OER and Perma.cc


Dogwood Room, Woodlands Conference Center

Start Date

31-3-2015 2:15 PM

End Date

31-3-2015 3:15 PM


Open access scholarship is just the beginning of all you can do with your repository. Open Information can provide a valuable service to your community by making law - the foundation of our society - more open and accessible. Open Educational Resources (OER) seek to ameliorate the issues caused by locked and copyrighted educational materials. The first part of this presentation will explain the meaning and use of OER and Legal Information as well as offer examples of how to create them.

In recent years, Harvard Law School Library has undertaken ambitious, challenging projects to prevent link rot in legal scholarship and court opinions, to create an open alternative to traditional legal coursebooks and to digitize its collection of U.S. case law. The second part of this presentation will introduce conference participants to these projects and the law repositories they’re producing, and will explore ways that libraries can work together to do more.

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Mar 31st, 2:15 PM Mar 31st, 3:15 PM

OER and Perma.cc

Dogwood Room, Woodlands Conference Center

Open access scholarship is just the beginning of all you can do with your repository. Open Information can provide a valuable service to your community by making law - the foundation of our society - more open and accessible. Open Educational Resources (OER) seek to ameliorate the issues caused by locked and copyrighted educational materials. The first part of this presentation will explain the meaning and use of OER and Legal Information as well as offer examples of how to create them.

In recent years, Harvard Law School Library has undertaken ambitious, challenging projects to prevent link rot in legal scholarship and court opinions, to create an open alternative to traditional legal coursebooks and to digitize its collection of U.S. case law. The second part of this presentation will introduce conference participants to these projects and the law repositories they’re producing, and will explore ways that libraries can work together to do more.