The Marshall-Wythe School of Law honored Whitney North Seymour of New York, a post president of the American Bar Association, at its annual low review banquet Saturday at the Williamsburg Lodge.
Mr. Seymour received the Marshall-Wythe Medallion which was commissioned in 1966 for presentation by the School of Law to leaders of the legal profession in the United States and abroad.
Mr. Seymour, senior partner of the New York law firm of Simpson, Thatcher and Bartlett, was president of the American Bar Foundation from 1960-64 ; president of the American College Trial Lawyers, 1963-64 ; president of the Institute of Judicial Administration, 1968- 69; and president and chairman of the American Arbitration Association, 1953- 55 and again from 1955-57. He was president of the American Bar Association from 1960-61.