sector, James S. Heller
(6 Information Outlook 6-14 (May 2002))Partners?, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2002))Black Teachers and the Struggle for Racial Equality, Davison M. Douglas
(H-Net Review in the Humanities & Social Sciences (April 2002))Collection Development and Weeding a la Versace: Fashioning a Policy for Your Library, James S. Heller
(6 AALL Spectrum 12-16 (February 2002))Submissions from 2001
The Courtroom Technology Wars are Here!, Fredric I. Lederer
(For the Defense 30-34 (December 2001))Trying to Try Sharon, Linda A. Malone
(Middle East Research and Information Project (October 11, 2001))Proliferating Chinks in the Armor, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Fall/Winter 2001))New Regulations for Nontidal Wetlands, Roy A. Hoagland and Patrick O'Hare
(27 VBA News Journal 18-19 (October 2001))Playing the Game of Life, John E. Donaldson
(26 Virginia Bar Association News Journal 10-11 (September 2001))The Fourth Frontier: With No Clear Path Prepared, Court Takes on Two More Police Powers Cases, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(87 ABA Journal 36-38 (September 2001))Curbside Justice: Court Gives Police the Green Light to Arrest for Minor Infractions, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(87 ABA Journal 38 (June 2001))