This collection includes blogs, magazines, newspapers, and television and radio appearances.
Submissions from 2001
Owner Friendly Documents Spell Trouble, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2001))When Can a State Be Sued?, William W. Van Alstyne
(66 Popular Government 44-46 (Spring 2001))Forcing the Issue: Activist Veterinarian Seeks Rights for Arrestees as Well as Animals, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(87 ABA Journal 34 (March 2001))Q: Will the Supreme Court Intervention in Florida Fail the Test of Time?, Ira Glasser and Alan J. Meese
(Insight in the News, Jan. 15, 2001, at 40)Publications from 2000
Coming Soon to Your State (But Not Ready for Prime Time): UCITA, James S. Heller
(5 AALL Spectrum 4, 15, 21 (November 2000))How to Stay Out of Court…Part II, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Fall/Winter 2000))William & Mary is No. 1, W. Taylor Reveley III
(86 ABA Journal 12-14 (August 2000))Sign Them Up, Neal Devins
(Legal Times, 24 July 2000 at 62)Book Review of Communists on Campus: Race, Politics, and the Public University in Sixties North Carolina, William W. Van Alstyne
(86 Academe 65-66 (July-August 2000))How to Stay Out of Court…And Why You Should, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2000))The Nation's First Law School, W. Taylor Reveley III
(28 Student Lawyer 4 (April 2000))Book Review of Getting Around Brown: Desegregation, Development, and the Columbus Public Schools, Davison M. Douglas
(109 Ohio History 104-105 (2000))Where Have You Gone, Fair Use: Document Delivery in the For-Profit Sector, James S. Heller
(Information Outlook 42-43 (January 2000))Submissions from 1999
Legal Protection of Design Work, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Fall/Winter 1999))Courtroom Technology in the 21st Century, Fredric I. Lederer
(Trial 38-41 (July 1999))The Case Against Arbitration, David E. Boelzner
(The CSRF Newsletter (Spring/Summer 1999))The Virginia Human Rights Act: Court's Decision Could Hurt Victims of Job Discrimination, Susan Grover
(Daily Press (January 24, 1999) at H1, H4)The Three-Legged Stool of Corporate Governance Reform, Jayne W. Barnard
(13 Amicus Curiae 12-17 (January 1999))Submissions from 1998
A Loss of Control: Privilege Cases Diminish Presidential Power, Neal Devins
(84 ABA Journal 26-27 (October 1998))Pleading the Fourth, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(84 ABA Journal 36-39 (September 1998))The Search for Global Standards, Jayne W. Barnard
(8 Company Secretary 37-39 (July 1998))The Hampel Committee Report: A Transatlantic Critique, Jayne W. Barnard
(19 Company Lawyer 110-115 (April 1998))Words Not War: A Letter from the Netherlands, Nancy Amoury Combs
(Portland 16-19 (Spring 1998))Courtroom Technology from the Judge's Perspective, Fredric I. Lederer
(35 Court Review 20-24 (Spring 1998))Investigating Sentinel Events: How to Find and Resolve Root Causes, Larry I. Palmer
(1 Focus on Patient Safety (Spring 1998))Don't Rush the Court, Neal Devins and Michael A. Fitts
(The New York Times, February 16, 1998 at A15)Submissions from 1997
The Last Word Debate: How Social and Political Forces Shape Constitutional Values, Neal Devins
(83 ABA Journal 46-50 (October 1997))The Courtroom as a Stop on the Information Superhighway, Fredric I. Lederer
(71 Reform 4-9 (Spring 1997))The Fishing Gets Easier, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(83 ABA Journal 46-49 (January 1997))Submissions from 1996
Some Thoughts on the Education of Lawyers, Thomas G. Krattenmaker
(22 Virginia Bar Association Journal 19, 22, 31 (Spring 1996))Law and the Internet: What are the Dangers of Putting the World at Your Fingertips?, I. Trotter Hardy
(5 Business Law Today 8-14 (March/April 1996))Separate but Equal Revisited, Kathryn R. Urbonya
(82 ABA Journal 44-45 (February 1996))Submissions from 1995
The AALL National Conference on Legal Information Issues: Charting the Course of the Legal Information Revolution, James S. Heller
(26 Law Librarian 518-523 (December 1995))A Doctrine By Any Other Name: The Putative Rejection of "Crashworthiness" in Virginia Products Liability Law, Paul A. LeBel
(21 Virginia Bar Association Journal 12-14 (Fall 1995))Censorship of Cyberspace a Personal Choice, I. Trotter Hardy
