<h2><center><span style="color:#866F45";>Chitty's Pleading</span></center></h2>


<p><center><strong>Chitty, Joseph.</strong> <em>A Treatise on the Parties to Actions, and On Pleading…</em> vol. 1. 5th American from the 4th London ed., corrected and enlarged. Philadelphia: Printed for Carey, Lea, & Carey, 1828.</center></p>

<p><strong>Joseph Chitty</strong> (1776-1841) was a prolific legal scholar and prominent educator. He organized lectures and moots in London, taught a number of influential lawyers, and published a variety of legal treatises. This work was intended to be a practical one, utilized as an everyday manual for 19th-century lawyers. It explains who should be made plaintiff and defendant in a variety of actions, such as contracts and torts. It also describes the difference causes of action, their applicability, and common mistakes in brining an action. Additionally, it includes information on general rules of pleading.</p>

<p><center>You can <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/context/harriscollection/article/1068/type/native/viewcontent"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>download this image,</strong></span></a> or you can view the book's <a href="https://catalog.libraries.wm.edu/permalink/01COWM_INST/oaj29m/alma991014249839703196"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>record in the library catalog.</strong></span></a></center></p>
