William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
About this Journal
The William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review began in 1975 as a newsletter entitled Environmental Practice News. By 1990 the publication evolved into the William and Mary Journal of Environmental Law, and in 1995 took on its current manifestation. Publishing three times a year, ELPR focuses on current topics in environmental law and the policy implications behind the law.
Content from the ELPR Annual Symposium is available in the repository's W&M Law School Symposia collection.
Current Issue:
Volume 49 (2024-2025), Issue 1 (2024)
Prefatory Matter
Expanding Emissions Markets to Reduce Agricultural Nitrogen Run-Off
Samantha Tweet and Amy Hardberger
Approaching a U.S. Regulatory Framework for Sporeless Seaweed Biotechnology
Gabriela Martinez, Terra Bowling, Catherine M. Janasie, Charlie Doering-Powell, and Amalia Aruda Almada
Historical Fire and Forest Structure in Western Dry Forests: Alternative Models, Controversies, and Management Plan Revision
Gordon Steinhoff
The Interpretation of Environmental Statutory Ambiguity: A Comparative Analysis Between Ecuador and the United States
Fernando Muñoz-Dominguez
Patent Your Passenger Pigeons: De-Extinction Technologies & Ramifications of the Product of Nature Doctrine
Tyler Brooks
Leading the Charge: How Increased Adoption of Electric Vehicles Renews Calls for Data Privacy Protection in the United States
Patrick Rogers