
William & Mary Business Law Review


Alyson Brown


Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology underlying cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is poised to revolutionize industries and processes across disciplines. In particular, government agencies and companies are looking for ways to leverage blockchain’s efficiencies to facilitate safe record-keeping. Municipalities are employing blockchain-issued deeds to accurately record property ownership. Progressive legal professionals are employing blockchainissued “smart-contracts” to more accurately record contract terms. Intellectual property attorneys and related government agencies are researching blockchain-issued copyrights and patents.

This Note examines how utilizing blockchain technology in securities trading to maintain accurate stockholder ledgers will allow for current market forces to be reflected in stockholder voting. Further, this Note seeks to address how blockchain-issued shares of stock could affect stockholder approved mergers and the exercise of appraisal rights. This Note posits that accurate stockholder ledgers will lead to an increase in stockholder approved mergers, but will not have an effect on the exercise of appraisal rights.
