Most Recent Additions
The Case for Specific Performance of Personal Service Contracts
Kimberly D. Krawiec and Nathan B. Oman
Murder on the Hearsay Trail
Jeffrey Bellin
The Prosecutor Vacancy Crisis
Adam M. Gershowitz
Why We Can't Wait: An Agenda for Justice
A. Benjamin Spencer
The Process Before the Promise: Ensuring Indigenous Recognition from the Chilean Constitution
Michaela Mazzeo
Life, Liberty, and Freedom from Non-Consensual Pelvic Exams?
Michaela Cotton
Excluded but Equal
Gali Racabi
Is the Constitution of 1787 a White Supremacist Document? Against Essentialism in Constitutional Interpretation
David S. Schwartz
Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment: Insurrection
Mark A. Graber
Extraterritoriality's Empire: How Self-Determination Limits Extraterritorial Lawmaking
Evan J. Criddle
Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Journal, Volume 13
William & Mary Law School
Provenance Researchers Wanted: How & Why the Fiduciary Duty of Care for Museum Trustees Should Be Expanded
Gracie O. Moore
Breaking the Chains: Lessons Learned from Anti-Slave Labor Laws and Their Applicability to Proposed Expansions to the UFLPA
Kaitlin Danielle Chang
Justice on the High Seas: Nonpecuniary Damages and the Death on the High Seas Act
Casey Rockwell and Chad Marzen
Failing to See What's in Front of Our Eyes: The Effect of Cognitive Errors on Corporate Scandals
Nancy B. Rapoport
A Threshold Test for Fed Activism
John Crawford
*Updated as of 02/15/25.