"An NTSB for Capital Punishment" by Adam M. Gershowitz


When a fatal traffic accident happens, we expect the local police and prosecutors to handle the investigation and criminal charges. When afatal airplane crash occurs, however, we turn instead to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The reason is that air crashes are complicated and the NTSB has vast expertise. Without that expertise, investigations falter. We need look no further than the mess made by Malaysian authorities in the search for Flight 370 to see the importance of expertise in handling complicated investigations and processes. It is easy to point to a similar series of mistakes by local prosecutors and defense attorneys in many death-penalty cases around the country. If we are to continue utilizing capital punishment in the United States, the death-penalty system should follow the air crash model, not the car crash model. Capital cases should be handled by an elite, nationwide unit of prosecutors and investigators who travel to capital-murder sites the way the NTSB travels to airplane and other catastrophic crashes. As the number ofdeath sentences dwindles each year, states have incentive to enter into an NTSB model that allows them to continue using capital punishment without having to handle the complicated cases themselves. This Symposium Essay argues that capital punishment as currently conducted at the local level is afailure, but that the death penalty can be justified if carried out by an elite, national team of lawyers and investigators.

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2014

Publication Information

47 Texas Tech Law Review 151-177 (2014)
