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Institutes of Natural Law: Being the Substance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis, volume 1, 8th edition
Publication Date of Volume
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The continuation of the poem from the previous page:
And as the weary waves went on, They [?] a burden hand to bear, Of truth and love for ever gone, Of joys and hopes become despair, But still I watched the waves go on, And sink with(?) the distant sea, (line crossed out and illegible), Long ere they [?] that people live, The threshold of [?], And Ah! I cried in bittersweet, What rich our mortal joys and fears, What rich His pangs of days distress, What meek(?) our laughter or our tears?, (line crossed out and illegible), The watched, He kissed the [?] brow(?)
Wythe Collection