<h2><center><span style="color:#866F45";>"Greene to Give Seven Lectures at W&M"</span></center></h2>


<p>This article from the Thursday, November 7, 1974 issues of the <em>Richmond Times-Dispatch</em> announces a series of lectures to be given at William & Mary Law School by JeRoyd X. Greene. An "ad hoc group of 45 faculty and administration members" invited Greene in response to the denial of his appointment as visiting professor in April of 1974. Each member of the group pledged to donate one day's pay to cover costs of the lecture series.</p>

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<p><center>You can <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=blackhistorywmls"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>download this article</strong></span></a> to see it in full, or you can view the article's <a href="https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/blackhistorywmls/36/"><span style="color:#115740;"><strong>record in the Scholarship Repository.</strong></span></a></center></p>