(San Francisco Examiner, June 4, 1995 at B-5, B-7)Book Review of The Separate City: Black Communities in the Urban South, Davison M. Douglas
(79 Georgia Historical Quarterly 995-996 (1995))Forgotten Victims: Responsibility Under Law for Systematic Sexual Violence Toward Women During Warfare, Linda A. Malone
(1995 William & Mary Lawyer 12-14)Submissions from 1994
The Supreme Court's Heightened Review of Land Use Exactions in Dolan v. City of Tigard, Lynda L. Butler
(15 The Fee Simple: The Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section 22-24 (November 1994))Revolution in Courtroom Technology Presents Opportunity and Risk, Fredric I. Lederer
(Trial 86-90 (November 1994))Copyright Law and American Law Libraries: A 1994 Status Report, James S. Heller
(25 Law Librarian 128-135 (September 1994))Dolan v. City of Tigard: Land Use Exactions After Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, Lynda L. Butler
(14 The Fee Simple: The Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section 57-59 (May 1994))Covenants Not to Compete in the Real Property Context: An Update, Lynda L. Butler and Matthew Klepper
(14 The Fee Simple: The Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section 35-40 (May 1994))Tenure: A Conscientious Objective, William W. Van Alstyne
(Change Magazine 88 (May/June 1994))Courtroom 21: A Model Courtroom of the 21st Century, Fredric I. Lederer
(6 Court Technology Bulletin 1, 5, 7 (January/February 1994))Submissions from 1993
The Man Behind the "Wythe", Davison M. Douglas
(William & Mary Lawyer 9-11 (1993))Submissions from 1992
Book Review of Law, Gender and Injustice: A Legal History of U.S. Women, Linda A. Malone
(28 Trial 69-70 (December 1992))Barnhill v. Johnson and Payment by Check on the Eve of Bankruptcy: Implications for the Real Estate Attorney, Lynda L. Butler
(13 The Fee Simple: The Newsletter of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section 43-46 (November 1992))First Amendment - Does Media Coverage Influence the Outcome of Judicial Decisions?, Bruce Fein and Rodney A. Smolla
(78 ABA Journal 48-49 (October 1992))The Fall and Rise of the Entrapment Defense, Paul Marcus
(16 The Champion 8-12 (September/October 1992))Sears Incentives: A Wall Street Parallel, Jayne W. Barnard
(The New York Times, August 30, 1992 at 11)Ethical Considerations of Representing the Elderly, John E. Donaldson
(1 Shepard's Elder Care/Law Newsletter 1-6 (February 1992))Submissions from 1991
Reducing Tenure in the Boardroom, Jayne W. Barnard
(The New York Times, December 22, 1991 at 11)Lessons of Founding Fatherhood, Neal Devins
(Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1991 at C21)Premerger Review and Bankruptcy: The Meaning of Section 363(B)(2), Robert B. Greenbaum and Alan J. Meese
(8 Antitrust Magazine 35-37 (Fall 1991))Legacy - A Conversation with James Madison, Rodney A. Smolla
(77 ABA Journal 50-53 (August 1991))Ethical Considerations of Representing the Elderly, John E. Donaldson
(130 Trusts and Estates 18-27 (1991))First Amendment - What Content Restrictions Can Congress Place on NEA Grants?, William Bradford Reynolds and Rodney A. Smolla
(77 ABA Journal 36-37 (June 1991))The Conservation Provisions of the 1990 Farm Bill, Linda A. Malone
(8 Agricultural Law Update 4-6 (May 1991))Copyright Essentials for Librarians, James S. Heller
(49 North Carolina Libraries 5-8 (Spring 1991))Submissions from 1990
Why the Veto Hurts More Than You Think, Susan Grover
(Legal Times, Nov. 5, 1990, at 34)The Civil Rights Commission Backslides, Neal Devins
(The Wall Street Journal, October 19, 1990 at A14)Reconciling Fairness and Racial Preference, Susan Grover
(Legal Times, July 2, 1990, at 23-24)Line Drawing, Neal Devins
(The Washington Post, June 16, 1990 at A21)Challenge and Change: Perspectives on Central Europe, Jayne W. Barnard
(1990 William & Mary Lawyer 17-18)Submissions from 1989
Pierson v. Post and the America's Cup Litigation, Lynda L. Butler
(10 Real Property Section Newsletter 10-11 (November 1989))Real Estate Transactions and the Uniform Commercial Code: Methods of Indexing Financing Statements, Lynda L. Butler
(10 Real Property Section Newsletter 42-45 (November 1989))Reform Libel Law?, Rodney A. Smolla and Don Reuben
