"Get Out: Structural Racism and Academic Terror" by Renee Nicole Allen

William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice


Released in 2017, Jordan Peele’s critically acclaimed film Get Out explores the horrors of racism. The film’s plot involves the murder and appropriation of Black bodies for the benefit of wealthy, white people. After luring Black people to their country home, a white family uses hypnosis to paralyze victims and send them to the Sunken Place where screams go unheard. Black bodies are auctioned off to the highest bidder; the winner’s brain is transplanted into the prized Black body. Black victims are rendered passengers in their own bodies so that white inhabitants can obtain physical advantages and immortality.

Like Get Out, this Article reveals academic horrors that are far too familiar to people of color. In the legal academy, structural racism is the monster, and under the guise of academic freedom, faculty members inflict terror on marginalized people. Black bodies are objectified and colonized in the name of diversity and anti-racism. No matter how loud we scream, it remains a Sunken Place. Only time will tell if the anti-racism proclamations of 2020 are a beginning or a killer ending.

This Article explores the relationship between structural racism and academic terror in the legal academy and articulates an effective framework for analyzing academic terrorism.
