<h2><center><span style="color:#866F45";>"Greene Says Board's Act Set 'Dangerous Precedent'"</span></center></h2>
<p> Article from the February 25, 1975 issue of <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/228/"><span style="color:#115740";><strong><em>Amicus Curiae</em> (vol.5:no.10)</strong></span></a> reporting on a lecture by JeRoyd X. Greene at William & Mary in which he discusses the investigation by the American Association of University Professors into the withdrawal of his appointment as a visiting professor in 1974. He also labels the law school faculty as "a bunch of sissies" for not backing his appointment more strenuously.</p>

<p><center>You can <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=blackhistorywmls"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>download this article</strong></span></a> to see it in full, or you can view the article's <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/blackhistorywmls/25/"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>record in the Scholarship Repository.</strong></span></a></center></p>