
K 1005.4 .M34 1622
Creation Date
Malynes, Gerard. Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria: or, The Ancient Law-Merchant. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1622/1628.
Gerard Malynes (1585–1641) first published his popular book on commercial law and commerce in 1622. He divides his work into three parts: commodities, money, and bills of exchange. An eminently useful and respected book, Consuetudo captures the developing practices of mercantile law in the seventeenth century. In doing so, it relies heavily on civil law and the practical experience of the author, who had no legal training. A total of four editions were published, the last in 1686. Oddly, this edition, from either 1622 or 1628, is incorrectly bound with a title page from a 1685 edition of the work.
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