(75 ABA Journal 42-43 (April 1989))A Defense of the Annenberg Libel Reform Proposal, Rodney A. Smolla
(7 Communications Lawyer 3, 9-11 (Winter 1989))Submissions from 1988
Mullins v. Simmons: The Early Vesting Rule and the "Death Without Issue: Clause, Lynda L. Butler
(8 Real Property Section Newsletter 17-19 (May 1988))Selected Recent Ethics Opinions, Lynda L. Butler
(8 Real Property Section Newsletter 36 (May 1988))Conflict of Interest in the Board Room - Misconduct "Market Discipline" Cannot Kill, Jayne W. Barnard
(1988 William & Mary Lawyer 35-37)Swampbuster, Sodbuster, and Conservation Compliance Programs, Linda A. Malone
(5 Agricultural Law Update 4-6 (January 1988))Submissions from 1987
Lambert v. Barker and Lost Note Affidavits, Lynda L. Butler
(8 Real Property Section Newsletter 16-17 (November 1987))Final Rules on Swampbuster and Sodbuster Program, Linda A. Malone
(5 Agricultural Law Update 1-2 (November 1987))Protecting the Right to Criticize Government: A Proposal for a Symmetry of Defamation Privileges, Paul A. LeBel
(13 Virginia Bar Association Journal 5-9 (Fall 1987))Lawyer Professionalism, Timothy J. Sullivan
(13 Virginia Bar Association Journal 13-15 (Summer 1987))Priority Contests Involving Deeds of Trust After Hausman v. Hausman, Lynda L. Butler
(7 Real Property Section Newsletter 8-12 (May 1987))Don't Write off the Reagan Social Agenda, Neal Devins
(73 ABA Journal 42-46 (February, 1987))Submissions from 1986
New Tax Reporting Requirement for Closing Attorneys, Lynda L. Butler
(7 Real Property Section Newsletter 6 (November 1986))The Judicial Protection of Unenumerated Constitutional Rights, Gene R. Nichol
(62 News Letter 77-81 (August 1986))Gelhorn and Davis Highlight APA Anniversary Program, Charles H. Koch Jr.
(11 Administrative Law News 3, 10 (Summer 1986))The Wet Settlement Act and the Problem of Delayed Disbursements, Lynda L. Butler
(6 Real Property Section Newsletter 13-17 (May 1986))A Response to Gregg Williams' "A Threat to Future Software", I. Trotter Hardy
(4 Software Protection 13-14 (May 1986))A Welcome Retreat from Government by Consent Decree, Neal Devins
(The Wall Street Journal, April 10, 1986 at 32)Estate Planning for Clients with Modest Means and Disabled Children, John E. Donaldson
(34 Virginia Bar News 27-30, 41 (1986))Submissions from 1985
Conservation Issues: The 1985 Farm Bill Debate, Linda A. Malone
(3 Agricultural Law Update 1-3 (November 1985))Reading the Establishment Clause, Neal Devins
(Commonweal 492-494 (September 20, 1985))Book Review of Armed Conflict in Lebanon 1982: Humanitarian Law in a Real World Setting, Linda A. Malone
(4 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 12 (July 15, 1985))Can a Unitary District Choose Neighborhood Schools?, Neal Devins
(Education Week, (May 15, 1955) at 17)Fighting for the Fourth "R", Neal Devins
(12 Human Rights 33-35, 52-54 (Spring 1985))Defining Public Consumptive Rights in Virginia’s Rivers, Streams, and Lakes: Is Legislative Reform Needed?, Lynda L. Butler
(11 Virginia Bar Association Journal 14-20 (Winter 1985))Submissions from 1984
Federal Courts are Becoming Reluctant to Take the Lead in Civil Rights Reform, Neal Devins
(Chronicle of Higher Education (November 28, 1984) at 88)N.H. Bar's Residency Requirement Faces a Constitutional Challenge, Neal Devins
(The National Law Journal, November 12, 1984 at 24-25)Contributory Negligence and Mitigation of Damages: Comparative Negligence Through the Back Door?, Paul A. LeBel
(10 Virginia Bar Association Journal 11-16 (Fall 1984))Seniority Rights vs. Racial Quotas, Neal Devins
(Christian Science Monitor (August 22, 1984) at 14)Who's to Blame for Judicial Activism?, Neal Devins
(The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 1984 at 34)The Supreme Court and Private Schools: An Update, Neal Devins
(This World 13-26 (Spring 1984))Closing the Classroom Door on Civil Rights, Neal Devins
(11 Human Rights 26-29, 44-50 (Winter 1984))The Kahan Report: Justice Denied, Linda A. Malone
(17 Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. Newsletter 7-12 (1984))Submissions from 1983
Inconsistent Standards of Review in Last Term's Establishment Clause Cases, Neal Devins
(The National Law Journal, October 3, 1983 at 22-24)