Promoting Student Engagement In - and Out - of the Online Classroom

Julie A. Baker
Christine E. Rollins


True online learning is much more than the "emergency remote teaching" that we all undertook this past spring. One of the biggest challenges in successful online learning is building and maintaining student engagement with the professor, with the materials, and with the other students in the class. This presentation will briefly discuss best practices for engaging students online. We will then demonstrate multiple techniques for creating student "buy-in" even before the initial class meeting, then building upon that buy-in using features (on Zoom and beyond) like polling/quizzing, breakout rooms, and discussion forums in active and innovative ways.

Jun 18th, 12:00 PM Jun 18th, 12:45 PM

Promoting Student Engagement In - and Out - of the Online Classroom

True online learning is much more than the "emergency remote teaching" that we all undertook this past spring. One of the biggest challenges in successful online learning is building and maintaining student engagement with the professor, with the materials, and with the other students in the class. This presentation will briefly discuss best practices for engaging students online. We will then demonstrate multiple techniques for creating student "buy-in" even before the initial class meeting, then building upon that buy-in using features (on Zoom and beyond) like polling/quizzing, breakout rooms, and discussion forums in active and innovative ways.