<h2><center><span style="color:#866F45";>Greenleaf on Evidence</span></center></h2>
<p><center><strong>Greenleaf, Simon.</strong> <em>A Treatise on the Law of Evidence.</em> Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown; London: A. Maxwell, 1842.</center></p>
<p><strong>Simon Greenleaf</strong> (1783-1853) was a lawyer and major contributor to the field of legal apologetics, in which legal scholars used their training to defend religious doctrines. He published his <em>Treatise on the Law of Evidence</em> (1842) while a professor at Harvard Law School. It was one of the first American treatises on evidence and became a standard work through the rest of the 19th century.</p>
<p><center>You can <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/context/harriscollection/article/1074/type/native/viewcontent"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>download this image,</strong></span></a> or you can view the book's <a href="https://catalog.libraries.wm.edu/permalink/01COWM_INST/oaj29m/alma991032913938903196"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>record in the library catalog.</strong></span></a></center></p>