
Byzantine Emperor Justinian I ordered the creation of the Corpus Juris Civilis, a compilation of the laws in force at the time, which would become a vital foundation for both the civil law and common law traditions. Important figures in the development of the United States' law used principles listed the Corpus as a guide, and to this day legal scholars and historians still refer to it. Despite its importance, the Corpus can seem impenetrable to researchers, citations to the Corpus enigmatic. This program will give a history of the Corpus, describe its components, and give participants tools for researching it.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Presented at the Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) Spring meeting on April 8, 2016 at the Washington & Lee School of Law.

Dingledy_Corpus_Juris_Civilis_Handout_April_8_2016.pdf (413 kB)
Corpus Juris Civilis Handout (VALL)
